Auburn Mountainview High School

Course: AP Statistics, 2016-2017 Instructor: Mr. Lovejoy

Website: e-mail address:

Room: 410 Instructor Plan Time: 12:50-1:40

Materials: Bring the following to class every day (unless otherwise instructed):

Auburn Mountainview High School

Ø  Textbook

Ø  Notebook

Ø  Pencils (no work will be done in pen)

Ø  Calculator is required

Auburn Mountainview High School

Text: Stats: Modeling the World, published by Pearson

General Course Content Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the year, the student should be able to:

Read and Interpret Graphs and Statistical data

Identify the characteristics of a sample set of data

Use proper techniques when surveys, experiments, and observational studies

Recognize proportions and accurately predict outcomes

Use statistical inference to determine if data is statistically significant

Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements: Auburn School District uses adopted math curriculum in accordance with Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements and Competency-Based Admissions Standards to prepare students for success in high school and beyond. Materials, lessons, and activities are carefully selected to support student learning, measure achievement, and demonstrate competence in math, technical writing, and technical skills. Special effort is taken to assure students are meeting benchmarks through demonstration, application, and communication of knowledge as part of their course grade. In addition, commitment to quality, work habits, communication, citizenship, attendance and punctuality are considered essential components of the course grade.

Grading Scale

A 92.5-100 C+ 77.5-79.9

A- 90-92.4 C 72.5-77.4

B+ 87.5-89.9 C- 70-72.4

B 82.5-87.4 D+ 67.5-69.9

B- 80-82.4 D 60-67.4

F 0-59.9

Grading: Your grades are on the following weighted categories.

Daily Work: In class work 10%


Assessments: Quizzes, Tests, Projects,

Comprehensive Exams 90%

Work expectations: You will be expected to do quality work at all times.

1.)  Work is organized and easy to read.

2.) Answers are thorough and complete. Assume the person that is checking your work has limited knowledge.

3.)  Work and answers show that you put forth your best effort.

Tardiness and Excused Absences

The student is responsible for staying caught up while absent. Assignment lists and calendars will be issued during each chapter.

Ø  Assignments that were due during the absence are due upon returning from an absence.

Ø  Missed quizzes and tests must be made up within 5 school days outside of normal class time.

Ø  You are responsible for pursuing missed worksheets or handouts.

Late Work:

Ø  Late daily work will not be accepted.

Retake Policy:

Ø  There will be no test retakes available except for in extreme cases.

Auburn Mountainview High School

Cell Phone/Electronic Misuse:

I understand that parents want to be able to reach their children before and after school hours. Students use phones to call parents and schedule rides and extracurricular activities. However, the use of cell phones and other electronic devices are a nuisance in the classroom. When you enter, please turn off all devices and put away for the entire period. If it is out, I will bag it and the device will be sent to the office.

Cheating: Cheating is any attempt to circumvent the evaluation process, such as by:

Ø  Looking at another student’s paper

Ø  Communicating with other students

Ø  Accessing notes or other resources, not approved by the instructor

Ø  Plagiarism

Consequences for cheating:

1st offense: No credit for the work, teacher-student conference, and parent contact.

2nd offense: No credit for the work, one full letter grade drop, and parent-teacher-student conference.

3rd offense: Failing grade for the semester, removal from class (likely), and written parent notification.

Classroom Expectations: Each student is expected to:

Ø Have your book, clean paper, and pencil with you each day. Sharpen before class.

Ø When the teacher starts talking or if a student who has the floor is talking, YOU STOP TALKING.

Ø When talking to your neighbor, monitor your volume. Do not talk across the classroom. If your neighbor is talking too

loud, ask them to keep it down. Let’s help each other out.

Ø When given time to work in class, do the assignment or risk getting a longer assignment.

Ø Work until the end of the period. It only takes a minute to pack up.

Ø AMHS policies apply in this classroom

Consequences for Poor Student Conduct:

1.  First offense = warning

2.  Second offense = detention with teacher/call home

3.  Third offense = office referral

How to Get Help:

ü  I am available before and after school in room 410.

ü  Come in during your lunch.

ü  Visit webpage, look at the various sites, do the book’s practice quizzes.

ü  Find a study partner.

ü  Do your homework every night.

ü  Stay on top of your learning. Remember, when you don’t know ask right away.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I realize that you are very busy and that you may or may not be able to thoroughly read the attached syllabus. Additionally, you have probably been handed a small stack of syllabi from various teachers and most say pretty much the same things. Having said this, I would appreciate it if you would give my syllabus a quick scan if nothing else, and then safely file it away so that you may access it if you have any questions later.

Thank you,

Brian Lovejoy

Mathematics Teacher

Auburn Mountainview High School