Public Schools of Robeson County 4th Grade
Unit 3 Title: Show Me Your Money Maker
Conceptual Lens: Economics
Grade Level/Course: 4th Grade
Author: 4th Grade Social Studies Common Core Team
Unit Overview: In this unit students will learn the basic concepts of economics such as supply in demand, scarcity, productivity, and entrepreneurship. Changes in the economy impact levels of employment and unemployment. Personal financial decisions can have benefits and consequences on everyday life.
Essential Standard:Economy
4.E.1 Understand how a market economy impacts life in North Carolina.
4.E.2 Understand the economic factors when making personal choices.
Clarifying Objective(s):
4.E.1.1 Understand the basic concepts of a market economy: price, supply, demand,
scarcity, productivity and entrepreneurship.
4.E.1.2 Understand how scarcity and choice in a market economy impacts business
4.E.1.3 Analyze the historical and contemporary role that major North Carolina industries
have played in the state, nation and world.
4.E.1.4 Explain the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy of North Carolina.
4.E.2.1 Explain how personal financial decisions such as spending, saving and paying taxes can positively and/or negatively affect everyday life.
4.E.2.2 Explain how scarcity of personal financial resources affect the choices people make based on their wants and needs. / Essential Question(s):
· How does the economy affect life in NC?
· Recognize aspects of what defines culture.
· Evaluate the worth of studying other cultures. Cite examples of lessons taught.
· Summarize ways people express culture.
· How do North Carolinians apply cultural traditions?
Pacing Guide:
Weeks 20-29
Unit of Study
Show me your money maker. / Major Concepts
-market economy
-spending / Instructional Task
4.E.1.1-Review price and define entrepreneurship, supply, demand, and productivity.
4.E.1.1-Propose an entrepreneurship and make a list of items to sale and why.
4.E.1.1-Define Scarcity.
4.E.1.1-Design a plan in case your product is unavailable or scarce due to uncontrollable circumstance such as weather.
4.E.1.1- Understand the basic concepts of a market economy: price, supply, demand, scarcity, productivity and entrepreneurship.
4.E.1.2-Review scarcity.
4.E1.2-Develop a list of events or hardships that would cause scarcity of your products.
4.E.1.2-Understand how scarcity and choice in a market economy impacts business decisions.
4.E.1.3-Formulate reasons why businesses would sell or move from NC.
4.E.1.3-Describe the impact of the moving of businesses to other states or countries.
4.E.1.3-Predict what would happen to the economy if our major plants or businesses would be shipped to another country.
4.E.1.3 Analyze the historical and contemporary role that major North Carolina industries have played in the state, nation and world.
4.E.1.4 Review entrepreneurship. 4.E.!.4-Determine the reasons why and how a person opens an entrepreneurship.
4.E.1.4-Explain the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy of North Carolina.
4.E.2.1-Recall taxation on products.
4.E.2.1-Devise a plan and propose ways to spend your monthly budgeted income.
4.E.2.1-Explain how personal financial decisions such as spending, saving and paying taxes can positively and/or negatively affect everyday life.
4.E.2.2-Compile a list of ways to save money. Ex. Recycle, energy save, coupons, etc.
-Explain how your financial resources affect your expenses for a summer vacation.
4.E.2.2 Explain how scarcity of personal financial resources affect the choices people make based on their wants and needs. / Essential
-market economy
Introductory: / Instructional Resources
Text Resources:
Social Studies book
Library books
Digital Ressources:
Literary Connections: / Sample Assessment Prompts
Propose your own entrepreneurship. Tell what kind. How did you start it? What happens if there is a scarcity of resources?
Explain how your financial resources affect your expenses on going on a family vacation.