Name ______Pd. _____ Date ______



DATE DUE: ______

Human body systems are a field that biologists are learning more about each year. With the work done by researchers and doctors, more is known about the functions of body systems found in humans.

In this activity, you will have an opportunity to choose a human body system and research the details of the system. The project is made up of three parts: Rough Draft, Oral Presentation, and PowerPoint Presentation. A general rubric is presented on the back that will be used to grade each part of the activity. This completed sheet along with the rubric is worth 15 points.


A. To find topics on Body Systems –

·  Read pages 846-1010 in the textbook.

·  Discovery Health “Body Systems”:

·  Human Anatomy: Explore the Human Body with our Interactive Guide –

·  Human Body Systems -

· Systems –

·  Organ Systems –

·  Online Biology Book –

·  Human Anatomy: Explore the Human Body with Our Interactive Guide –

·  Check the library or use your own search engine to find a topic. DO NOT USE Wikipedia!!!!! Remember to bookmark the sites you use.

·  Only one disorder can be researched per class.

B. Make sure you can find the following information with your sources:

·  What organs are involved?

·  How do they work together with other systems to maintain homeostasis?

·  What are some diseases or disorders associated with your organ system?

·  What are the symptoms?

·  What are possible treatments?

·  What is the future outlook for the disease or disorder?

·  Any interesting facts, figures, pictures, examples, etc.

C. Specifically for a PowerPoint Presentation:

·  Minimum of 10 slides – 1 for each subheading listed on rubric (includes title& work cited


·  Each slide should have a relevant colored graphic or picture.

·  Information on each slide should be in bullet form with short concise information to

which you will add supplementary information during your oral presentation.

Human Body System Research Project Checklist

Remember to keep a list of your resources to include in your work cited, which will be checked with your rough draft on ______!

Name of Body System: ______

What are the main functions of the selected body system?

List and describe the components/organs of the body system.

How does the body system work with other body systems to help maintain homeostasis?

What are three diseases or disorders associated with the selected body system?

Do the diseases or disorders predominantly affect a certain group of people (race, nationality, sex, geographical area, etc)? If so, explain.

What are risk factors or environmental influences that can damage your organ system?

What are the symptoms of possible organ malfunctions in your system?

What are the treatments to symptoms, if any?

Can any organs in your system be transplanted? Can you live without one or more of the organs in your system?

Include any interesting facts, figures, pictures, support groups, etc.

Note cards should be made as you create your PowerPoint to help with your oral presentation!

Visual Aid Rubric: Categories that must be included! Remember you need at least 1 relevant picture or graphic for each slide. (When enlarging a picture, drag from the corner to maintain aspect ratio. Don’t use the picture if it becomes pixilated or blurry!)

1. Title: Name of Body System, Name, Date, Period


2.  What are the main functions of the body system?

3.  List and describe the components/organs of the body system.

4.  How does the body system work with other body systems to help maintain homeostasis?

5.  What are three diseases or disorders associated with the selected body system?

6.  Do the diseases or disorders predominantly affect a certain group of people (race, nationality, sex, geographical area, etc)?

7.  What are risk factors or environmental influences that can damage your organ system?

8.  What are the symptoms of possible organ malfunctions in your system? What are the treatments to symptoms, if any?

9.  Can any organs in your system be transplanted? Can you live without one or more of the organs in your system?

10.  Works Cited

o  You need to have a minimum of three references. The following is the proper format to use for your work cited page. For example, if you have three internet sources you need to have three separate work cited on-line entries. You will hand write or type these on a separate piece of paper, not on this sheet!

Format for an On-Line Entry:

Author’s Name ______

Title of Article______

Site Title ______

Date Posted or last updated ______

Date Accessed ______

Electronic Address> ______

Format for a Book or Print Entry:

Author’s Name ______

Book or Magazine Title______

Magazine News Article Title ______

Name of Publisher______

City of Publication ______

Date of Publication (or Volume/Issue)______

Pages Used ______

Name ______Period ______

Human Body Systems

Report Grading Rubric

____ /10 points - Human Body System Research Project Checklist

______Topic - What system is your project on? (If missing, minus 1 pt)

__/9__ Rough summary of the information you have obtained – functions, symptoms,

treatment, etc.

__/1__ References you have used in MLA format. (Minimum of 3)

____ /95 Points – Power Point

__/10__ Color/Attractiveness/Creativity

__/31_ Layout/Balance/Information in bullet form (at least 3 bullets per slide), not paragraphs

__/10_ Photos/Graphics (Clear, appropriate size, and relevant): Min: of 10 pictures ½ pt off for each B/W pic

__/24_ Quality of Information/Educational Value. For each topic missing, 1 pt off

__/10_ Title/Subtitles/Text Size/Words (Can you read/see the text color and no pic overlapping text?)

__/5__ Grammar, spelling, and sentence construction count! (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10)

__/5__ Work Cited Page 3 references min. - 1pt if only URL, only 1: 2pts, 2: 4pts

** Entire project in your own words. Papers that are plagiarized will receive a 0/100.

____ /20 Points - Oral Presentation – Use note cards if needed to supplement – Be prepared/rehearse….do not simply read off PPT!

__/5__ Time management: 2-5 minutes every 30 seconds over or under – lose 1 point

__/5__ Content: highlights of pertinent information. 1-2 topics not covered – lose 1 pt ea.

__/5__ Organization: clarity/easily understood; loud enough; eye contact with audience.

__/5__ Use of visual aid in presentation. Referencing pictures on visual aid & relevance

__ _ /5 Points – This Rubric Page

____/130 Total Points