ACAC Registration Information 2016-2017

*Parent Meeting

Saturday, August 20 at 10:30 A.M. at the Oak Ridge Civic Center

*Trial Period for New Swimmers

ACAC offers a two week trial for all swimmers. A $75 refundabledeposit is required for the trial period. This money will be returned to you if your swimmer decides not to join OR covers your ACAC team registration and USA Swimming registration if you join our club.


Annual swim fees vary by training group. Swimmers are assigned to the training groups by the coaching staff according to age and ability. The swim fees are paid to the Financial Secretary following the payment terms stated below. Families who are transferred out of the community during the swim season may request a pro-rated refund of fees if the fees were paid initially at the start of the season in a lump sum. And conversely, fees may be pro-rated if a swimmer joins after the month of October. All other fees, including fundraising, are non-refundable.

Training Group / Pay in Full at Registration (discounted) / Installment Plan: Initial Deposit with Balance Divided Over 7 Months
(October 2015 – April 2016)
Senior / $1,550 / $1705 total ($375 due at registration; $190 per month)
Pre-Senior / $1,400 / $1540 total ($350 due at registration; $170 per month)
Silver / $1,200 / $1320 total ($305 due at registration; $145 per month)
Black / $900 / $990 total ($234 due at registration; $108 per month)
Red / $700 / $820 total ($183 due at registration; $91 per month)
  • Fees are an annual amount per swimmer determined by training group placement. Fees may be paid either in full at registration (discounted) or monthly over a 7month period (October-April) with an initial deposit due at registration.
  • A 10% multiple swimmer discount applies beginning with the dues for the 3rd swimmer in a family.
  • At the end of the two week trial period; the total “due @ registration” amount and team documents must be turned in for your swimmer to be allowed into the water.
  • Invoices will be sent on the first day of each month to the primary email address on file and must be paid on or before the 25th day of the. A late fee of $5.00 will be assessed for all invoices for any payments postmarked after the 25th day of the month in which they are due.
  • If a swimmer withdraws from ACAC, written notice MUST be given to the Head Coach and Financial Secretary.

*USA Swimming Registration

An annual fee must of$75per swimmer must be paid at registration to cover USA swimming registration, insurance and ACAC registration.USA Swimming Registration covers insurance for USA swimming and a subscription to SPLASH magazine.

*Family Fundraising

  • Each family must satisfy an annual $400 family fundraising requirement. You may pre-pay ALL of your family fundraising at registration and save $20 for a total fundraising fee of $380. Otherwise, the $400 fundraising fee will be billed at the beginning of the season.
  • Each family will have 9 months to “pay down” that $400 fundraising fee utilizing grocery card credits, scrips card credits, swim-a-thon and other fundraising methods offered throughout the year.
  • This fee is non-refundable; however, it may be pro-rated if a swimmer joins ACAC after the month of October. Family Fundraising does not carry over from year to year.


Every family is required to pay $20 in concession fees for a 3-day home meet that we host each year. This fee will be billed to your family in November. These fees are utilized to do the following: (1) Provide concessions for these two meets which enables us to raise revenue for the team to keep our fees affordable and (2) Provide a hospitality room for the coaches and the USA officials who so graciously donate their time. We welcome food donations, however these donations will not offset the hospitality fee.

*Meet Fees

If you register your swimmer for a swim meet, you will be required to pay meet fees associated with the events for which your swimmer will be registered and any relays your swimmer’s coach may register your child to swim. In addition there will be a Coaches Meet Fee (charged on a per family basis, not per swimmer)of $20for home meets, $30 for away meets without an overnight stay and $40 foraway meets that require an overnight stay for the coaches. These fees are in place to cover expenses of sending the coaches to the meets. If your child is not attending the meet then you will not be charged this fee.


ACAC hosts a 3-day home meet every season. This is a very important team-building/fundraising event for our whole team! Every family is required to volunteer for AT LEAST 4 sessions during the 3-day home meet. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your child is not swimming, you are not required to volunteer. All volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. A penalty of $25 will be assessed for each session missed.

*Swim Meets

Swim meets (both home and away) are scheduled once or twice a month. All swimmers are encouraged to participate in as many swim meets as possible. The swim meets provide a measure of our progress, reinforce our team identity, and are FUN! Our schedule is posted on the web.


For your swimmer to be entered in a meet, the parent must sign up on our web site before the deadline of each meet. For some meets, the sign up procedure may be by a response to an email sent by the coach requesting each parent to send notification as to whether their child will be swimming at the meet. You will receive confirmation that your swimmer is signed up by the deadline. If they have NOT signed up by the deadline, THEY WILL NOT BE ENTERED. If your swimmer has been signed up for a meet and cannot attend that meet for any reason, you are still responsible for the entry fees, including both individual events and any relays your child has been entered to swim by your child’s coach. Before a parent or swimmer signs up for a meet, please check your calendars and have good communication with your swimmer as to whether or not they are planning to go to the meet and what days of the meet they can swim.


Home swim meets are not merely competitions, they are also essential ACAC fundraisers. ACAC hosts (1) 3-day home meet. Every family is required to volunteer for AT LEAST 4 sessions at our 3-day home meet. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your child is not swimming, you are not required to volunteer. All volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. A penalty of $25 will be assessed for each session missed. If you are unable to fulfill your family’s assignment, you MUST find your own replacement.


The away meet schedule will be posted on our web site as soon as it is available. However, changes in our schedule do happen! ACAC blocks hotel rooms at different hotels at the best rates possible. If you would like to stay with the team at our block hotels, please make your reservations in advance. Our blocks have deadlines and rooms could be released if you do not make reservations in a timely manner. Please watch for notices for hotels and deadlines on the web and via email.


All Swimmers are expected to wear team suits and ACAC caps at ALL meets unless your child’s coach has given permission for a child to wear a fast suit. Each swimmer will receive an ACAC cap and an ACAC T-shirt before the first home meet.


We are trying to go paperless as much as possible. Our main form of communication will be our website and email. It should be updated on a regular basis with all our team information. Website address: Team email address:

ACAC Registration Form

(One form per swimmer - to be turned in along with payment on Registration Day, 8/20/16 - or the first day your swimmer swims with us)

Parent/Guardian First & Last Name ______

Parent/Guardian First & Last Name______

GroupT-shirt Size

SwimmerFirst & Last Name______



Fee for Swimming Group (Pay in Full OR Monthly payment due at registration)
Pre-paid Family Fundraising
USA Swimming Registration
Any account balance due from previous season
Total Paid At Registration
ACAC Registration and Medical Release Form
Signature page from ACAC Code of Conduct Form
Oak Ridge Park & Recreation Waiver Form
USA Swimming Registration Form 2017
Please initial in the box confirming that you have received the ACAC Swimmer Registration Information regarding the Family Fundraising commitment ($400 or $380) and Hospitality commitment ($20)
Please initial in the box confirming that you have received the ACAC Code of Conduct, Bullying Policy, and Communication Policy and agree for your child to be bound by the terms thereof.


I have read the information above concerning Atomic City Aquatic Club (ACAC) and understand that to remain an active member of ACAC with all rights and privileges therein, ALL monies due MUST BE PAID IN FULL OR AS SPECIFIED or your child will not be allowed to swim.

Signature of responsible party ______

ACAC Ethics Statement

ACAC is committed to meeting the highest ethical standards in interactions with all swimmers, parents, and others. To fulfill this commitment, each member of the organization shall assist in providing an environment that supports honesty, integrity, respect, trust, responsibility, and citizenship of each swimmer. While each swimmer must contribute to the creation and maintenance of such an environment, the coaching staff and Board of Directors assume the overall responsibility for fostering an atmosphere that will bring out the best in each person. To accomplish this end, ACAC has established certain Rules of Conduct, which should be read and signed by each swimmer and one guardian of said swimmer.

ACAC Rules of Conduct for Swimmers

1. Participating in the sport of competitive swimming as a member of Atomic City Aquatic Club is a privilege and should be treated as such. Our swimmers’ behavior makes a statement about our organization, i.e. our swimmers, our member families, our team and our coaches. Our team, our board and our coaches will not tolerate poor conduct and bad behavior. Good discipline is expected at all times from each swimmer.

2.Swimmers are expected to treat their coaches, teammates, officials, parents, and coaches and swimmers from other teams with respect and consideration at all times.

3.Attendance at practices is the responsibility of the swimmer and parent. Swimmers or parents are expected to notify the coach if they are ill or will be absent from more than two consecutive workouts that they are scheduled to attend. It is also their responsibility to notify the coach if they cannot attend a meet they have signed up to attend.

4.Swimmers attending practice are expected to be on deck at the prescribed starting time. Chronic tardiness will result in disciplinary measures at the discretion of the coaches.

5.No swimmer may leave the pool deck without the coach’s permission. This will ensure the safety of the swimmer and help coaches be aware of a swimmer’s possible distress in case of a prolonged absence.

6.Swimmers are expected to participate in workouts to the best of their ability. Disruption of team practice due to inappropriate behavior of one swimmer will not be tolerated.

7.A curfew will be imposed at all away meets appropriate to the finish of the day’s events. A swimmer who breaks curfew will be scratched from the next day’s events and, in the case of a national championship, will be sent home at his/her own expense. Each swimmer will be expected to adhere to any chaperone policy established for a meet he/she is attending.

8.No profanity, inappropriate physical conduct, smoking, alcohol, performance- enhancing drugs, or other banned substances will be tolerated.

ACAC Rules of Conduct for Parents

1.Encourage your swimmer! The best thing you can say to your swimmer is, "I love to watch you swim!".

2.Remember, the attitudes and behaviors of the parents, and their outlook on the sport, have an important effect on the child. In swimming, as in life, nobody can “win” or “succeed” all the time—there will always be some disappointments. Every child can gain from his experience, whether or not he ever wins a single race. The important thing is to keep on striving to do better next time. The secret is not to produce great swimmers, but to produce great young people who happen to swim.

3.Don’t expect swimmers to swim best times every time. They won’t!

4.Have fun and remember that although your child may not go to the Olympics, their swimming experience will help them in the game of life.

5.Accept responsibility to make ACAC a successful swim team for all members. Strive to always be an ambassador for our team, and make your actions and/or words appropriate to team goals.

6.Don’t assume that a swimmer doing a stroke incorrectly has not been told to correct it (and how to correct it) by the coaches, or that the swimmer is not consciously trying to correct the stroke. Some habits are difficult to break, and may take time. Some bad habits are never completely eliminated.

7.Parents will refrain from comparing their swimmers with other swimmers in the program or from openly criticizing coaches, swimmers, other parents, or other programs.

8.Parents are expected to bring any problems they may experience at workouts, meets, or any other ACAC related activity to the attention of the Membership Director in a timely manner so that the problems can be addressed/resolved in a timely manner.

9.Parents are not permitted on the pool deck of any facility during practice. Please refrain from communication with swimmers or coaches during practice. This will allow coaches to conduct effective, uninterrupted practices, maximizing your swimmers time in the pool.

10.Fulfill meet worker requirements, found on registration form, with a joyful attitude and with excellence.

11.Please refrain from approaching meet officials or safety marshals. If parents have questions or concerns, they should communicate with an ACAC meet director and let the meet director interact with meet officials.

Parent Signature: ______

Swimmer Signature: ______

Date: ______