Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Town of Mantua Council

Held Sept. 3, 2015

Mantua, Utah @ 6:30 p.m.

Attending: Mayor Johnson, Council members Jan Palmer, Steve Howard, Phil Facer, Margo Miles, recorder Janis Johnson

Others attending:Brett Kearl, Jenn Gardner, Keith Gardner, Mike Christiansen, Hillary Udy,

Cindy Gibbons, Leslie Berndt, Sydnie Keller, Tom Walker, Harper Johnson, Scott Wilding, Lynn and Charlotte Quilter, Donna Flint, Matt Flynn

Invocation: Margo Miles

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Johnson

Consideration of the minutes held Aug 27,2015: not approved, will approve next meeting

Building permit deed: no discussion

Access Brigham City Road/Tom Walker: Stated he wants access to build a home on non-compliant lot. As per the town attorney’s recommendation he does not qualify for an appeal to a variance committee. 3.4 #4 (Highlighted on attached form) 7.1.7 prohibits flag lots. Steve confirmed this ordinance. Tom stated his property is not a flag lot. Phil read frontage ordinance. Mayor stated no provision to grant a variance. Mayor suggests Tom do more homework and see if he can come up with a reason this ordinance should be amended for the best interest of the town. Then Planning and Zoning would have to make a recommendation to council to change ordinance.

Phil suggests getting with other land owners, Margo states ordinance needs more clarification before changes.

Marriage Licenses: Mayor would like to not perform any marriages. Judge will be person to go to.

Resolution of adopting the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan: Was tabled until plan is provided to the town. Steve wanted to review it first. Jan will email plan to Steve.

Maintenance: Harper reported and major water break and needed to contract assistance to repair this. He stated that he has had 3 of these in the last 6 years in the same area caused by pressure point and snapped. Cost of class of pipe price/replacement, saddles to services were discussed also. New readable meters can be placed with new meters in the future, incorporate fees into the connection fee. Advantage of reading and more accurate.

Discussion on acquiring land needed for storage tank/fire protection. Town can have 109 more connections before needing extra storage. This allows the town more time to research tank placement/purchase property. Areas discussed were that of land owned by Steve Jeppsen and Dennis Speirs. Steve Jeppsen has no desire to sell at this time. Harper stated he could contact Dennis Speirs to see about purchase costs and also about ground being tested to be adequate for storage tank.

Mayor ask Harper if he needed more help with maintenance. Harper Stated he is fine and we need to take each year at a time. Town doesn’t have finances to hire another permanent full time person with benefits as this time to start training. If an emergency arises, Harper feels like there is enough qualified people that could step up and help with such things as snow removal etc.

Planning and Zoning: Harper Johnson was appointed by the council as a new member of the P&Z committee. Town Attorney stated that there is no conflict with Harper being an employee and a P&Z member.

Cemetery: Steve Lowder will submit a bid to town remove trees from cemetery that are starting to disturb that headstones with root growth. Issue was discussed about branches by Gordon Biglers needing trimmed up. It is the responsibility of the land owner to maintain the growth and keep branches trimmed up.

Law Enforcement: Stop sign on Rocky dug road has sunflowers that need removed. Mayor stated police car was just towed and will look into what the cause is.

Water: Wiring in pump house about 3 weeks away. Water meters to be replaced on current broken ones. New ones tamper proof. Water rates reconfirm. State funding, we don’t qualify our water rates are too low.

Consideration of the Bills: motion to pay the bills by Steve, second Phil, all in favor, motion carries.

Council Comments: Margo stated that everyone needs to be treated the same (in reference to Tom Walker), continue to enforce ordinances and standards equally. A Flag lot = no frontage, ordinance stands and must be abided by and be consistent.

Mayor’s Comments: Spencer Jeppsen issue of water meter and passed payment of water. Town Attorney stated burden of proof is on land owner to proof this water hook up was purchased and monthly payment has been paid. Harper researched back to 1975 and could not find transaction of this water purchase or that fees have been paid monthly to keep it active.

Public Comments:Keith Gardner felt like Mr. Walker should not have had to return 4 times to get same result. Council stated Mr. Walker was trying to find a way to make this work out. P& Z told him “no” the first time and he chose to pursue the issue of his ownfree will. He wasn’t able to find a good cause for a variance to be granted.

Leslie Berndt stated she has raised $75.00 for new lights for flags. The Council thanks her for her efforts. Harper will work with Robert Watters to get these in place.

Meeting Closure:motion to close by Steve, second by Jan, all in favor, motion carries

Meeting adjourns at 7:38 p.m.