Humanities 8 – Reflection Presentation

You will hand in the following:

·  TWO reflections – typed - one page long each.

·  Your reflection is expected to contain an opinion backed up with an explanation and examples.

·  Submitted reflections will also marked for neatness and artistic creativity. The reflection / journal is an expression of yourself – make it personal.

·  One of the two reflections you chose to submit will be presented to the class – so be sure to pick one you are comfortable speaking about.

Possible Topics

In case you missed (or misplaced) a reflection / journal entry these are the topics we wrote on:

·  Bullying

·  Community

·  Tradition

·  Person vs Society - Personal experience with witnessing or feeling “in conflict” with your society.

·  “Moral” – What is a lesson you wish you knew when you were younger / would pass on to a younger family member.

·  Effort – “In Great attempts it is glorious even to fail” – Vince Lombardi “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory” – Mahatma Gandhi “Leaders are made, not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi

·  Teamwork – How did it feel to be responsible to teach others in your group? How did it feel to rely on others for information?

·  Extinction

·  Friendship

·  Loss

·  First Impressions

·  Experience - “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”


If you would like to submit / present on a different topic, you may discuss it with the teacher!

We will go over the “marking” breakdown in class.