Easter 2005II. The Triumph of the King

By KC Ung


  1. The Trial of the King.Luke Ch. 23

A.The King Tried.23:1-25

B.The King Crucified.23:26-43

C.The King Died.23:50-56

Intro. : The Resurrection of the King is …

(1)Biblical Prophecy Verified.

(2)Christ’s Predictions “Verily, Verily true”.

(3)Divine Proof of the Verity of the Plan of Redemption.

  1. The Triumph of the KingLuke Ch. 24.
  2. The King Resurrected.24:1-12
  3. The Reality of the Resurrection.24:1-3
  4. The Women with Spices came to embalm the body.v. 1
  5. The Weighty Stone rolled away.v. 2
  6. The Wonder of a Sepulchered body not there.v. 3 ct. 23:55
  1. The Revelation of a Risen Christ.24:4-9
  2. The Angels’ Announcement – they should Remember.v. 4-6
  3. They did Remember and they Returned to Relay the news.v. 7-10
  1. The Apostles Regarded it not, Returned to the Tomb puzzled.24:11-12
  2. They could not Believe the Resurrection.v. 11
  3. They Beheld the linen clothes lying by themselves and wondered.v. 12 cf. Jn. 20:6, 7

B.The King Recognised.24:13-32, 44

  1. The Two Dejected Disciples Reasoned and failed to Recognise Jesus.24:13-16
  2. They could Relate the events but they Recognised (saw) Him not.24:17- 24
  3. The Disciples Rebuked – they ought to know and believe the Scriptures:24:25-27
  4. Their Composition – the Pentateuch (Moses), Prophets, and Psalmsvv. 27, 44
  5. Their Concern – to Portray Christ from beginning to end.vv. 27, 44 – concerning Himself.
  6. Their Commitment – to Prophesy of His Sufferings and His Glory.v. 26 cf. I Pet. 1:11
  7. Christ Revealed to the Disciples when: 24:28-32
  8. They invited Him into their Home – Abide with us.v. 29
  9. They allowed Him to be their Host – He took bread…gave it to them.v. 30
  10. They opened to Him their eyes and their Hearts – out hearts burn …vv. 31, 32

Thus they Recognised Christ!v. 31

C. “The King is Risen” – the Witnesses.24:33-53

  1. As witnessed by the two Emmaus disciples and Peter.vv. 33-35
  2. As witnessed by the Eleven in His own personal appearance.vv. 36-43
  1. He greeted them with Peace.v. 36
  2. He was Jesus in Person – not a Phantom.vv. 37-40
  3. He could eat a Piece of broiled fishvv. 41-43
  4. As witnessed by the Evidence of Scripture – He must rise again!vv. 44-48
  1. The Pentateuch, Prophets and Psalms speak Regarding Himvv. 44-46
  2. The Plan of Redemption demands a Resurrection.v. 47a cf. I Cor. 15:17
  3. The Preaching of the Gospel demands a Risen Christ. v. 47b cf. I Cor. 15:14

And ye are witnesses of these things.v. 48

Conclusion: The Triumph of the Resurrection makes possible…24:49-53

  1. The Ascension of the King in Triumph.24:49-51
  2. The Adoration of His people in Time.24:52, 53

O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,

O come, let us adore Him,

Christ, the Lord.

Latin hymn, 18th Century; translated by Frederick Oakeley