Creative Proposal Writing

February 9, 2011 8:30-3:30 PM

Hilton Garden Inn Tysons Corner, ViennaVA

If you are dedicated to winning in the Federal marketplace, you know how your proposal-writing can easily make or break your chances of winning. This seminar from Set-Aside Alert, GovBusDev and 90DD is a practical tutorial that will enable you to advance your skills and improve your win ratio.


Telling good stories - in English

This class is for anyone that will have to write for a proposal.

Need an overall understanding of the proposal process so you will have a context for your work? What questions should you ask to assure you have the right background and framework within which to do your work? Learn the basics of good proposal writing and storytelling. This class is for anyone who will write for a proposal.

  • Overview of the Proposal Life-Cycle
  • The Early Design Stages - what should they produce for you
  • A Writers Frame - the document you should work with
  • The Basics of Building an Outline for Your Work
  • The Elements of Storytelling
  • Good Proposal Words - Bad Proposal Words
  • 10 Rules to Good Writing
  • Sample Works and Practice
  • How to Write to a Deadline
  • Creativity – It’s not as hard as you think

Our Instructors – Al Pines, 90DD, and Tom Basile, GovBusDev

Al has worked in marketing, competitive business development, proposal management and orals coaching for more than 30 years. His experience covers a wide spectrum of US government agencies and numerous corporations. As a proposal/orals coach/manager he has developed proposal and presentation architectures and detailed designs. He is a life-long student as well as coach in public speaking and presentation techniques, having studied and perfected these skill-sets while an instructor in residence at the Philip Crosby Institute. He is the developer of the Design-iT™ proposal development process and authored the Design-iTTM Orals Presentation Guide.

Tom has more than 25 years of federal sales and business development experience spanning information technology, engineering, environmental protection and health care. He has held senior executive sales positions with Halifax Corporation, Federal Data Corporation, Grant Thornton LLP, ICF International, Sage Systems and Price Waterhouse. During his tenure, he led capture strategies for major program initiatives for civilian and DoD agencies and military branches. He has authored numerous articles on capture management and competitive business development practices for increasing government business.

Register now – space is limited!

Creative Proposal Writing – February 9, 2011 8:30-3:30 PM

Hilton Garden Inn Tysons Corner, ViennaVA

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