Biology policies-16-17


Mrs. Simcox Room 209

Testing is an important part of the educational process because it enables teachers to determine how well you understand the material that has been presented in class. It also provides us with the opportunity to give more impartial grades, because you earn them. With these goals in mind, it is important that we establish some guidelines to ensure that testing occurs in the fairest possible manner for all students. Please be completely familiar with the following procedures, which are in effect during every test. It is your responsibility to follow each guideline. Failure to abide by these rules will result in an automatic "0" on that particular test, plus detention hours as explained in the District's detention program.

1.All materials such as books, notebooks, study guides, etc. should be closed and taken off the desktop. There should be nothing on the desk except the test paper and/or the answer sheet.

2.Nothing should be written on the desk. Please notify me immediately (before the test begins) if someone else has written anything on your desk.

3.There is to be no talking during a test. This rule is in effect from the time the test papers are distributed until the papers are returned. If you finish before the papers are collected, sit quietly or find something else to do.

4.Keep your paper covered at all times. If you must leave your seat for

any reason, turn your paper over. When you finish the test, turn it over so that no one can see your answers.

5.There is no acceptable reason to look at anyone else's paper or desk.

If you have a question, raise your hand and wait until I come to your seat, but do not look at anyone else's paper.

6.Do not talk to anyone in other sections about the test or give any information to other students about the test. If a test is removed from the room, all students involved will be considered cheating.

7.No information should be written on your clothing, skin, or paper that is concealed in any way. All notes should be put inside a book and placed under the desk. Any form of "cheat sheet" will be treated as a violation of the testing policy, regardless of whether or not it is used.


1) Classroom Expectations. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Four tardiness will result in one hour of detention. You need to be in the room when the bell rings.

1. Sit in your assigned seat and sharpen your pencils before class begins.

2. My desk, computer, and area behind my desk are off limits to students.

3. Under no circumstances should you be out of your seat without permission.

4. Trash will be thrown away at the end of class.

5. It is your responsibility to contact me when you have missed a class. You will

earn a zero for all the work that is not made up. If you miss more than one

day, I will assign due dates for assignments and tests.

6. If you are involved in any extracurricular activity, it is your responsibility to

let me know if you are going to miss a class. Tests, homework, assignments,

and labs are completed and turned in before you leave school.

7. If you are absent the day a lab is collected, it will be turned in to me at 7:35

am. I will give you a pass to your next class.

8. If you miss your class period and a lab is due. Turn it in to me as soon as your

sign in to school. I will give you a pass to class.

9. Hall passes will only be issued at the end of lesson.

10. RESPECT each other a substitute, your classmates me and anyone else that

might be in the room. Lack of respect will be dealt with detention according

to the student agenda.

11. All rules in the student agenda apply to Academic Biology,AP andAnatomy and Phys.Biology


12.I expect all students to bring their agenda with your nameproperly labeled inside the front cover. If you do not have your agenda, I will issue you a bluerestroom pass and detention for violating classroom rules. Unprepared for class.

To make your year a success-Here is some Biological advice


Grading Policy -15-16-Mrs. Simcox

Grading is based on a point system. You will be given points for tests, quizzes, homework, and other assignments. Your homework grade during a 9-week period will be equivalent to one test grade.

1)Tests are announced 3 - 5 days ahead of time. If you are absent the day of a test, you will take the test the day you return. If you are absent the day before the test and you knew a test was scheduled, then you will take the test with the rest of the class. Arrangements for extended absences will be made when you return.

2) Tests, Labs and Quizzes are announced.

3)Please do not ask me for your nine-week grade. It is your responsibility to keep track of all grades. If you have your grades recorded, I will help you average them.

4)Cheating will result in a zero (0) and four hours detention. You will be given a copy of my Testing Policy.

5)Labs are based on the same point system as exams and quizzes.

6) All policies and detentions will be followed using the student handbook.

7) Due Dates are to be followed. There are no LATE LABS OR HOMEWORK.

Due dates only will be modified by the teacher.