London Homeless Coalition Memorial Committee

Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Attendance: Lorraine Stuyt, Addiction Services Thames Valley (Chair and Recorder);Sheila Kipping, St. Leonard’s; and Linda Armstrong, My Sisters’ Place

Regrets:Danielle Neilson, Homeless Prevention, City of London; Rhonda Bates, London CAReS; Mirella Bryant, Youth Opportunities Unlimited; and Tom Bissett, Mission Services London

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes and Agenda
  • Minutes from November 2017 and the Agenda for December, 2017 were approved.
  • Lorraine–Prepare draft minutes/agenda for December/January respectively.
  • January 2, 2018

  1. 2018 Meeting Schedule and Calendar
  • Lorraine apologized for cancellations sent for last two meetings. Belief is that this was an error from cancelling October meeting. Committee members agreed that meetings for 2018 should be sent separately.
  • Lorraine to send invites for 2018 meetings separate of each other.
  • January 2, 2018

  1. New Membership
  • Lorraine explained that an individual from the LHC has expressed an interest in membership with the Memorial Committee. All in attendance were in favour of inviting this member to serve on committee.
  • Linda explained that she had resigned from MSP and that she may have to resign from the Memorial Committee as well. Lorraine invited her to stay on committee as an independent member. Lorraine to verify from Steering Committee that independent members are able to serve on Memorial Committee.
  • Discussed was the desire to put out a call for new members. Benefits and drawbacks of this were discussed. Stated was that when the new member is announced, as well as during the presentation to the LHC in February, an invite for new members can be stated, but that no formal call for new members will be made.
  • Lorraine to e-mail Steering Committee to verify that independent members are able to serve on committee.
  • Lorraine to e-mail Steering Committee to verify that a new member can be invited to join the committee without having made a formal call for new members.
  • ASAP

  1. Review Lost Lives
  • Lorraine stated that no losses were reported through the Death Notification Protocol.
  • N/A
  • N/A

  1. Review Draft Memorial Fund Policy
  • Conversation was had regarding the Memorial Fund Policy. The following points were made:
Desire to have confirmed the amount of money currently in the fund (Lorraine has e-mailed Charlotte to inquire about this).
Would it be beneficial to have a set amount of fund available on a yearly basis so as to not exhaust the fund quickly? If so, would that be a calendar year? Fiscal year? How much would we make available per year?
Is there a desire/capacity for the Memorial Committee to fundraise so as to ensure funds remain in account?
Conversation was had about ensuring that enough funds are in account for the next few Memorial Events held around World Homeless Action Day
Are there physical cheques available from this account? If so, how many? Do we need to budget the purchasing of more cheques?
Desire to have goods and services that would commonly be approved recognized and listed in policy (eg. urn, photo for obituary, transportation of body, food for Memorial Service etc). Also, perhaps these could be listed with check boxes on Fund Request Form in box entitled “Description of Goods and/or Services to be Purchased”?)
On Fund Request Form move “Amount Requested” box to follow “Other Contributing Financial Resources: ie. Organization/Family” and to proceed “Cheque Payable To: (name and address)” as the math may appear to flow a little better (Total Costà less DB à less other contributing financial resources à Final Cost Requested)
Clarification requested regarding whether or not funds will be available through this policy beyond community organizations to next-of-kin, as well as other members of the community acting as next-of-kin
Is there a need to clarify who is considered homeless/timeframe after being recently housed for eligibility purposes?
Some desire expressed to revisit decision to use funds to approve gravestone marker (perhaps instead of a monument) as this is seen as something that is important when recognizing a life that has been lost
How would one make an appeal to the Steering Committee? Via e-mail? If the fund is open to NOK or other community members, is it possible to accept an appeal in writing via other means? /
  • Lorraine to e-mail Danielle notes taken during conversation on Memorial Fund Policy
  • January 2nd

  1. Review Draft Memorial Service Support Protocol
  • Conversation was had regarding the Memorial Fund Policy. The following points were made:
Connection needs to be made with organizations who commonly host memorial services (ie. The Salvation Army/Mission Services of London) to inquire about their desire/capacity to create a relationship with the Memorial Committee for the purposes of this protocol. Sheila said that she would connect with TSA. Recommended was that Tom connect with MSL. Requested was that a summary of the committee’s ask be outlined via e-mail and sent to Sheila (and Tom) for reference.
Need to understand where those eligible for CPP fit within the protocol.
Need to create a list of funeral homes that would be willing to donate flowers for memorial services.
Other issues as indicated in draft need to be reconciled. /
  • Lorraine to e-mail outline/summary of ask for TSA/MLS to Sheila (and Tom)
  • Sheila (and Tom) to connect with respective agencies about the desire/capacity to develop a relationship with the Memorial Committee in reference to the Memorial Service Support Protocol.
  • Lorraine to continue to work with Rhonda on reconciling issues related to DB.
  • ASAP

  1. Other Business
  • Meeting space for 2018 will need to be determined as MSP will not be available to the committee.
  • Lorraine to message committee members to inquire about available for meeting space
  • After December 18th

  1. Parking Lot
/ None noted. /
  • N/A
  • N/A

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 3:00 – 4:30pm
Location TBD



LHC: London Homeless Coalition LHCSC: London Homeless Coalition Steering Committee LHCMC: London Homeless Coalition Memorial Committee

ToR: Terms of Reference TBD: To Be Determined HP: Homeless Prevention

RHAC: Regional HIV/AIDS Connection CoL: City of London YOU: Youth Opportunities Unlimited

DB: Discretionary Benefits LIHC: London Intercommunity Health Centre SLWAR: Street Level Women at Risk