Waste Wise Events Agreement Form

The Waste Wise Events program promotes recycling, waste reduction, and the elimination of litter at public events throughout the Midlands.

Event: ______

County in which Event will take Place: ______

Event Date(s) ______Estimated Attendance: ______

# of trash containers needed: ______# of recycling containers needed:______

# of ash receptacles:______Organization: ______

Event Coordinator: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

I certify that the event organizers agree to the following:

o  During the event, attendees will be reminded that the event is “Waste Wise” and will be encouraged to dispose of trash properly and to take advantage of recycling containers.

o  The event organizers understand that KMB will hold a credit card number as a deposit for the borrowed containers and that the organizers are responsible for replacement costs if containers are lost, damaged, or not returned within a week following the event’s conclusion. (See below for complete details.)

o  The event organizers agree to return the containers to KMB within 2-3 days and after the event’s conclusion. When returning if no one is in the office I will leave stands by the shed.

o  A bag count of trash and recycling will be reported to the KMB office:______(initial)

Event Coordinator Signature: ______Date: ______

Keep the Midlands Beautiful provides trash and recycling containers and bags free of charge. However, if trash, recycling containers or ash receptacles are lost, damaged, or not returned, the event organizers will be charged replacement costs of $45/container for trash containers and $60/container for recycling containers and $250/receptacle for ash receptacles. KMB will hold a credit card number in a locked box as a deposit for the containers. Credit cards will not be charged unless the containers are lost, damaged, or not returned the week following the event’s conclusion. KMB will shred credit card information after the containers are returned.

I would like to make a donation to KMB: $______

***If you are submitting this agreement form electronically, please leave the following lines blank. Call (803) 733-1139 to provide credit card information over the phone.

Card type: ______Card number:______

Exp. Date: ______Name as it appears on credit card: ______

Zip Code:______CVC Code:______

1307 Augusta Road, West Columbia, SC 29169 ● (803) 733-1139 ● www.keepthemidlandsbeautiful.org