One of the next prophecies to be fulfilled is the coming attack on Israel. In the past month I have posted my book which has the chapter on this coming attack on the nation Israel. This chapter has all the specific details about the short lived war that is coming. Iran is one of those nations God said would join forces with Russia and many other nations, and try to destroy Israel. There are signs weekly as to what Iran’s intends to do with Israel. Once again on Feb. 20, 2008 Iranian leaders have made it a point to tell the world they are going to destroy Israel. Here are two of the latest comments coming out of Iran this week that were report from the Jerusalem Post. The title to the Post’s report is “Ahmadinejad: Israel filthy bacteria” and it says “yet another verbal attack against Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Jewish state a "filthy bacteria". Last week, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported that Commander-General Muhammad Ali Jafari of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps wrote in a letter to Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah that he was convinced "that Hizbullah's might is increasing with every passing day, and that in the near future, we will witness the disappearance of this cancerous growth called Israel."While Iran is tossing their threats toward Israel, Russia has been delivering a continued nuclear snub to America by revealing they began to send enriched uranium to Iran. An article in the Timesonline reprted, “Fuel for Iran’s first atomic power station at Bushehr began to arrive on Sunday, that state-run Russian nuclear corporation, Atomstroiexport, said. More deliveries would take place over the next two month.”(Timesonline Dec. 18, 2007) As of February 2008 Russia has sent ¾ of all the enriched uranium that Iran needs to fire up the nuclear plant. While these developments have been going on, Israel has repeatedly stated they can not allow Iran to start up their nuclear plant and will take it out before they start it up. This could set the stage for the attack on Israel as stated in the Ezekiel prophecy in chapters 38-39. We know God warned us Russia and Iran were going to be major players in the Ezekiel prophecy. Keep in mind that “Since 1992, Russia has sold Iran hundreds of major weapons systems, including twenty T-72 tanks, ninety-four air-to-air missiles, and a handful of combat aircraft like the MiG-29. Late last year, Russia agreed to sell Iran a $700 million surface-to-air missile defense system (SA-15 Gauntlet) along with thirty TOR M-1 air-defense missile systems, ostensibly to defend its soon-to-be-complete, Russian-built nuclear reactor at Bushehr. Moscow also plans to upgrade Tehran’s Su-24, MiG-29 aircraft, and T-72 battle tanks. Iran has shown interest in S-300 anti-aircraft missiles from Russia and Belarus, which can intercept enemy aircraft ninety to 180 miles away”. (Nov. 1, 2006 The Council on Foreign Relations).Ever since 1992 Russia has been arming Iran to the tilt and I know why. When the timing is just right, and only God knows that date, Russia, Iran and their allies are going to move on Israel. I write this now so that when it comes to pass you will know someone told you events of the future even before they took place. It is God who has given us a look at the near future through His prophecy. The Lord stated, “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things, Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.” Isaiah 42:9. For now keep your eyes on the Middle East. Watch what Syria does in the near future. I believe Syria may try to engage in another conflict with Israel shortly, only this time Israel is going to take out the capital city in Syria. The prophet Isaiah wrote the following in Isaiah 17:1, “The oracle concerning Damascus. “Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city And will become a fallen ruin.” Damascus is the capital city in Syria; it has never been destroyed so this prophecy is still for the future. If Syria starts sending more rockets over to Israel like they did last summer it could end up with the destruction of Damascus by Israel. I for one am paying close attention to these nations. This may also be the event that causesRussia and her allies to invade Israel, and set in motion the prophecy in Ezekiel. No one can tell you for sure exactly what will cause Russia and her allies to come down on Israel, all I know is this, God said it and In believe in His Word, especially when In know everything He has said has come to pass.
One of the Next Prophecies to Be Fulfilled Is the Coming Attack on Israel. in the Past