TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2009 @ 7:30 P.M.

(Minutes will be taped for transcribing purposes only)

Present: Rose Ann Ames Laurie Olmon Dan Williams

Absent: Cara Haugtvedt

Others: Jeremy Shook and Vonnie Blomberg

Meeting called to order by Councilwoman Olmon @ 7:32 pm

Re: Councilwoman Olmon statement before the Park and Recreation Committee and the audience.

Committee Members and Audience Members:

The Park and Recreation Committee is, as we all know, an advisory committee. Over the past several months this committee has been used for other things than its original intent. So tonight I am going to remind the committee members, to include myself, and visitors to this committee what the guidelines are to the Park and Recreation Committee.

First, there is an agenda established prior to the meeting and all committee members are to make sure that they read the previous park and recreation minutes along with the previous Council minutes and any other special meeting minutes prior to attending the meeting. It is your duty as a committee member to make sure that you are well aware of previous motions and rulings before coming to the Park and Recreation Meeting.

Second, the committees and the council meetings are not for political agenda. It is our duty as committee members to remain neutral and unbiased and to make recommendations to the council on Park and Recreation items.

Third, the responsibility of the chair is to facilitate the meeting and to keep it on track. The chair is also to remain impartial both emotionally and vocally. If the chair does no t remain unbiased, the vote could become influenced. It is the responsibility of the Chair to research issues before coming to meetings to help keep meetings on track and to separate fact from fiction.

Fourth, visitors to the Park and Recreation Committee have time provided to them during the open forum for comments or questions. This is informational only and no immediate action is taken on the information from the public at that meeting. This is the Park and Recreation Committee Meeting, visitors may be given the privilege to City of Nowthen

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speak during the body of the meeting but this is a privilege and not a right. During the body of the meeting, if you are not recognized by the chair, you do not have the authority to speak. If visitors speak during the body of the meeting in a derogatory or foul manner, or disrupt the meeting continually, they will be given one warning by the committee chair or the council liaison. If you fail to heed that warning you will be asked to leave, if you refuse to leave, law enforcement will be called and you will be removed.

The Park and Recreation Committee needs to set a standard of what will and will not be tolerated at meetings. We’ve had enough of the circus and just wish to move on and do what is best for the future of Nowthen, its Parks, and preserving its open spaced and environment for all to use.

Approve/amend the 06/02/09, Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes. Olmon made a motion to approve the 06/02/09, Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes; Ames seconded.

DISCUSSION: Ames made a statement that we change agenda #4 to state Twin Lakes Park Beach, not Nowthen Park Beach, notation made.

All in favor; motion carried.

DISCUSSION: Ames made a statement that according to the 06/02/09, Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes, Matt Peterson was absent. She thinks we should have a letter from him stating why he no longer wants to be on the committee. Williams replied that it was already stated in the minutes. Peterson called Williams and stated what was mentioned in the minutes from 06/02/09. Williams stated that Peterson is not coming back. Olmon asked Ames if we should request Peterson put it in letter form. After some discussion, Ames is okay with how things are; no letter needs to be requested from Peterson.

Williams made a motion to approve the 06/02/09, Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes; Olmon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

1). Chair Update

Park and Recreation Committee only has one park that they have jurisdiction over. Private citizens may bring agendas to the Park and Recreation Committee Board and Williams, as a private citizen, will take them to the City Council to be addressed. Williams stated that he has two people who are interested in being on the Park and Recreational Committee and will be attending the Tuesday, 07/14/09, City Council Meeting. Ames voiced that they were to appear before this committee first; Williams stated that since the

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committee is split now; thus going to the Tuesday City Council Meeting. Ames and Olmon both voiced that they need to attend the Park and Recreation Meeting first. After attending the Park and Recreation Meeting, they then would present to the City Council Meeting. Williams has four proposals for the City Council meeting and will discuss them at that meeting.

2). Floor Items

Dale Ames Nowthen citizen had issues regarding the meeting minutes from 06/02/09. He wanted to make a couple commits. He feels that this whole Ball Park issue has affected the whole city. People are really disturbed about it. Everyone has “their” side of the issue. Consequently, Mr. Ames was called by the Sheriff’s Office; number one - he was on the Nowthen Pioneer Baseball Team. The manager of the team also was called by the investigating officer. He feels that this issue was made more of an issue than it really was. He states that he has a relative who is an investigator in a neighboring county and Ames told his relative about this issue. Mr. Ames feels that the “Dan Plan” has created big political issue and got out of hand. Mr. Ames went on to state that the citizens of this community are very, very upset over this issue. He feels that this committee did not help it at all because they had a motive in mind when they were conducting themselves as a committee. He is speaking just as a concerned citizen and there are many others just like him in this city that feel the same way. He discussed the passion that Williams has of getting rid of baseball and Ames and others have a passion for keeping it here. Mr. Ames went on to address that he know of two teams that are currently playing here and one of them is questioning on continuing to play here because of all of the controversy. It has caused such a commotion here. There are people on the “other side of the fence” who feel that the park should remain. We should just let this thing die, let’s cooperative and work with the City Council. He reiterated what a man stated at the last City Council Meeting stated; “We elected these new people, let’s support, and let’s back them.“ Mr. Ames feels the same way.

Jeff Pilon, Nowthen citizen. Mr. Pilon wished to discuss agenda item #3 Swimming Area Buoys. He asked if there was a posting for no lifeguard on duty and Olmon stated that they will be looking into that. Olmon stated that as far as the buoys it is a state law and so we have to do it.

Williams initiated talk about Mr. Ames statement about Williams not wanting baseball. Williams stated that he never said that he wanted to get rid of baseball; he just wanted to share the field. Olmon stated that we do not need to get into going back and forth on this issue. Williams agreed.

3). Cameras Twin Lakes Park Concession, playground

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Ames stated that at one time Haugtvedt brought up that we did not want to have cameras because of the liability issue if we had cameras. Olmon concurred that this was a statement from Haugtvedt. Olmon stated that it was also discussed at that time about the Recycle Center having cameras. Olmon wants bring this to the City Council and investigate as to why it is a liability to put in cameras. Olmon would like to see documentation stating if or if not it is a legal liability to have cameras at the park. Williams stated that Sheriff’s Deputy (two of them) told him that it was okay to put them in. Olmon and Williams both shared that there are cameras are in other city parks.

Olmon would like to forward this to the City Council to have cameras installed at Twin Lakes Park; one inside concessions and one outside the play area. Ames stated that we need to check in to the expense of it. She saw a television show of people stealing the cameras off the building. Olmon stated that she wants more information on cost and liability. There is controversy about liability for the Recycle Center as well so information needs to be obtained regarding this. Williams and Olmon state that what Cara mention previously about the liability should be checked into for verification. Glaze mentioned that the recycle center has cameras.

Ames wanted to know why we need one in the concessions. Williams explained that after concessions are over, people break into the building to see if anything was left behind. Ames expressed concern of items being left in the building to be taken; Williams informed her that no supplies were left in the building when it was previously broke into.

Olmon wants to forward this to council and get the information on paper regarding the liability of having cameras.

No motion needed for this agenda.

4). Swimming Area Buoy’s Twin Lakes Park Beach

Shook discussed buoys for Twin Lakes Park Beach. The thought is to have two with Swim Area wrote on them and then a string of smaller ones in between the two Swim Area buoys. Williams ask if it is a law; Olmon stated yes.

Ames asked why we have not had any before this. She was informed that when the county had the park there were buoys up then. They did not leave any equipment for our use. Ames questioned why there was nothing there last year. Olmon and Williams stated that nobody pointed this out to the city and thus it was never addressed until now. A Water Patrol from Anoka County Sheriff’s Office pointed it out to us.

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Ames asked about the “No Lifeguard” notification sign. Glaze said they pulled it out of the lake and will attempt to put it up again and hopefully it will not be found in the lake again. Olmon has some material at her home that would work good for this and will allow the committee to have use of this.

Again, discussion of the buoys that need to be purchased. The two Swim Area buoys cost approximately $150.00 each and two are needed. These are solid high density polystyrene foam body. They are 36 inches in diameter. There is also another style priced for $374.25 each. These buoys would be anchored in. These would be taken out every year.

Also required are the smaller “in between“ buoys; a cost of $5.72 each; 5” diameter 3” buoy 2 lb. There is no chain (rope) included. Mr. Pilon asked Chairman Williams if he anticipated enclosing the entire swimming area. Williams verified his statement by asking “all three sides” and Mr. Pilon stated yes. Williams stated that there are weeds on the sides and the committee is only looking at putting it across the outer part of the lake. There is 150 feet across the beach. They put the little buoys in every 15 ft. Shook and Glaze felt that would be a good start. The larger two swim buoys will be on the outside with the little buoys on the inside.

Also looked at were the Water Ski Slalom Buoys, which are red and approximately the size of a volleyball. Olmon stated that three anchor buoys would be better than the water ski slalom buoy. Ames stated that the water ski one is cheaper and it is red to alert people. Olmon agreed that we could try the less cost approach.

The following information is to be forwarded to the City Council:

Two swimming buoys, @ $149.59 each for a total of approximately $300.00

14 Jim Buoy Economy Net and Rope Floats @ $5.72 each for a total of approximately $84.00

Two Water Ski Slalom Buoy Red @ $9.49 for a total of approximately $11.00

This will cover 150 feet.

Total cost would be approximately $403.00 without tax and postage

Olmon stated this would include two red buoys in the middle, the smaller buoys on the rope with the larger buoys with Swim Area on the outside of this. Ames mentioned the rope that is needed. Olmon stated that the rope can be purchased from Menards. Williams brought up the issue of anchoring them to the floor of the lake. Should they be permanently anchored or should there be a snap on them to remove. Discussion held regarding this with Glaze and Shook; a quick link, using the smaller red buoys as floats. etc.

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Olmon motioned to purchase the above equipment for approximately $403.00 without tax and postage; Williams seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

5). Weed Sprayer

Shook spoke regarding this issue. The reason for looking into purchasing a new weed sprayer is because the current system is not working. They are currently using granular and it does not work without irrigation system. Using a sprayer it is used on contact. Ames asked why the current system is not working to “do the job” and it was again explained to her about the irrigation system and unless they time the granules with rain it just does not work. Ames asked about the poison ivy on the trail if that has ever been dealt with previously. Shook replied that they have used the lawnmower to cut it down. Shook is licensed to work with the spray chemicals. Ames asked how it works and Shook explained it to her; liquid concentrated used.