English Handwriting practise – Find and copy out a funny superhero poem
(3 points) / Eco-code tree.
Make a label to be attached to our eco tree with a message about why or how we could look after our environment. Messages will be displayed outdoors so think about the materials you can use to make it. (6 points) / Topic
Research a Welsh hero.
Write about them in your book, add pictures and drawings.
(6 points)
Using only toilet paper, see how much weight you would be able to lift off the floor.
What’s the heaviest thing you can lift?
Record your measurements.
Take pictures and save into your j2e account.
8 points / Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Ask an adult to test you.
Jot them into your book, parents to sign.
(3 points) / Maths/Art
Invent your own picture of a superhero or a symbol out of shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles and circles)
Measure at least 6 of the sides and record on your picture.
You can draw it (using a ruler where necessary) or create it using the shapes tool in j2e.
(8 points)
Literacy - Oracy Planning
This one is a MUST
Choose a Hero or Superhero
Plan and prepare a short presentation to give to the class on your chosen hero/superhero.
Ideas! Explain what a hero is. Who you have chosen and why. What makes them a hero to you. Can you include an opinion with a reason? Give some information about the hero/superhero.
Make notes and bring in pictures/ photos or props if you want to aid your presentation.
/(15 points)
Practise your 4 and 6 times tables. Ask an adult to test you.
Parent to sign in book
(4 points) / Put your spelling words into sentences.
(4 points)
Make an edible Super hero
e.g. biscuit, fruit model
Take a photo or bring it in and tell us the class you made it!
(6 points) / Maths
Practise reading the time, knowing o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Have a go at reading it to every 5 minutes?
Draw some clocks in your book and record the times either digitally or analogue.
8 points / Log onto your j2e and play j2blast.
Practise tables on your own or play against other children in Wales
Sign in books
(4 points)
There is a selection of different homework for you to choose from each week that links to what we are learning about in school. Each week you must collect at least 6 points.
Please try to complete at least 2 pieces of homework each week and bring it into school for it to be signed off on a Thursday.
Video clips, pictures, written work can be saved to their j2e folder. Each piece of homework is worth a different number of points; we would like everyone in Dosbarth Hazel to reach 40 points by 9th February 2017
You can repeat certain tasks weekly such as tables, handwriting and spellings (as they change weekly)

Spring Term Dosbarth Hazel Homework

Week / Points