Onboarding Email

Shared by Brent Scott – The Locker Room Pensacola

First, let me congratulate you on your dedication to your business and your decision to move your career to the next level. My sincere goal is to provide you with the advice, counsel, support, and guidance to help you accomplish your goals.

I have attached the following for your reference:

  • Ratified copy of your PC Agreement

There are a few tools and resources that you will want to access early and often:

  • Passport To Success- This is your Locker Room Handbook that provides an overview and some general information about the program.
  • Coaching Prep Form- This form will be very useful to provide a structure and guideline for our one-on-one coaching sessions. Please complete this form and email it to me the day before your scheduled one-on-one.
  • Activity Tracking- This web form MUST be completed by12:00 PMEVERYMondayfor the prior week as the Locker Room support team updates numbers everyMondayafternoon in preparation for coaching sessions that week..

Many resources can be found in the "Resource Library" located at If you are asked to log into the web site, the login information will be sent in a separate email.

I have also either added or sent you an email invitation to the FaceBook group specifically for our Locker Room group. I will use that group to provide information, upcoming sessions and training opportunities, and best of all... Kudos and Congratulations on successes and accomplishments.

The next step is to access my TimeTrade system to schedule your one-on-one sessions. The direct link to TimeTrade is A link to the TimeTrade system is also available at

Please go ahead and schedule your initial orientation sessions (one per week is advisable):

  • Session 1 - Getting to Know You
  • During this session we will talk about you, your goals, your "BIG WHY", and some other introductory topics.
  • Session 2 - The Numbers
  • During this session we will talk about your CGI, your Action Plan, and your Capping Plan.
  • Session 3 - Let's GO!
  • During this session we will review your 1-3-5 and overcome any additional road blocks that are in your way.

Please set a calendar or phone event reminder to enter your weekly tracking information on the "Activity Tracking" form on the websiteEVERYMONDAYby11:00 AM. This step is CRITICAL to facilitate effective conversations about your business.

Lastly, as part of our on-boarding process,I would like you to complete aDiSCpersonal assessment and share your DiSC profile with me.

You may have completed aDiSCassessment in the past. If you haven't, here is a link to an explanation of theDiSCassessment...

There are many resources available to complete aDiSCassessment, including...

  • Paid Option
  • Free Option

If you have not taken aDiSCassessment in the last few years, please take the free one to see if you have had any changes in your assessment (I have had several changes over my professional life).FYI -MyDiSCtype is "Si" (Here is some info about the Si type...

I look forward to seeing you VERY soon, and welcome to The Locker Room Pensacola!