Release Notes GroupID 5.0.3698.0

Table of Contents

1. About this release

2. Pre-installation considerations

2.1. Self-Service Portals

2.2 Removing the existing GroupID build

3. Installing the build

3.1 Files in the Download Package

3.2 Steps for Installing the Build

4. Post-installation Procedures

4.1 Licensing

4.2 Design configuration

4.3 Restarting the Group Management Service

5. Issues Resolved with this release

5.1 Self-Service

5.1.1. [Case Number: 8618] Error is displayed when performing a quick search for a user or contact

5.1.2. [Case Number: 8619] Error is displayed when trying to view properties page for a user or contact

5.2 Automate

5.2.1. [Case Number: 7476] On updating SmartGroup; if default GC has been changed,it should assign a new active GC

5.2.2. [Case Number: 8353] Database query modifications are not saved

5.2.3. [Case Number: 8354] MMC crashes when loading more than 300 groups

5.2.4. [Case Number: 8358] IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown while logging, when a scheduled job runs through console to update the Dynasty membership

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 Creating an alias in DNS for GroupID Portal

6.2 Setting alias for a GroupID Portal

1. About this release

This release addresses issues identified in GroupID 5.0.

2. Pre-installation considerations

2.1 Self-Service Portals

This release includes a command-line utility that helps you upgrade your existing Self-Service portals so that you do not have to recreate them after installing GroupID. This utility requires you to provide the names of all your existing portals when running it. It is therefore recommended that you note down the names of all your portals in a text file before proceeding.

2.2Removing the existing GroupID build

All previous installations (versions) of GroupID must be removed from your computer prior to installing this release. Refer to the GroupID Installation Guide for instructions on how to remove GroupID.

3. Installing the build

Once you have successfully removed the existing build and the Portal files from IIS, download the GroupID 5.0.3698.0 build. You can download the build from the link given below. Refer to the GroupID Installation Guide for instructions on the installation process.

Download link:

3.1 Files in the Download Package

The download package contains the following files:

  • GroupID50en_5.0.3698.0_x32.exe (for 32-bit platforms)
  • GroupID50en_5.0.3698.0_x64.exe (for 64-bit platforms)
  • UpgradePortal.cmd
  • HotfixInstaller.exe

3.2 Steps for installing the build

  1. Run the 32-bit or 64-bit setup file and install GroupID.
  2. Copy the UpdgradePortal.cmd and HotfixInstaller.exe files to the C drive.
  3. Right-click UpgradePortal.cmd, and then click Edit.
  4. In the given script, replace portal1 and portal2 (given within parenthesis) with the names of your existing Self-Service portals. Add more portal names as required separating each portal name with a space.

Figure: The parenthesis where to enter the names of your portals.

  1. You may also need to update the path to the installation directory given in double-quotes. By default, this points to the default installation location for GroupID.

Figure: The location parameter where you provide the path of the installation directory for GroupID.

  1. To prevent you from losing your design settings, the script will not make any changes to the design.xml files of your portals. This will require you to make a slight change that is mentioned in section 4.2. If you prefer to have the design.xml upgraded for all your portals, set the last parameter in the script to “true”.

Figure: The parameter that controls whether to upgrade the design.xml file for the given portals.

  1. Save the file after making the above changes.
  2. Open Windows Command Prompt and go to the location where you copied the two files.
  3. Type UpgradePortal.cmd and press Enter.
    The utility updates the first portal specified in the file and displays its status.
  4. Press Enter again to continue with the second portal and so on until all portals are updated.

4. Post-installation Procedures

4.1 Licensing

Re-entering the license information will not be required as GroupID will be able to retrieve the license information of the previous installation from the system.

4.2 Design configuration

The following steps are applicable if you did not set the UpgradePortal.cmd script to update the design.xml files for your portals. The following instructions have to be repeated for all your portals.

  1. Launch GroupID Management console.
  2. In Self-Service, expand the node for the required portal and then click Design.
  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. In the Select Directory Object list, select Group.
  5. In the Tab Name column, click General, and then click Edit.
  6. On the Edit Design Category dialog box, double-click Expiration Date in the Fields section.
  7. On the Edit Field dialog box, set Access level to 199. (The default level will be set to zero.)
  8. Click OK on all dialog boxes to close them.
  9. Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.

Figure: Updating the design configuration for a portal.

4.3 Restarting the Group Management Service

With a new installation of GroupID, the Group Management Service will have to be restarted to enable the Group Lifecycle Management functionality for the groups. Please refer to GroupID Help, or the GroupID User Manual for instruction on restarting the Group Management Service.

5. Issues resolved with this release

5.1 Self-Service

5.1.1. [Case Number: 8618] Error is displayed when performing a quick search for a user or contact

This error is encountered when an underscore ( _ ) character exists in the name of the computer running GroupID Self-Service. Underscore is classified as a non-standard character by Microsoft and the use of non-standard characters in computer name prevents other computers and users on a network from finding it. In addition to this, the IIS is also unable to persist sessions for requests where the hostname contains underscore ( _ ). The problem can be resolved using one of the following two methods:

  1. Change the computer name by replacing all non-standard characters with standard ones.
  2. Using Microsoft DNS Server to create an alias which can then be set for GroupID Self-Service portals.
5.1.2. [Case Number: 8619] Error is displayed when trying to view properties page for a user or contact

Self-Service portal reports the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when attempting to view the properties page for a user or contact.

5.2 Automate

5.2.1. [Case Number: 7476] On updating SmartGroup; if default GC has been changed, it should assign a new active GC

If the default global catalog server for a SmartGroup/Dynasty is unavailable, GroupID reports the “Server not operational” error.

5.2.2. [Case Number: 8353] Database query modifications are not saved

When creating, or modifying SmartGroups; any changes made to the default query on the Database tab of the Query designer are not saved.

5.2.3. [Case Number: 8354] MMC crashes when loading more than 300 groups

GroupID Management Console crashes while attempting to load more than 300 groupsin thegroups list.

5.2.4. [Case Number: 8358] IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown while logging, when a scheduled job runs through console to update the Dynasty membership

Running a scheduled job using the command-line utility reports the "IndexOutOfRangeException" error. This error is basically caused by the GroupID logger while logging events.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 Creating an alias in DNS for GroupID Portal

  1. Launch the DNS console from Administrative Tools, or by typing dnsmgmt.msc on the Run dialog box.
  2. Expand the hostname node, and then expand Forward Lookup Zones.
  3. Right-click the required zone and then click New Alias (CNAME).

Figure: Shows selected for creating a new alias.

  1. In the Alias name box, type your alias or name (for example, GroupID)
  2. In the Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for target host box, type the fully qualified host name of the GroupID machine. For example, type, and then click OK.

Figure: Alias name and FQDN for target host set for the selected zone.

6.2 Setting alias for a GroupID Portal

  1. Launch the GroupID Management console.
  2. In Self-Service, expand the node for the required portal and then click Server.
  3. Click the IIS tab and in the IIS Server URLbox, type the FQDN for your new alias. For example,
  4. Click Save.

Figure: IIS Server URL set to the FQDN for the new alias.