4th Quarter Syllabus and Assignments for Algebra I

GulfMiddle School

Mr. Logsdon

This syllabus was designed to help students and parents understand the topics learned each day in class and homework assignments for each day of instruction. Each topic is broken into days of instruction. These are the days that the students will learn each topic of instruction. The assigned homework for each day of instruction is due at the beginning of next day. For example: Homework assigned on August 20th will be due on August 21st. All due dates are final! Late work will be accepted one day late only and at a reduced score. Please do all of your homework and manage your time wisely. Once you fall behind, it is difficult to get caught up again. Stay organized and do your homework on time. This syllabus is only a guide and may be changed at anytime by the teacher.

Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
Mar / 30 / Mult. Prop. of exponents / 8-3 8-4
Mar / 31 / Div. Properties of exponents / 8-5 / WB pgs. 103-104
April / 1 / Geometric Sequences / 8-6 / WB pgs. 105-106
April / 2 / Exponential Functions / 8-7 8-8 / WB pgs. 109-110
April / 3 / Chapter 8 Test / None
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
April / 13 / No School
April / 14 / No School
April / 15 / Add/Sub. Polynomials / 9-1 / WB pgs. 111-112 even
April / 16 / Mult./Factoring / 9-2 / WB pgs. 113-114 even
April / 17 / Mult. Binomials / 9-3 / WB pgs. 115-1162-44 even
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
April / 20 / Mult. Special Cases / 9-4 / WB pgs. 117-118 even
April / 21 / Factoring Trinomials / 9-5 / WB pg. 119-120 20-60 even
April / 22 / Factoring Trinomials / 9-6 / WB pgs. 121-122 10-60 even
April / 23 / Factoring Special Cases / 9-7 / WB pgs. 123-124 24-48
April / 24 / Factoring by Grouping / 9-8 / WB pgs. 125-126 2-40 even
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
April / 27 / Review Chap 9
April / 28 / Chap 9 Test
April / 29 / Quadratic Graphs / 10-1 / WB pgs. 127-128 1-20
April / 30 / Quadratic Functions / 10-2 / WB pgs. 129-130 2-30 even
May / 1 / Find/Estimate Sq. roots / 10-3 / WB pgs. 131-132 2-40 even
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
May / 4 / Solving Quadratic Equation / 10-4 / WB pg 133 2-40 even
May / 5 / Factoring to Solve / 10-5 / WB pg 135 1-20
May / 6 / Completing the Square / 10-6 / WB pg 137 1-20
May / 7 / Review
May / 8 / Chap 10 Quiz
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
May / 11 / Using Quad. equation / 10-7 / WB pg 139, 2-40 even
May / 12 / Using the discriminant / 10-8 / WB pg 141, 1-20
May / 13 / Choosing a Model / 10-9 / WB pg. 143, 1-14
May / 14 / Review
May / 15 / Chapter 10 Test
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
May / 18 / Simplifying Radicals / 11-1 / WB pg 145, 2-40 even
May / 19 / Radical Expressions / 11-4 / WB pg 151, 2-38 even
May / 20 / Radical Equations / 11-5 / WB pg 153, 2-30 even
May / 21 / Review
May / 22 / Chap 11 Quiz / None
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
May / 25 / Solving Rational Equations / 12-7 / WB pgs. 171-172
May / 26 / Methods and Permutations / 12-8 / WB pgs. 173-174
May / 27 / Combinations / 12-9 / WB pgs. 175-176
May / 28 / Review
May / 29 / Chap 12 Quiz
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
June / 1 / Semester Review / TBA
June / 2 / Semester Review / TBA
June / 3 / Semester Review / TBA
June / 4 / Semester Review / TBA
June / 5 / Semester Review / TBA
Month / Day / Topic / Homework
Section / Homework
June / 8 / Semester Exams / None
June / 9 / Semester Exams / None
June / 10 / Semester Exams / None
June / 11 / No School - Year End
June / 12

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