Outline/Thought starter for Awareness campaign efforts


Overarching Objective: Identify specific strategies to enhance the awareness and importance of Standards and Interoperability in the nursing profession.

1. We look at this awareness work as an advocacy campaign of trustedinformatics nursingexperts to engage all practicing nurses,during bothprofessional and personal lives in traditional and non-traditional awareness activities asa "whole nurse."

2.Because they have different audiences, messages, knowledge, and desired outcomesregarding healthcare, our activities are initially being considered as: 1) layman consumer-centricor2) healthcare-educated centric

a. Consumer Centric

o  Audience - Parent magazine readers and AARP Magazine readers, for example

o  Delivery Type - Blog, web pages, Healthcare Simulation (ie 2nd Life), Virtual (ongoing link), magazine articles,

o  Message - We are doing this because...

o  Knowledge - Minimal understanding of Nursing Informatics work

o  Why should they care - Because this will make....

o  Desired Outcome - We look to engaging practicing nurses in this effortby utilizingconsumer centric resources to drive questions to practicing nurses for clarification regarding nursing standards.

b.Healthcare educated

o  Audiences -

Nursing Specific:

§  Students

§  Experienced

§  Executive/Management

§  Nursing Organizations

§  Nursing Educational Institutions

§  Non Nursing Healthcare Professional (Physicians, Pharmacists, Respiratory Therapists, etc)

§  Healthcare Delivery Organizations

§  Healthcare Informatic Vendors

§  HealthcarePayer Organizations

§  Healthcare Policy Maker


1) Short term goal (Engage early)

-  Identify why this work is important to nursing (initial engagement)

o  What do we mean by ‘standards’ and ‘interoperability’?

§  Changes in patient care venue and delivery options

o  Why do standards and interoperability matter?

§  Professional responsibility

§  Perspectives/parts of the grand equation of trying to improve health systems

·  Patient

·  Front-line

·  Administration

·  Other?

§  What is the ‘elevator’ speech that all nurses should be able to convey?

·  ‘Standards and interoperability means that/allows me to …..

§  use an ‘everyday’ scenario as the ‘got you’ that grabs the attention of the audience (i.e. credit cards working in readers of merchants across the world; numbers/location of keys on keypads)

§  use some information from nursing reference (Buresh - silence to voice)

§  deeper meaning other than latest buzzwords

·  missing links that will create more gaps in knowledge that eventually will affect consumer safety and nursing provider efficiency

o  If you are calling a person a patient, there is an English speaking nurse nearby, and calling someone a patient involves some healthcare information exchange to safely support the patient.

o  It might be capturing data, viewing data, requesting data, analyzing data, consolidating data, or sharing data.

o  Standard language use and conversation structure allows ability to correctly exchange information affects interoperability.

2) Long term goal

-  Guide all nurses towards inter-connecting and engaging fully in the era of digital healthcare with all stakeholders that are committed to a common “vision” of ideal EHR-enabled nursing practice

-  Create enough awareness that Jane Nurse will be able to explain how standards and interoperability impact them and others

o  Effects on local and international health care, public health, nursing research

-  Create ANA book for sale with authoring help


1) Considerations for types of audiences that we want to/should reach

- Basic knowledge/understanding level (novice) to more advanced

-  Personal and professional lives of nurses overlap

o  Personal

§  Nurses can be called patients also.

§  With the average age of the nurse today, overlapping professional knowledge wisdom would involve exchanges to pediatric (parents), as well as geriatric age populations.

o  Professional:

§  Nurses are the largest group of healthcare providers to connect to others in standards formation. (AMIA/AHIMA @ IHTSDO already)

§  Standards will affect those that both direct care, support those who do, or obtain data regarding that care.

§  Nurses are split between students, new nurses, and experienced nurses, with different engagement capabilities, skills and interests at each level.

§  Professional accountability is something every nurse is aware of.

-  Barriers

o  Education & familiarity levels

o  Readiness


1) Evaluation (how are we going to measure the success of the awareness spread?) and improvements

-  Short term marketing metrics

o  Use a Database: Start by designing a database to keep track of individual marketing efforts and the leads and coverage they generate. Make sure you include fields to track the dates of your campaigns, campaign descriptions, the number of leads generated and contacts made. Once you have a central storage location for this information you will be able to make queries to glean the information you need to make wise marketing decisions.

§  (see Patty’s database starter)

·  Contacts from 2003 IOM report: Key Capabilities of an Electronic Health Record System: Letter Report from Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety

·  Contacts from jointly released AMIA/AHIMA Report Terminology and Classification Policy Task Force “Healthcare Terminologies and Classifications: A call to action.” (Unsure of year)

·  Original TIGER attendees and sponsors

·  Nursing Schools with Dean contact listings

·  Other organizations that include nursing

·  Academic Facilities with VP of Nursing contact listings

·  Student Nursing Blogs, with differences noted between single personal experiences or general professionally run.

·  Nursing Blogs, with differences for the same.

·  International Organizations

·  CCHIT vendor listings

·  Nursing Newsletters and Magazines, with differences noted between online or paper delivery, and frequency.

·  Healthcare Newsletters and Magazines, with differences noted between online or paper delivery and frequency.

·  Standards or Informatics Past Nursing Authors, with Articles referenced.

·  HIT Policy Makers

o  Ask Questions: When you or your staff speaks with a prospect on the phone, make sure you ask if they have heard of your work. If so, capture the info “from where?” It’s such simple way to gather valuable information.

o  Figure out how to coordinate data entry: Once you or a staff member have garnered the information you seek from your prospect, make it as easy as possible to have this information to be entered into your database system.

o  Move Your Marketing Forward

-  Long term

o  Momentum/timing for longer term goals

§  Is there a ‘saturation’ goal

o  Considerations

§  Quantitative and Qualitative goals

§  Ongoing support/budget

§  Fulfillment and response strategy

§  Follow-up Strategy

§  Tracking and testing criteria for the campaign


1) Methods/forums for spread (i.e. web, participation in conferences, letters to nursing leaders, FAQ's, trade articles, letters to the Editor, nursing blogs, other nursing wikis/list serves, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, etc.).

-  Take a start small, grow large approach

-  Preferred methods – need to consider using broad avenues of communication

-  Solicit suggestions from other successful industry experts

-  Public meetings

-  Overall support

o  Linkages with key advocacy groups

o  Recognition by key advocates

o  Other Partnerships

§  Support and welcome early adopters

-  Tool kit: Examples of the materials that the collaborative teams are developing include presentations, white papers, webinars, and articles for publication in specialty journals and text books