Birla International School




The school’s academic structure and curriculum aims to offer a broad and balanced education suited to pupils of all abilities and across the full age range.

More specifically the curriculum aims:

• To contribute effectively to pupils’ intellectual, physical and personal attainment and development;

• To be appropriate for the age, ability, gender and ethnicity of pupils;

• To prepare pupils for the next stage of their education, training or employment.

• To provide continuity and progression throughout the key stages;

• To provide a suitable and effective learning environment for those pupils requiring special provision, including very able pupils and those with statements of special need, and for those pupils who have English as an additional language;

• To provide equality of access and opportunity for all pupils to learn and progress;

• To provide access to extra-curricular activities for the purpose of enrichment.

Breadth of the curriculum

The subjects and courses provided in the school at each year level are designed to be broadly based in order to promote effective learning and personal growth. Schemes of work/curriculum maps/unit plans exist for all subject areas at all year levels. The school’s curriculum aims to provide all pupils of compulsory school educational experience in the following disciplines:

• linguistic,

• mathematical,

• scientific,

• technological,

• human and social,

• physical,

• aesthetic and creative.


The school aims to develop pupils’ communication skills and to increase their command of language through listening, speaking, reading and writing. These aims apply primarily to the teaching of English but also to other languages taught within the school.


In the school French / Hindi / Sanskrit are taught. ESL lessons have also been incorporated so that English skills may be reinforced.


Mathematics is taught as a core subject throughout the primary and secondary schools. It is a compulsory subject till grade 10. The school aims to develop a knowledge and understanding of mathematical principles by using a variety of teaching methods including practical activities, exploration and discussion.


Science is also a core subject throughout the school and the curriculum aims to increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of nature, materials and forces. It aims also to develop those skills associated with science as a process of enquiry: for example, by observing, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments and recording findings.


The school’s technological curriculum encompasses two main subjects, both of which are taught throughout the school ICT and Computer Science. Pupils of all ages are taught how to use information and communication technology (ICT).

Human and social

This area is concerned with people and their environment, and how human action, now and in the past, has influenced events and conditions. The subjects that make the strongest contribution to this area are history and geography, which are taught in the school. However, in the senior school subjects such as business studies, psychology and economics ensure that the curriculum is well represented in the human and social areas.



This area aims to develop the pupils’ physical control and co-ordination as well as their tactical skills and imaginative responses, and to help them to evaluate and improve their performance.

In the school, pupils have a weekly schedule to get engaged in sports and games each week. All students are encouraged to engage in regular physical activity. Competitive matches among Houses and with other schools in football, basket ball and cricket etc. are an active feature of the physical education curriculum of our school.

Aesthetic and creative

All subjects are capable of contributing to the aesthetic and creative aspect of curriculum, an area concerned with the processes of making, composing and inventing. However, the curriculum includes specific subjects that are particularly suited to eliciting personal, imaginative and practical responses. In the school, the subjects of art and music are prominent. These also constitute a major component of academic programme. There are also many opportunities during the school year for students to be involved in many creative activities. Their skills are sharpened by giving them an opportunity to take care of Parents Lounge, corridors and classroom decoration.

The aesthetic and creative values are also promoted in the school by way of annual events at which pupils take a leading role. School assemblies in the school regularly involve pupils performing.

Personal Development

The curriculum also contributes to pupils’ personal development. Most subjects offer opportunities to explore issues that impact upon the personal growth and development of pupils. Contact between pupils, teachers, boarding staff and tutors, for example during homeroom periods, meals, after-school activities and preps promote personal, social and health education. (Also see pastoral care policy).

Balance of the curriculum

The curriculum is planned to provide sufficient allocation of time for each subject or course of study. In the school, the time allocated to subject areas and activities follows recommended guidelines and a model timetable exists for teachers to follow. However, teachers are given the freedom to choose the additional content from the subject areas and support their teaching-learning process in the classroom with the help of audio-visual aids as all the classrooms are equipped with smart boards and latest teaching software.

A range of extra-curricular activities exist to support and diversify the curriculum.

Appropriateness of the curriculum and Size of teaching groups

The curriculum is organized so that teaching groups are small in number. In the school the maximum class size is 20-28 pupils. Tutoring and mentoring is done with 6 to 14 students in each group.

Progression and continuity

Each subject area goes through vertical and horizontal articulation. This is done carefully with the help of meetings at grade level and whole school. Subject teachers liaise with each other to ensure continuity between year levels and smooth transition.

Assessment and Academic Performance Policy

Aims of Assessment

Assessment should help students to:

  • Improve their motivation and confidence through success and achievement
  • Be responsible for their learning
  • Be reflective, realistic, and effectively engaged in their evaluation
  • Analyze their learning strategies
  • Know what exactly has to be improved
  • Understand the different assessment criteria
  • Be able to synthesis and apply their learning in different situations
  • Highlight their strengths and interests
  • Improve performance

Assessment should help teachers to:

  • Identify how students learn best
  • Identify what students know and understand
  • Identify which skills students need to improve
  • Diagnose learning challenges and the needs of the students
  • Reflect on the teaching objectives against learning outcomes
  • Motivate the teaching experience
  • Differentiate learning experiences
  • Be able to place students in correct classes/levels

Assessment should help the Senior Management Team and Academic Council to:

  • Identify staffing needs
  • Know how best to support the teaching faculty
  • Set appropriate and realistic educational goals
  • Facilitate a progressive learning environment

Assessment should help parents to:

  • Understand the strengths of their child(ren)
  • Understand the challenges faced by their child(ren)
  • Motivate their child(ren)
  • Support their child(ren) in their learning

Application of Assessment

  • Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and supports both the teacher and student to improve the learning experience. Assessment type, structure, and criteria should be known to the student and understood in advance of the completion of assessments. Assessment should also clearly relate to the skill(s) taught. Assessment could take place at the start of teaching units, carry on through units, and take place at the end of units. Peer-assessment and self-assessment are important tools that should be incorporated into classes.
  • Assessment should be meaningful, supportive, flexible, formative, diagnostic, varied, and able to differentiate between different abilities and backgrounds. It is also important to note that assessment measures progress and growth of students.
  • Teachers use their assessments to improve curriculum, unit plans, teaching strategies, and classroom environment. Students should be involved in the process of assessment and should take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Assessments should follow the CBSE assessment guidelines/criteria and methodologies taken from the respective curriculum guides. However, we are also open to adopt the latest trends in the field of international boards.


No detention policy is followed for grades III to V as per guidelines of CBSE.


The school does not believe in pressurizing young students with the burden of formal examinations. The day-to-day progress of young students is monitored closely to assess their performance. A process of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is followed and feedback is provided regularly to parents.

The process includes- regular assessment, applying corrective measures, retesting and giving feedback.

Evaluation Procedure (Classes 3 to 4)

There will be no formal term end tests. Each topic is revised and revision assessment is conducted after each topic. This performance is compiled and reported to the parents at the end of the term. For the same, grades are awarded as per the details given in Reporting section.

Evaluation Procedure (Class 5)

Besides Continuous assessment, formal term end tests are conducted to prepare 5th graders for formal summative evaluations which commence from Grade 6th. Reporting is done for this comprehensive assessment to parents at the end of each term.

Reporting Students’ Achievement

While reporting students’ achievement in different areas, indirect grading in absolute scale having five grade points is used. The grades will stand for the following distribution of marks:

90-100 / A+ Outstanding / 5
75-89 / A Excellent / 4
56-74 / B Very Good / 3
35-55 / C Good / 2
00-34 / D Scope for Improvement / 1


Aspects / Sub-Skills / A* / A / B / C / D
01. Reading Skills (Loud reading and Silent reading) / Pronunciation / Canreadshort stories/articles/wordsonones'own anduseshis phoneticskillsto pronouncenew words. / Canreadshort stories/articleson ones'ownmostof thetime.Useshis phoneticskillsto pronouncenew wordsmostofthe time. / Canoftenread shortstorieswith varyingspeedand guidancemostof thetime. / Canreadshort storieswithvarying speedand
guidancefromthe teachersmostof thetime. / Needshelpand promptingbythe teacherall thetime.
Fluency / Canread simple/complex passagesfluently withproperspeed, expressionand pronunciation. / Canread simple/complex passagesfluently withspeedbut with occasional prompting. / Canreadsimple passagesbuttakes timetoreadeach wordlacksfluency, speedand expression. / Canreadsimple passageswith guidanceor promptingmostof thetime. / Fumblesatowhile readingevensimple sentences.Needs helpall thetime.
Comprehension / Canreadand understandtextand answerquestions correctly. / Canreadand understandtextand answermostofthe questionscorrectly. / Canreadand understandtextand answersomeofthe questionscorrectly. / Canreadand understandtext withthehelpof teacher. / Cannot comprehendthe textatall.
Skills / CreativeWriting / Canwriteshort storiesand paragraphswith accuracyand originalityin sentence constructionand useofvocabulary. Ideasarearranged logically. / Canwriteshort storiesand paragraphsona giventopicwitha fairdegreeof accuracy.Displays originality sometimes.Ideas aregenerally logicallyarranged. / Writesstoriesand paragraphsbut makesquiteafew errors. / Canwriteshort connected descriptive sentenceson ones' ownwith somegrammatical errors. / Cannotwriteeven shortsentencesof ones'own.Makesa lotofmistakes.
Aspects / Sub-Skills / A* / A / B / C / D
Handwriting / Isneatandlegible. Alllettersand strokesare consistentand joinedcorrectly. Transcriptionis errorfree. / Isneatandlegible. Occasional inconsistencyseen in formationof lettersandstrokes. Transcriptionis errorfree. / Islegiblebut sometimes inconsistentwithhis strokesandletters. Transcriptionhas occasionalerrors. / Handwritingisnot veryneat. Transcriptionhas manyerrors. / Isneitherlegible norconsistent.
Grammar / Can write sentences accurately / Canwrite sentences accuratelymostof thetime. / Canwrite sentenceswith quiteafewerrors. / Canwrite
sentenceswithalot ofmistakes. / Cannotwritewith accuracy.Needs helpveryoften.
Spellings / Canspellallwords correctly.Triesto spellnewwords. / Can correctlyspell all thewordsmost ofthetime.Falters occasionally. / Cancorrectlyspell wordsbut sometimesmakes mistakes. / Makesalotof spellingsmistakes. / Cannotspellwords properly.Has tobe helped.
Skill / Conversation / Isfluentand spontaneous. Respondsto situations appropriatelyand accurately.Can narrate incidents/anecdotes andcanparticipate in adiscussionona giventopicwith ease. / Isfluentand spontaneousmost ofthetime. Respondstothe situations appropriatelybut fumblesforwords occasionally.Can narrate incidents/anecdotes andcanparticipate in discussionswith efforts. / Lacksspontaneity, fluencyand accuracy sometimes. Responsetime ratherlong.Needs promptingmostof thetime. / Lacksspontaneity, fluencyand accuracy. / Needshelpmost ofthetime.
Aspects / Sub-Skills / A+ / A / B / C / D
Recitation / Canreciteapoem orastorywith properspeed, diction,expression andtone. / Canreciteapoem orastorywith properspeedor expressionbut makesoccasional mistakesin pronunciationor forgetsattimes. / Canreciteapoem, orstorywith occasional prompting. Expressionisnot verystrongand effective. / Cannotrecitean entirepoemor storywithout prompting. Pronunciation expressionisnot appropriate. / Recitationispoor. Lacksexpression.
Written Work / Comprehension / Cancomprehend oralquestions, instructions,stories, poems. / Comprehendsoral question, instructions,stories, andpoemsmostof thetime. / Hassomedifficulty in comprehending instructions,stories orpoems.
Needsguidance quiteoften. / Understandssimple conversationin familiarsituations. Needs
Simplificationor translationmostof thetime. / Cannotunderstand instructions.
Needshelpallthe time.
Workisneatand methodical. Presentationisa sourceofinspiration forothers. / Neatandsystematic work. / Neatandregularwork butsometimesnotupto themark. / Sometimes the work is irregular. Oftentheworkis untidyandthewordsareshabbilywritten. / Many a time late in submitting the work. Often the work is untidyandthewordsareshabbilywritten. / Untidywork. Often latein submittingtheassignments.
A*+ / A / B / C / D
Concept / Has knowledge of the subject. Understandsthe conceptswithlogical thinkingandgood reasoningskill and applies them correctly. / Has knowledge of the subject. Understandsthe conceptsthoroughly and often applies them. / Has knowledge of the subject. Understandsthe conceptsandisableto applymostofthem correctly.
Needsoccasionalhelp. / Has no adequate knowledgeof thesubject. Takesmoretimein understandingnew conceptsand requires frequenthelp. / Has no adequate knowledge of the subject. Needshelpmostofthe timein understandingthe concepts.
Ability to Compute / Can do operation of number without any difficulty. / Can do operation of number but falters a little. / Can do operation of numbers but makes a few mistakes. / Has weak concept. Does operation of numbers at a slow pace. /

Has not learnt the concept.Makes a lot of mistakes.

Problem Solving / Takes immense delight in working with mathematical problems. / Good at solving problems but at times makes careless mistakes. / Can solve problems but falters occasionally. / Has weak concepts, hence solves problems at a slow pace. / Very slow in solving problems.
Writtenwork / Workisneatand methodical. Presentationisa sourceofinspiration forothers. / Neatandsystematic work. / Neatandregularwork butsometimesnotupto themark. / Oftentheworkis untidyandthefigures areshabbilydrawn. / Untidywork.Latein submittingtheassignments.
A*+ / A / B / C / D
Observation and Recording / Hasaverykeen observation, inquisitiveapproach,and drawsaccurate diagramsandrecords informationcorrectly, carefullyand systematically. / Hasakeenobservation, isinquisitiveand drawsneatdiagrams, recordsinformation correctly,carefullyand systematically. / Has the ability to observe,drawdiagrams correctly, recordinformation. / Rarelyinquisitive.
Has difficulty in observation and recording information. Draw untidy diagrams. / Notinterestedin observation and recording. Not inquisitive.
Identification and Classification / Has the ability to identify and classify the objects. / Has the ability to identify and classify the objects but makes some mistakes. / Identifies and classifies objects with some difficulty but makes some mistakes. / Able to identify and classify objects with some prompts. / Able to identify objects with regular prompts.
Discovery of Facts / Excellentabilityto understand,grasps, recall,defineand reason.Understands anddifferentiatestextualmaterialwith greatcase.Isableto applyrelevant knowledgeand tabulatefactswell. Readsand comprehendstext, diagram andweb chartquickly. Has ability to analyze, draw inference and apply information. / Goodabilityto understand,grasp,recall, defineandreasons. Understandsthetextual materialwithease.Is abletoapply
relevant knowledge.
Readsandcomprehends text,diagram andweb chart. Has ability to analyze, draw inference and apply information. / Canunderstandand recall the
textualmaterial. Isabletoapplyrelevant knowledgeandtabulate facts,canreadand comprehenddiagrams andwebcharts.
Has ability to analyze, draw inference and apply information with some difficulty. / Canunderstand,grasp, recall,defineand reason.
Understandsthetextual materialwithhelp fromtheteacher.Is
abletotabulatefacts well.Readsand comprehendstext diagram andwebchart withdifficulty. Is not able to draw inference and apply information. / Needscontinuous guidancein understanding. Findsdifficultyin reading andcomprehendingtext.
A* / A / B / C / D
Activity / Voluntarily participatesin allthe activitiesandenjoys experiments.Highly appreciable,creative andoriginalin presentation.Is explorativeinnovative andinfersaresult afterexperimenting; doesextensive referencework. / Participatesin mostof theactivitiesand performsexperiments withinterest.Appreciable inpresentation.Is explorativeand innovativein experimenting; does referencework. / Participatesin someof theactivitiesand performssome experiments.Good
presentationwith littlecreativity.Sometimesdoes referencework. / Participatesin veryfew activitiesandrarely performsany experiments. Satisfactorypresentation;Rarelyread anyreferencebooks. / Needsalotof encouragementto participatein activitiesor performexperiments. Notinterestedin extra reading.
Written Work /

Work is neat and methodical. Presentation is a source of inspiration for others.

/ Neat and systematic work. / Neat and regular work but sometimes not up to the mark. / Often the work is untidy and the sentences are shabbily written. / Untidy work. Late in submitting the assignments
Group discussion / Activelyparticipates andusuallyleadsall groupdiscussions. Veryoftenmakes interesting observationsand addstothepoints given.Cananalyze pointscriticallyand generatenewideas. / Activelyparticipates. Goodrelationswith othermembers.Often, makesinteresting
Observationscananalyze somepointscritically. / Participatessometimes. Satisfactoryrelations withothermembers. Sometimesmakes interestingobservations. Cananalyzefewpoints. / Hesitanttoparticipate ingroupdiscussions. Poorrelationswith othermembers.Rarely makesobservations. Unabletoanalyze points. / Apassiveparticipant. Nevermakes observations,unableto analyzepoints.
A* / A / B / C / D
Skills / Veryconfidentin usinggraphicskills, wordprocessing skills,andoperating skills. / Skilledin operatingand wordprocessingskills. / Showsexcellent eye handcoordination in operatingskills. / Usescomputerto enhancehisknowledge onvarioustopicstaught in class.Usescomputer asatool. / Needshelpfromthe buddytocompletehis assignments.
Aptitude / Excellentin selecting andusingdifferent colours,creating picturesand identifyingdifferent featuresofmultimediain work presentations. / Showsspecialaptitude in usingtoolstocreate shapesandlines. / Workswithconfidence andhandlesmousewith competence. / Isabletocombinetext andgraphicswithhelp fromteacher. / Takestimetolocatekeys onthekeyboard.
ASPECTS / A* / A / B / C / D
Enthusiasm / Playswithfullintrinsic motivation / Playswithfullintrinsic motivationmostofthe time. / Playswithzealbutofhis choicegames / Playsbutonlywhen commanded / Alwaysgivesexcuses
Discipline / Obeysallclass disciplinevoluntarily andplaysbyfollowing allrulesofthegame. / Obeysallclassdiscipline voluntarilymostofthe timeandplaysby followingallrulesofthe games / Obeysclassdisciplineon commandandfollows rulesonlysuitedtohis advantage / Obeysduetofearof punishment.
Followsruleson commandwith displeasure / Lacksdiscipline.
Teamspirit / Hasteamspiritand playsforwinning / Hasteamspiritand
playsforwinningmostof thetime / Putshiseffort, individually. / Showsteamharmony onandoff. / Notateamplayer.
Talent (Strength, staminaand speed) / Outstanding developmentofskills anddisplayshigh performance / Excellentdevelopmentof skillsanddisplayshigh performancemostofthe time. / Verygoodskill developmentbut performsoccasionally. / Averageskill development / Slowskilldevelopment
ASPECTS / A*+ / A / B / C / D
Interest / Showsgreat enjoymentand aptitudefordrawing andpainting- recognizesthevalue ofart. / Showsgreatenjoyment andaptitudefordrawing andpainting-recognizes thevalueofartmostof thetime / Enjoysdrawingand painting.Shows imaginationsometime / Preferstobeguided thanusinghisown imagination / Preferstoreproducewhat isseen.Needsrepeated instruction.
Creativity / Hasoriginaldrawing andinnovativenessin thework.Shows morefeelingand expressionsin his/her work. / Hasoriginaldrawingand innovativenessin the work,showsmore
feelingandexpressions in his/herworkmostof thetime. / Goodatreproducing. Showsfeelingsand emotions. / Cancommunicatethe ideasin termsofeffect andappeal. / Lackscreativityandlooks forideasandinstructions fromtheteachers.
Skill / Excellentdevelopment ofskillsandhigh performance / Excellentdevelopmentof skillsandhigh performancemostofthe time. / Skillsdevelopmentis goodbutperforms occasionally / Veryslowskill development / Noskills.
Interest / Alwaysverykeento learnandfollowgiven instructions / Very keen tolearn and follow instructionsmost ofthetime. / Needslittledrivetolearn andstart / Sometimeshows interest / Doesnotshowmuch interest.
Rhythm / Childhasagood senseofrhythmand keepspacewiththe beat. / Childhasagoodsense ofrhythmandsometimes faltersin keepingpace withthebeat. / Sometimeslosespace withthebeat. / Sometimesgoesoffthe beatandcannotmake
itup. / Doesnothavethesenseof rhythm.
Melody / Childhasagood senseoftune / Childhasagoodsense oftuneandgoesoffkey occasionally / Childgoesoffkey, sometimescancome backin tune. / Childhasthesenseof timebutgoesoffkeyin higheroctave / Childdoesnothavemuch senseofmusic.
ASPECTS / A*+ / A / B / C / D
Initiative / Alwaystriestodo thingsindependently. Alwaysreadyto participatein oral discussions/extra-curricularactivities / Mostofthetimestriestodothings independently.Often readytoparticipatein oraldiscussions/extra-curricularactivities. / Oftentriestodothings independently.Often readytoparticipatein oraldiscussions/extra-curricularactivities. / Sometimestriestodo thingsindependently. Sometimesreadyto participatein oral discussions/extra-curricularactivities / Neverdoesthings independently.avoids participating in oral discussions/extra-curricular activities.
Spiritofservice / Alwaysvolunteersto participatein all activitiesforasocial cause.Alwaysready tohelpothers / Volunteerstoparticipate in activitiesforasocial causemostofthetime. Oftenreadytohelp others. / Oftenvolunteersto participatein activities forasocialcause. Oftenhelpsothers / Sometimesvolunteers toparticipatein activitiesforasocial cause.
Sometimeshelps others. / Rarelyparticipatesin activitiesforasocialcause. Neverbotherstohelp others.
Respectother's property / Alwaysfollowsrules andregulations.Takes goodcareofproperty andconsciously
makeseffortstokeep theenvironmentclean. / Mostofthetimefollows rulesandregulations. Takescareofproperty andoftenmakesefforts tokeeptheenvironment clean. / Oftenfollowsrulesand regulations.
Takescareofproperty andoftenmakesefforts tokeeptheenvironment clean. / Sometimesfollows rulesandregulations. Doesbotherabout others'property. Sometimeslitters his/hersurroundings / Doesnotfollowrulesand regulations.Isnotsensitive aboutothers'property. Oftenlittershis/her surroundings.
Self-control / Well-disciplinedin the classroom/ corridors/ staircase.
Nevermisbehavesor fightsin the playground/break. Emotionallya balancedchild. / Disciplinedin the classroom/corridors/stair casemostofthetime. Nevermisbehavesor fightsin the playground/break. / Disciplinedin the classroom/corridors/ staircasemostofthe time.Occasionally misbehavesorfightsin theplayground/break / Disciplinedin the classroom butnotin corridors/staircase. Oftenmisbehavesor fights/bulliesin theplayground / break. / Indisciplinein the classroom/corridors/ staircase.
Mostlymisbehavesfights/ bulliesin the playground/break.

Criteria for Promotion: VI to VIII