Performance Management & Process Improvement Effort Documentation Form

Process / Activity: How the department applies for and manages the annual Municipal Alliance Program Grant
Purpose of the Process / Activity: To streamline and to insure that all required forms, signatures, back-up materials are submitted with the Municipal Alliance Quarterly Report in as time efficient manner as possible. In order to accomplish this, a very detailed checklist of all required reports, signatures, bills, and back-up materials has been made.
Performance Indicators for this Process (and how each is tracked):
# / What are the key indicators of success for this activity? / How, when, and by whom is this indicator tracked?
1 / Report is completed by time deadline / R. Roe - Quarterly
2 / Reporting materials are completed during the quarter reducing the need for “last minute” information gathering / R. Roe - Quarterly
3 / All required parts of report are completed and no parts not completed / R. Roe, Essex County Alliance Office Quarterly
4 / Amount of Health Officer’s time on task / R. Roe, throughout the year, tally marks in 15 minute increments (on paper, add up at the end of the month or quarter)
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Process Owner: Robert Roe
Process Participants: Maplewood Health Dept. staff, Rutgers University Performance Management staff
Process first documented on: 5/16/12 DATE / Most recentlyreviewed & improved on: DATE 9/12/12
Briefly (2-3 sentences max for each) describe:
Lessons learned – What would you do differently? What didn’t work? / This checklist turned out to be very helpful in completing the second quarter Municipal Alliance report in that I had in front of me all of the required report information and did not have to rely on memory. What did not work is that these reports are still very time consuming to gather all needed information.
Promising Practices – What worked well for you? / I was able to gather information as the quarter progressed and did not need to do a “crash” information gathering at the end of the quarter.
Estimated time/resources saved as a result of this improvement effort: / Time saved amounted to perhaps two hours per month. What was really helpful is that completing the report was not nearly as stressful as usual.
The impact of this improvement effort on your department & customers: / The State of New Jersey has increased tremendously the amount of information required for the Municipal Alliance grant quarterly reports. If the State stops increasing information requirements at the current level, the Township may continue to successfully run the programs.

Brought to you by the Local Performance Management Initiative