Highview Public School’s

Positive School Discipline Plan

At Highview Public School our goal is to provide our students with creative, innovative academic programs based on the Ontario Curriculum and designed to meet students’ learning needs. To realize this goal and to have our students reach their maximum learning potential, we work together as a team to create a safe and welcoming learning environment. The Highview Public School Positive Discipline Plan is designed to teach our students the behavioural skills, concepts and knowledge necessary to become respectful, responsible and self disciplined learners.

Our Behavioural Expectations

In the School

Classes line up outside the school in a straight, quiet line and enter the school in a quiet, orderly fashion. Classes enter the school with their teacher one class at a time.

At dismissal time, students are dismissed to the coat racks either individually or in small groups. Students in Kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2 dress in the classroom and are dismissed from there. Students in grades 3 to 5 dress in the hallway and line up waiting for the balance of the class or teacher’s permission to leave if it is the end of the day and the bell has already rung. At dismissal time, parents and others wait outside for their children to exit the building. Cell phones are turned off and stored out of sight during instructional time.

Students are:

taught how to enter and exit the school

taught to dress themselves, including doing up zippers, when in Kindergarten


teach students how to exit and enter the school

insist that student behaviour changes to appropriate school behaviour upon entering the school

position selves at the classroom door to enable a view inside room and hallway when students are at the coat rack

accompany their students to the lunch room and ensure they are sitting in their appropriate places

take students back outside or inside the classroom/yard when they do not follow established procedures

Students dress appropriately.

Students do not:

wear hats or other head coverings (except for religious reasons), bandanas, or any other inappropriate dress (short tops, pants down around their hips etc.). (The reason for hats off in school is a signal that it is time to change from outside behavior to inside behaviour.)


contact parents if student’s dress is frequently inappropriate

Highview’s Positive School Discipline Plan (Continued)

Coat racks are neat and tidy.


hang up clothing and put shoes/boots/bags away in a neat orderly fashion


teach students how to maintain a neat cloak area and lunch bin

monitor this area to ensure it is neat and tidy at all times

insists students return to hang up clothing or other items neatly

Students must have the teacher’s permission and a pass to leave the classroom.


are encouraged to have drinks and use the washroom during recess breaks

leave the room only when absolutely necessary

walk quickly and quietly throughout the school


monitor how often students ask to leave the room

set time limits for students who have problems returning promptly

teach children how to walk quickly to the washroom and back

Classes move quietly throughout the school.


walk in a straight line on the right side

keep their hands and feet to themselves


practise with students how to move about the school appropriately

teach students to walk to the gym or library and to sit down quickly and quietly

Students address everyone, including all adults and each other in a respectful manner.


speak and act politely (Good Morning, holding the door for someone to walk through)

follow teachers’ and staffs’ instructions


insist students are polite and respectful at all times

are polite and respectful to students

teach students how to behave when visiting teachers are in the classroom/school

Highview’s Positive School Discipline Plan (Continued)

In the Classroom

Students are focused and on task immediately upon entering the classroom and throughout the day.


follow classroom routines (bell work, putting up their hand)

use indoor voices

are polite and respectful to everyone

understand they are at school to learn and learning time is very important

are compliant and follow instructions

complete all activities to the best of their ability

do not move around the classroom unnecessarily

are focused and engaged in their learning


ensure bell to bell teaching is the norm in their classrooms

plan innovative and creative lessons to teach students the necessary knowledge, skills and concepts

are organized and have materials for each day’s lessons and activities available and ready

adapt and modify lessons to meet their students’ learning needs

teach and monitor student activity by moving about the classroom

develop, teach, and model classroom routines to ensure the smooth running of their classrooms

prepare students for the transitions that are a natural part of the student day

teach students behavioural expectations for working independently and in a group

are polite and respectful to everyone

have high expectations for student achievement

Outside on the Yard

Students behave appropriately during outdoor times


use words to solve their problems

ask adults to assist them when necessary

play cooperatively

line up quickly when the bell rings

put garbage in receptacles


circulate around their area of supervision

act proactively to prevent problems before they escalate

have children line up promptly when the bell rings

handle all problems on the yard

prepare students who have problems on the yard by asking them what they are going to do during the break and what they are going to remember

Highview Playscape Safety

Our playscape has many pieces of equipment for student enjoyment and exercise. In order to ensure everyone’s safety, students must follow these rules when using the equipment. Failure to follow the rules will result in a student being removed from the playscape for the rest of the recess. They can return next play period. There will be no warnings. Further consequences will be implemented if necessary.


Students must go down:

  • one person at a time
  • without stopping until reaching the bottom of the slide

  • on their bottom
  • and move away from the slide when reaching the bottom

  • feet first

Climbing Apparatus

Students must:

  • use every step
  • use the handrail only for hands

  • hold the handrail

Monkey Bars

Students must:

  • start at the low end
  • cross one person at a time

  • use every bar
  • cross using hands only

  • not walk underneath
  • stop using the monkey bars before their hands get sore


Students must:

  • be polite to other students by letting them through if they wish
  • travel inside only, never on top


Students must:

  • walk on top of the tires, never between the tires
  • travel only one way – from planks to tires (going up the tires)


Students must:

  • walk
  • wear proper footwear

  • do up their jackets
  • drink and eat away from the playscape

  • tie their shoe laces
  • remove or tuck in loose strings and scarves