Questions for Darker Nations:


1.  What is the significance of the First Conference of the League Against Imperialism (1927)? Why did leadership choose Brussels for the location? What were they calling for?

2.  Why is the Congo a good example of the motives and impacts of colonialism/Imperialism?

3.  What was the Rhetoric of King Leopold to justify his policies, how did other European nations initially respond?

4.  When his policies began to attract condemnations how and why was this convenient for other nations. Discuss briefly the policies, and impact, of other nations on the world.

5.  What was the significance of the Second Congress of the Comintern in Moscow (1920)?

6.  What was the significance of the Pan African Conference in London (1900)?

7.  What was the Purpose of the League of Nations mandate system that followed World War I?

8.  By 1945, who or what leadership was represented at the 5th pan African conference?

9.  Explain “economic democracy”

10.  Explain the concept of “Africa”

11.  What was the Arab League 1944-1945 or the Arab United Front?

12.  What was the significance of the Pan American Union in the First Interamerican conference (1889)?

13.  What was the significance of the Havana Conference in 1928?

14.  What was pan-Asianism?

15.  What was the first world’s response to the League of Anti-Imperialism?

16.  What was Sukarno’s assessment of the Brussels conference?


1.  What was the cause of the uprising in Bandung, Java, Indonesia in the 1940s? Who participated?

2.  What was the belief and resolution of Asian countries through the 1940s and early 1950s?

3.  What are the elements of third world unity?

4.  What is the history of Struggle in Indonesia?

5.  When was formal freedom in Indonesia achieved? What characterized informal control of the first world?

6.  How did China and USSR fit into the concept of the third world? What was Chinese policy in the 1940s through the 1960s?

7.  Explain SEATO/Manila Pact and CTO/Baghdad Pact

8.  How and why did imperialism triumph against communism?

9.  What was the purpose of functions of “blocs” and “Security Zones”?

10.  What was Pac Americana and its impact on the 3rd world?

11.  What was the Manila Pact?

12.  Why was the Afro-Asian and Afro-Asian Latin alliance an important accomplishment in Bandung?

13.  How did the first world respond to these 3rd world developments? Explain the wests policy of Nuclear warfare as opposed to the 3rd world’s policy of disarmament.

14.  What are two ways the 3rd world has achieved, at least formal, independence? Indian and Ghana, and Algeria and Cuba?

15.  What was the 3rd world call for “economic cooperation” and the purpose of SUNFED?

16.  To what does the “Bandung Spirit” refer?

17.  What were the non-alignment movement and the western interpretation and response to the movement? In Egypt in 1956? Why did the first world oppose the movement, what was the trajectory that Egypt’s Boutros take or represent?


1.  What is the significance of the Nasser led coup in Egypt in 1952? What was his ideology and agenda?

2.  What relationship did Egypt have to other liberation movements?

3.  How does women’s liberation fare under liberation movements as opposed to imperialist regimes or programs?

4.  What role did women play in Egypt and India?

5.  What is the history of women’s suffrage in Egypt, Mexico and Brazil?

6.  What was the Goal of the early Wafd Party in Egypt?

7.  What was the Afro-Asian Federation of Women?

8.  Where have women served in warfare?

9.  Explain the terms: “freedom of the domestic sphere”; “modern citizenship” and “state feminism”

Buenos Aires

1.  What were the considerations made in how to change colonial imperial economic relationships in order to address world poverty?

2.  What was the Declaration of Economic Independence?

3.  Explain “development Economics” as opposed to “Modernization theory”

4.  What was the 1st world response to the 3rd worlds attempt to address poverty?

5.  To what does the Capitalist Spirit and reparations refer?

6.  What was the significance of the import-substitution-Industrialization?

7.  Explain the idea that the first world wanted to keep the “invisible hand” White. To what do discriminatory tariffs refer? How did the economic system favor the first world at the cost and creation of the third world?

8.  What was the 3rd world mutual aid initiative? What was it supposed to address?

9.  Explain GATT as opposed to UNCTAD and G-77.

10.  What is the purpose or function of GATT, the IMF and the World Bank, how does it benefit the United States?

11.  What is the significance of the land reform initiatives in the 3rd world?


1.  Discuss the significance of the 1953 coup in Iran and the nationalization of oil wealth.

2.  Why did third world initiatives fail in Iran?

3.  What was the Tudeh Party?

4.  What was the Third Force and who was Khalil Maleki? How did women fair?

5.  What was the cultural crisis?

6.  Discuss Negritude/Aime Cesaire and the Brazilian personality

7.  What was the 1956 conference of Presence Africaine and who were influential black writers?

8.  What was the central theme of the First International Congress of Black Writers and Artists?

9.  What is the 3rd world’s idea of multi-nationalism, a pluralist approach and the new cultural canon?

10.  What was the purpose of a nation state from a 3rd world perspective?

11.  What characterized the third worlds concept of nationalism, what were key components?

12.  What were the achievements of Literacy campaigns between 1950 and 1995, as part of the 3rd World Agenda?