Multiple Intelligence Project

Grade 9

Intelligence is:

ØThe ability to solve real – life problems

ØThe ability to find and create problems

ØThe ability to offer a product or service that is valued in at least one culture

Howard Gardner

Based on the discussions we have had in class concerning the eight intelligences, (linguistic, mathematical/logical, spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist) choose a person who you feel is a good example for each of the 8 Intelligences. These individuals do not have to be people you know; they could be people in your family, community, country or anywhere else in the world. These individuals may be famous or just known to you. Make sure you include research other than an interview for at least 5 of the individuals.

You must include information about the following for one of the eight chosen individuals:

Opening paragraph – Introduction

Section 1

·  Where they were born and where they lived/live

·  Family background

·  Their life history and how that played a part in who they are now

Section 2

·  Role models they may have had or people who you may have encouraged them in their lives

·  Any other interesting information

·  Why this person’s intelligence supports the career they are successful in

Section 3

·  Your own opinions of and comments about this person’s life accomplishments

·  A concluding paragraph as to why this individual is a suitable representation for the Intelligence you have chosen them for and how their attitude has helped them become successful

Concluding Paragraph – Includes some personal opinions and refers back to the introduction

For the remaining seven individuals, answer the following questions in point form:

·  Name of the individual and the intelligence you feel they represent

·  Where and when they were born and some information about the individual’s family

·  List past experiences and interests that relate to their Intelligence.

·  Why this person’s intelligence supports the career they are successful in

The final task is to write a paragraph analyzing your strengths and weaknesses as well as supporting examples. Discuss the types of occupations that would best support your strengths and why.


1.  Your project should have a cover with the title of the project, your name and class

2.  The pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner and include a title for each Intelligence

3.  Do your best handwriting in blue or black ink (single spaced) or type it yourself (12-14 font).

4.  Proofread and edit your work carefully.

5.  Include a Bibliography

Multiple Intelligence Project

Grade 9

Grade 9 Healthy Living Outcomes

C5.1 demonstrate awareness of, and respect for, their own and others’ special needs

D5.2 identify and demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be successful in the workplace

ELA Outcomes

5.1 independently access and select specific information to meet personal and learning needs

Ø select, from a wide range of sources appropriate to their purposes

Ø use the electronic network

Ø develop approaches and strategies to conduct their research

8.1 use a range of strategies in writing and other ways of representing to

Ø describe and evaluate their learning processes and strategies


D5.2 identify and demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be successful in the workplace
1 (Not yet) / 2 (Almost) / 3 (Got it!) / 4 (Got it – Excellent!)
Did not mention the workplace / Mentioned the workplace, however did not state the connection to the Intelligence / Was able to make a connection to the workplace and the Intelligence / Discussed and supported how the Intelligence is connected to success in the workplace
C5.1 demonstrate awareness of, and respect for, their own and others’ special needs
1 (Not yet) / 2 (Almost) / 3 (Got it!) / 4 (Got it – Excellent!)
Was not able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the 8 Intelligences / Was able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the 8 Intelligences, however was not able to make a connection to an occupation that supports their strengths / Was able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the 8 Intelligences. Was able to make a connection to at least one occupation related to their strengths / Was able to identify and support through examples their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the 8 Intelligences. Was able to make a connection to a number of occupations related to their strengths
ELA 5.1 independently access and select specific information to meet personal and learning needs
Ø select, from a wide range, sources appropriate to their purposes
Ø use the electronic network
8.1 Use a range of strategies in writing and other ways of representing to
Ø describe and evaluate their learning processes and strategies
1 (Not yet) / 2 (Almost) / 3 (Got it!) / 4 (Got it – Excellent!)
Did not use an electronic network to select sources for their research / Used the electronic network to research sources, however did not include a bibliography to display the sources / Could successfully use the electronic network to select similar sources to support their research. Included a bibliography of their sources / Could successfully use the electronic network to select a range of sources to support their research. Included a detailed bibliography of their sources
Written assignment does not include a description and evaluation of their learning process. Supporting evidence is not included. / Written assignment displays a brief description and evaluation of their learning process. Supporting evidence is not included. / Written assignment displays a description and evaluation of their learning process and includes minimal supporting evidence. / Written assignment displays a detailed description and evaluation of their learning process and includes supporting evidence.