2nd Texas Open Horseback Archery Competition

Written by Jade Perez

Looking for something new and exciting to do with your horse? Why not try out horseback archery? Not ready for that yet? Then come and watch as 30 riders from around the world string their bows and straddle their horses to compete for the title of “Champion” at the 2nd Texas Open Horseback Archery Competition being held October 30th through November 2nd.

Trey Schlichting from New Braunfels, Texas will be hosting the competition at “A” Company Mounted Archery located just 2 miles behind Buc’ees off IH 35 at775 Three Mile Creek Road, New Braunfels, Texas 78130.

80% of horseback archers are beginners and because of this growing interest we are having our first Walk/Trot/Leadline Horseback archery competition on October 30th. This is either for the beginner archer or the beginner horse. Your horse should have some archery training prior to the competition.You can begin by showing them the equipment and shooting next to your horse, getting him used to the sound and sight of the bow asthe arrow is being shot. Next step, practice shooting an arrow off of your horsewhile standing still.

This year’s “Texas Open” will be zombie themed with a new course designed just for zombies on Friday, October 31th. This course will have riders paired up as a team which will berandomly picked before the competition. The first rider will shoot as many zombies as possible. Then their team mate will have the next run to try and hit only the zombies the first rider missed. Only head shots count, how else can you kill a zombie? Friday will prove to be an interesting day because it is also costume day for riders and spectators.

On Saturday, November 1stthe Texas Hunt and the Texas Triple courses will be run. The Texas Hunt course contains four 3-D targets where the rider shoots at the targets without a barrier and must go around the farthest target before making their way back to the finish line. The Texas Triple is a straight run course with targets at various distances from the barrier. These are both timed courses so it is amazing to watch as the rider gallops on a horse and tries to hit the targets.

Then on Sunday, November 2nd the last day of the competition,riders and spectators are encouraged to dress in their Barbarian best as the Comanche and the Texas Qabaq courses are run. The Comanche course is also without barriers giving the rider a chance to show their archery skills along with their horsemanship, shooting as many arrows at the wagon in the middle of the field. The Texas Qabaq is another straight run course with a cymbal on top of a 25 foot pole in the middle of the track. The archery must shoot at the cymbal and make it sing.

All the courses have been designed by Trey,club president of “A” Company Mounted Archery Training, who is a Certified Level II Archery Instructor and is also a Horseback Archery competitor. Trey has recently traveled worldwide to compete and give horseback archery clinics in Sweden, Hungary, and Australia. Trey has travelled the world and has worked hard to re-invigorate this wonderful ancient sport in the United States. His passion and knowledge of horses and archery is contagious. He is not only comfortable on top of a horse but under a horse as well. Many of you may know Trey since he is also a local farrier.

These riders make it look so easy but it truly is an amazing sport with never a dull moment.

All are invited to come on out and watch this fun and exciting sport. You will not be disappointed.

For more information go to horseacher.com or call Kim Taylor @ 830-305-6212 or Trey Schlichting @ 210-860-5353