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Development plannerSHM 1

Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / Comment
File page / Activity Book page / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Activity Book page
handling 1 / I can match objects, and sort using my own and others’ criteria, sharing my ideas with others.
MNU 0-20b / O/A
•By counting.
By sorting into specific sets (shape, colour texture).
By drawing simple diagrams (such as one-to-one mappings). / Sorting and matching
-introduces sorting by colour, type, size and shape
-deals with selecting criteria for sorting.
-Introduces matching members of a set one-to-one with members of another set. / 22–28
29–30 / 1–8
handling 2 / I can match objects, and sort using my own and others’ criteria, sharing my ideas with others.
MNU 0-20b
I can collect objects and ask questions to gather information, organising and displaying my findings in different ways.
MNU 0-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria.
MNU 1-20b
Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a / O/A
•By tallying as collections of objects.
•By counting.
By sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture).
By drawing simple diagrams such as one-to-one mappings.
From displays by locating and counting. / Data handling
Sorting, matching, relationships:
-encourages children to select their own criteria for sorting
-Introduces Carroll diagrams
-Introduces arrow diagrams to show relationships. / 290–295 / 16–18 / 5–7,
Information handling 3 / I can collect objects and ask questions to gather information, organisingand displaying my findings in different ways.
MNU 0-20a
I can match objects, and sort using my own and others’ criteria, sharing my ideas with others.
MNU 0-20b
I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria.
MNU 1-20b
Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a / C/A
By obtaining information for a task from a picture, video or story.
By collecting information about themselves and familiar objects.
•By tallying as collections of objects.
•By counting.
By sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture).
By using real objects.
By using real pictures.
By drawing simple diagrams such as one-to-one mappings.
•From displays by locating and counting. / Data handling
-deals with organising, displaying and interpreting data using simple graphs. / 296–298 / 19–23 / 65, 66
Number 1
Number 1
(cont.) / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a / RTN/A
•Work with wholenumbers 0 to 20 (count, order, read/write statements). / Numbers to 10(one to five)
•One and two:
-introduces counting sets of 1 and 2
-deals with recognising and writing the numerals 1 and 2.
-introduces counting sets of up to 3
-deals with recognising and writing the numeral 3.
-deals with counting sets of up to 4
-introduces the numeral 4.
-deals with counting sets of up to 5
-emphasises the language ‘more’ and ‘less’
-introduces the numeral 5.
•Ordering to 5:
-introduces zero and the sequence 0 to 5
-introduces written number names zero to five and associates these with numerals and sets. / 34–36
49–53 / 1–3
10–12 / 9
Number 2 / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins.
MNU 0-09a
I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a / RTN/A
•Work withwhole numbers 0 to 20 (count, order, read/write statements).
Work with patterns and sequences:
-copy, continue and describe simple patterns or sequences of objects of different shape or colour. / Numbers to 10 (six to ten)
•Six and seven:
-deals with counting sets of up to 7
-emphasises the language ‘more’ and ‘less’.
•Eight and nine:
-deals with counting sets of up to 9
-introduces the numerals 8 and 9.
-deals with counting sets of 10, including 1p coins
-emphasises the language ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘same number’ and ‘fewer’.
•Ordering to 10:
-deals with the number sequence 0 to 10, number ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘between’.
-introduces the number names ‘six’ to ‘ten’
-involves finding ‘1 more/less than’ a given number
-introduces oral use of the terms ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ and ‘last’.
•Numbers to 20:
-extends the number sequence to 20
-deals with counting sets from 11 to 20.
-deals with copying, continuing and devising simple patterns. / 54–57
76–79 / 13–16
30–31 / 14, 15

Development plannerSHM 1

Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / Comment
File page / Activity Book page / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Activity Book page
Number 3 / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / AS/A
•Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10. / Addition to 10 (facts to 5)
•Concept of addition:
-uses material to introduce addition (maximum totals to 10)
-introduces ‘and’.
•Recording addition:
-introduces ‘add’, ‘+’ and ‘=’.
•Adding 1 and 2:
-introduces adding 1 / 2 more within 10
-deals with the ‘add 1’ and ‘add 2’ facts to 5
-extends to counting on 1 and 2.
•Addition facts to 5:
-introduces addition facts for 2, 3, 4 and 5
-encourages quick random recall of these facts
-consolidates, uses and applies subtraction facts.
•Consolidation of addition facts to 5:
-consolidates addition facts to 5
-introduces the addition of three numbers with totals to 5
-Introduces examples of the type  +  = 5 and  +  +  = 5.
106 / 1–4
13 / 20, 21
22 / 14
Number 4
Number 4
(cont.) / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / AS/A
•Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10. / Addition to 10 (facts for 6 to 10)
•Addition to 5: consolidation:
-Consolidates addition facts to 5 and includes the addition of three numbers
-Introduces examples of the type 2 +  = 5 and
 + 1 = 5.
•Doubles and near doubles:
-Systematically introduces ‘doubles’ and ‘near doubles’ facts for addition to 10
-deals with the development of quick random recall of these facts.
•Addition facts for 6 and 7:
-introduces systematically the addition facts for 6 and 7
-develops quick, random recall of these facts and all previously learned.
•Addition facts for 8 and 9:
-introduces systematically the addition facts for 8 and 9
-develops quick, random recall of these facts and all other facts previously learned.
•Addition facts to 10:
-introduces systematically the addition facts for 10
-develops quick, random recall of all facts to 10.
ASSESSMENT / 107–111
133–134 / 15–16
27–29 / 23–25
26, 27
28, 29
30, 31
32 / 1
4 / 1
4 / 30–31
Number 5 / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / RTN/A
•Work with whole numbers 0 to 20 (count, order, read/write statements). / Numbers to 20
•Number sequence to 20:
-extends the number sequence to 20
-deals with ordering language – the number after/before, the number(s) between.
•Counting to 20:
-Introduces counting and drawing up to 20 objects
-Introduces counting a number of objects within a set.
•Comparing and ordering numbers:
-deals with recognising the larger/smaller number in a pair
-deals with recognising the largest/smallest number in a set of three
-includes ordering up to five non-consecutive numbers, starting with the largest/smallest
-includes finding a number 1 and 2 more/less than a given number.
•Even and odd numbers:
-deals with counting back and on in steps of 2
-introduces even and odd numbers
-introduces counting on and back in steps of 3.
•Number names:
-Introduces number names eleven to twenty.
•Ordinal numbers:
-Introduces fourth, fifth, sixth…tenth
-Introduces the notation 1st, 2nd, 3rd…10th.
ASESSMENT / 138–142
160–162 / 1–6
18–20 / 33, 34
38, 39 / 5
7, 8
10 / 5
8 / 21–23
Number 6
Number 6
(cont.) / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a / AS/A
•Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10 / Subtraction to 10 (facts to 5)
•Concept of subtraction:
-deals with the concept of subtraction
-introduces the language ‘take away’ and the ‘–‘ symbol.
•Subtraction involving 1, 2 and 0:
-deals with subtracting 1 and 2
-introduces subtracting all of a set of 0.
•Facts to 5:
-introduces the subtraction facts 5 – 4, 5 – 3, 4 – 3
-involves counting back in ones on a number line/strip
-begins to systematise subtraction facts to 5.
•Subtraction language:
-Involves subtraction word problems
-Involves alternative forms of subtraction language, for example:
-2 less than 4
-take 3 from 5
-subtract 1 from 3
-links addition and subtraction facts for 3, 4 and 5.
ASSESSMENT / 166–169
189–190 / 1–2
8–11 / 40
41, 42 / 11
13, 14 / 9 / 12
Number 7 / I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a
I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / AS/A
•Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10. / Subtraction to 10 (facts for 6 to 10)
•Subtraction within 10:
-deals with subtracting 1 and 2 from 6 – 10
-deals with zero facts for 6 – 10
-introduces subtraction facts associated with addition doubles
-explores the remaining subtraction facts to 10.
•Facts for 6 and 7:
-systematises subtraction facts for 6 and 7.
•Facts for 8 and 9:
-introduces and systematises subtraction facts for 8 and 9.
•Facts to 10:
-systematises subtraction facts for 10
-provides word problems and practice involving subtraction facts to 10.
•Subtraction: comparison:
-introduces ‘how many more?’ and ‘difference between’.
•Linking + and – facts for 6 to 10:
-links addition and subtraction facts for 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
•Subtraction facts to 10:
-introduces examples of the following types:
7 –  = 3 and  – 4 = 3.
ASSESSMENT / 191–197
229–231 / 13–17
36–37 / 43
44, 45
46, 47 / 18–19
20, 21 / 10
12 / 38–39

Development plannerSHM 1

Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / Comment
File page / Activity Book page / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Activity Book page
Number 8 / I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a
I am developing an awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins.
MNU 0-09a
I can use money to pay for items and can work out how much change I should receive.
MNU 1-09a
I have investigated how different combinations of coins and notes can be used to pay for goods or be given in change.
MNU 1-09b / M/A
•Use 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p coins to buy things.
•Add and subtract in applications in number, measurement and money, including payments and change to 10p. / Money
•Recognising coins:
-deals with language associated with using money
-deals with recognising 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins.
•Addition to 10p/£10:
-deals with increasing prices by 1p/2p and £1/£2
-introduces addition to 10p/£10 using coins, then mentally.
•Subtraction within 10p/£10:
-deals with reducing prices by 1p/2p and £1/£2
-introduces subtraction within 10p/£10 using coins, then mentally.
•Using 1p, 2p and 5p coins:
-gives practice in using 1p, 2p and 5p coins
-deals with finding totals of combinations of 1p, 2p and 5p coins
-introduces selecting coins to pay the exact amount for an item.
ASSESSMENT / 233–236
247–248 / 1–3
7–10 / 48
49, 50
51–53 / 22 / 11–12
Measure 1 / I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others.
MNU 0-11a / Length/A
•Measure in convenient non-standard units (e.g. handspans):
-place pairs of objects in order.
•Use and understand vocabulary related to all aspects of measuring and ordering. / •Length:
-introduces the language long, short, tall, wide, narrow, thick and thin
-introduces direct comparison using language such as longer and shorter. / 266–270 / 58, 59
Measure 2 / I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others.
MNU 0-11a / Weight/A
•Measure in convenient non-standard units (e.g. cubes):
-place pairs of objects in order.
•Use and understand vocabulary related to all aspects of measuring and ordering. / •Weight:
-introduces the language of ‘heavy’ and ‘light’
-introduces direct comparison using language such as ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. / 271–275

Development plannerSHM 1

Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / Comment
File page / Activity Book page / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Activity Book page
Measure 3 / I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others.
MNU 0-11a / Volume/A
•Measure in convenient non-standard units (e.g. sand, water):
-place pairs of objects in order.
•Use and understand vocabulary related to all aspects of measuring and ordering. / •Capacity:
-introduces the language ‘full’, ‘empty’
-introduces direct comparison by filling and emptying containers. / 276–278
Time 1 / I am aware of how routines and events in my world link with times and seasons, and have explored ways to record and display these using clocks, calendars and other methods.
MNU 0-10a / Time/A
•Work with time:
-place events in time sequences
-tell the time in whole hours using digital and analogue displays. / •Days of the week:
-introduces the language of time such as ‘before’, ‘after’
-introduces the days of the week.
•Telling the time:
-introduces ‘o’clock’ times on analogue and digital clocks. / 280–284
285–288 / 13–15 / 60
Shape 1 / I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a
I enjoy investigating objects and shapes and can sort, describe and be creative with them.
MTH 0-16a
I have explored simple 3D objects and 2D shapes and can identify, name and describe their features using appropriate vocabulary.
MTH 1-16a / RS/A
•Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shapes:
-classify shapes by simple properties
-identify and name cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders and spheres
-create or copy 3D structures using building blocks or everyday objects.
•Work with patterns and sequences:
-copy, continue and describe simple patterns or sequences of objects of different shape or colour. / Shape
•3D shape:
-introduces the cube, cone, sphere and cylinder.
-gives practice in copying, continuing or creating patterns. / 250–254 / 54, 55
Shape 2 / In movement, games, and using technology I can use simple directions and describe positions.
MTH 0-17a / PM/A
•Discuss position and movement:
-associated with position of object;
•locate an object in the classroom. / Shape
•Position and movement:
-introduces everyday language to describe position, direction and movement. / 255–257
Shape 3 / I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a
I enjoy investigating objects and shapes and can sort, describe and be creative with them.
MTH 0-16a
I have had fun creating a range of symmetrical pictures and patterns using a range of media.
MTH 0-19a
I have explored simple 3D objects and 2D shapes and can identify, name and describe their features using appropriate vocabulary.
MTH 1-16a / RS/A
•Collect, discuss, make and use 2D shapes:
-classify shapes by simple properties
-identify and name squares, rectangles, triangles and circles.
•Work with patterns and sequences:
-copy, continue and describe simple patterns or sequences of objects of different shape or colour. / Shape
•2D shape:
-introduces the circle, triangle, square and rectangle
-gives practice in copying, continuing or creating patterns
-introduces symmetry. / 258–268 / 56–57