Third Grade Update October 2, 2016

Parent Reader

Thank you to Mrs. Girardet (Oli’s mom) for coming in to read this week! We really enjoyed having you visit!

Estimation Jar Donations

Thank you to Eric and Ian, Bruce, Imani, Connor for bringing in estimation jars for our class so far this year!

Don’t forget Picture Day!!!

Picture day is Tuesday, October 4! We will have our pictures taken at 9am. If you have not already sent in your form, please make sure to send it with your child on Tuesday.

Lower School Chorus

I am sure you received Mrs. Bassler’s exciting email about LS Chorus. Tuesday will be the LS Chorus’ 1st rehearsal in the trailer. Please follow the protocol she outlined in her email. Thanks!


If your child has been filling out the September Book-It form, please remind them to bring in the completed form on Tuesday so they can receive their “Gotchas” and other prizes. I put the October form in their yellow folder on Friday.

Talent Show

The Talent Show will take place on Friday, October 7 at 1:30pm. All parents are welcome to attend. We have several third graders who have signed up! We can’t wait to enjoy their performances!

Pet Visits

We filled our shell jar! Our class voted and chose “Pet Day” to celebrate our good behavior so far this year! Instead of having all pets come at one time, I sent you a “Sign-Up Genius” invitation with several possible opportunities for your pet to visit our class. We already have 8 pets signed up to come visit third grade! Don’t forget to sign up! If your child does not have a pet (or does not wish to bring their pet in for a visit), they can choose a homework pass or prize box item instead.

Field Trips

We will be visiting the Schoolhouse of Wonder at West Point on the Eno on Thursday, October 27. We will leave at 9am and return at 2pm. We will enjoy two classes: Native Ways and Early American Life. These connect with our Social Studies curriculum.

Please let me know if you would like to chaperone and drive for any of these field trips:

  • Thursday, October 27: Schoolhouse of Wonder (9am-2pm) *I only have one driver so far.
  • Monday, November 7: TABLE (9:30-11:15am)
  • Wednesday, February 1: Morehead Planetarium (8:45-12noon)
  • Monday, March 6: Carrboro Arts Center (9:15-11:30am)


This week, we started Chapter 4: Subtraction up to 10,000. (For detailed information, please see “School to Home Connection” in your child’s yellow folder. It is also listed on our class website under the “Math in Focus” tab.)

Social Studies

We have heard from several students’ Flat Stanleys! Jessica’s Stanley came back with information about Batesville, Mississippi where he visited her aunt. He even brought us several branches from a cotton tree! We also heard from Miranda’s Flat Stanley who is having a lot of fun in Vancouver with her grandparents. We also received updates from both of Parker’s Flat Stanleys. One is visiting his grandparents in Washington Township, Michigan. The other is visiting his aunt in New Jersey and she took him to the White House! Please be sure to ask your child what they have learned from Flat Stanley! I will add photos to the gallery on our class website very soon!

We finished Chapter 1: Our Communities last week. This week, we will start Chapter 2: Our Environment. Our Big Question will be; How do we interact with our planet?

Students will learn:

  • Maps and globes can be used to locate places, physical features such as landforms and bodies of water, and features made by humans.
  • The environment (including weather, climate, and natural resources) varies from one place to another and influences how and where people, plants, and animals live.


We are working on Chapter 1: The Nature of Science. This week, we read Lesson 3, “How do scientists answer questions?” We discussed how scientists use experiments, models, and surveys to answer questions. We also took a closer look at the steps of scientific methods which are used during an experiment.