Grove Park Residential Association

Resident Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes


Board Members Attending: Tom Babington, Brad Moody, Sam Windham, Ronnie Wynn

By Invitation: Kelly Mills

The group discussed the following topics.

RAB Members

While Haywood Sport is recovering from a health issue, Sam Windham will substitute as representative for Club Lane.

The group discussed representation from Oak Grove Inn on the RAB. All decided that a resident serving as the official member is preferable but that O’Neal should also be invited to attend RAB meetings as manager of Oak Grove Inn. His presence will be helpful as the association transitions to having new Oak Grove Inn owners and beyond. Tom and Kelly will meet with O’Neal before the February meeting. The new owner of Oak Grove Inn is Bridge Investment Group (website: out of Atlanta GA.

2018 Dues

The 2018 dues notice announcing no increase went out to all residents in December. Kelly is performing all year-end tasks and has begun adhering to the 2018 budget.

Grounds Maintenance

Adam Leger of Landscape Workshop has been transferred to Nashville and our new Account Manager is Ty Harkins. We have been told that we will keep Jacob Oakley as our on-site crew manager. We’re hoping for a repeat of the good service we received last year.

In years past, Hal and crew have performed our annual winter tree pruning but the trees have grown to the point that the job requires special equipment to reach many of the branches. Hal and Charlotte are meeting with tree man, Brian Fett, to get a price and possibly start a “test section” before deciding how pruning will be handled this year.

The Farm

When garden plot leases renew in February, Kelly plans to hold a meeting of current, past and interested gardeners to discuss various matters like rabbit control, super soil, cohesiveness, etc.

Traffic, etc.

The group discussed the need for striping on Young Meadows Road. Tom reported that Bubba Bowden had retired from City of Montgomery Traffic and Engineering and he (Tom) will look into talking with his replacement.

The group also discussed a stripe to divide left- and right-turning traffic at Grove Park’s exit onto Young Meadows Road. Pros and cons included making traffic flow more smoothly and quicker and right-turners blocking views of left-turners which could be dangerous.

The group discussed the speeding issue inside Grove Park. All would like to avoid speed bumps, if possible, and will look into other options.


Kelly will be sure Hal meets with the RAB in March or April for well pump training. Each member should know how to turn irrigation pumps off in the event of an emergency when Hal is not on site.

Kelly will offer a pool equipment room key to a resident who needs for the water level to be consistent.

The next RAB meeting is scheduled forFebruary 20that 10:00 am.