Newham Adult Learning Service Session Plan

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Tutor / Course / OCR GCSE Maths B J-567 / Topic / Ratio and Proportion
Date / Level / 2 / Venue
Time / No of Learners
Session Aims: (teacher’s intention)
§  Discuss/recap on strategies for calculating ratios and direct/inverse proportions
§  Introduce vocabulary and equations of direct (y=kx)and inverse (y=k/x) variations
Specific Learning Outcomes (what you intend learners to achieve)
§  simplify ratio
§  work out best value for money
§  share amounts into a ratio
§  scale quantities using direct/inverse proportion
§  determine whether a real-world problem involves direct proportion or inverse proportion
More able learners to:
§  identify the constant of proportionality from descriptions of proportional relationships
§  represent proportional relationships by equations
Previous Knowledge assumed
Ability to:
Read/write numbers up to million
Carry out calculations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages using efficient methods
Read/interpret basic scales/tables/diagrams
English language skills at least at level 1
Materials and equipment
IWB, whiteboard, PowerPoint presentations, calculators or mobile phones, notepad, pens/pencils, Internet access (optional), tarsia on Ratio
Assessment methods (how each learning outcome will be assessed)
Observation, contributions to group discussions, targeted Q&As, peer assessment , checklist, tasks completed and marked
Equality & Diversity (How have you planned E&D& inclusion in this session?)
§  Use differentiated worksheets based on students’ varied levels of abilities
§  Make sure students X, Y, Z understand new terminology/vocabulary; use simple language. Use group discussions to promote their understanding and language skills.
§  Use PowerPoint presentation so that the students will be able to listen to the explanations and see examples at the same time.
§  Make sure that everyone could see the board.
§  Provide students with the variety of learning activities and resources to cater for different learning preferences and abilities
§  Incorporate frequent Q & A sessions within the lesson to enhance understanding
§  Constantly monitor students’ progress and provide 1-2-1 support if required
§  Extension tasks for FLs (N, T, M)
§  Direct and Inverse variation tasks for HT students
How will you include opportunities for functional skills development in this session?
Incorporate peer teaching/ assessment throughout the session to develop learners communication and PS skills
Every Learner Matters tick the boxes you will be addressing in the session and briefly identify in the comments box how.
Stay safe / Be healthy / Enjoy & achieve / Achieve economic wellbeing / Make a positive contribution
P / P / P
Comments: / Develop positive relationship with peers; Develop decision making skills; Improve career prospects by engaging in education/training
Topic & Content / Timing / Activity / Teaching Methods / Differentiation / Assessment
Introduction / 20 min / §  Welcome
§  Take register
§  Feedback on h/w Qs + review concepts if required.
§  Introduce lesson’s topic/objectives / Talk
Q&As / Make sure all students can see the board / Q&As
Intro to ratio + simplifying / 15 min / §  Run the presentation
§  Q A: What is a ratio? Elicit examples from Ss vocational areas/everyday life
§  Demonstrate simplification of ratios + encourage Ss to make the conceptual links with fractions.
§  Explain the need to convert to the same units before performing operations involving ratios
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / Presentation
IW / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new words/terminology
VA activities to cater for different LS
Peer support / Targeted Q&AS Observation
Contributions to discussion
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Best buy / 15 min / §  Discuss value for money + link to ratio/proportion
§  Run the presentation
§  Discuss + demonstrate “divide amount by pence” as a way to identify best buy
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / Presentation
1:1 / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new terminology
VA activities to cater for different LS
Peer support / Observation, Q&As
Contributions to Ds
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Sharing amounts into a ratio / 15 min / §  Run the presentation
§  Elicit examples from Ss vocational areas/everyday life
§  Demonstrate sharing amounts into a ratio
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / Presentation
1:1 / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new words/terminology
VA activities to cater for different LS
Peer support / Observation, Q&As
Contributions to Ds
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Direct and Inverse proportion / 25 min / §  Run the presentation
§  Elicit examples from Ss vocational areas/everyday life
§  Demonstrate how to find and unknown number that fits a given ratio
§  Discuss direct and inverse proportion in everyday situations such as scaling recipes, currency exchange, speed ↔ time
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / D
PW or IW / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new words/terminology
Make sure M, S take part in group discussion
VA activities to cater for different LS / Q&As
Contributions to discussion
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Ratio and Proportion tarsia puzzle / 30 min / §  Explain the task
§  Pair students
§  Facilitate the activity + 1:1 support
§  Students to solve ratio and proportion problems / PW
1:1 / Support for K, J
Extension activities for FL (E, A) / Observation
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Lunch break / 30 min / Informal chat / Encourage interaction between learners
Direct variation / 15 min / §  Recap on direct and inverse proportion
§  Run the presentation
§  Introduce direct variation + new terminology/ symbols: constant k, variable, ∝
§  Demonstrate how to work out the constant of proportionality from two directly proportional variables (k= y/x) and represent directly proportional relationships by equation y=kx
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / Presentation
IW / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new words/terminology
VA activities to cater for different LS
Peer support
Opportunity for FT Ss to start working on “Ration & Proportion” tasks / Targeted Q&AS Observation
Contributions to discussion
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Inverse variation / 30 min / §  Run the presentation
§  Introduce inverse variation + terminology/symbols
§  Demonstrate how to work out the constant of proportionality from two inversely proportional variables (k= yx) and represent inversely proportional relationships by equation y=k/x
§  Ss to complete short practice activities / Presentation
IW / Make sure X, Y, Z recognise new words/terminology
VA activities to cater for different LS
Peer support / Targeted Q&AS Observation
Contributions to discussion
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Practice activities / 70 min / §  FT students to work on “Ratio and Proportion” tasks
§  HT students to work on “Direct and Inverse Variation” tasks
§  1:1s / PW/IW
1:1 / Split students into small groups to promote peer support & interaction
Ext tasks (N, T, M) / Observation
Peer assessment
Tasks completed
Plenary / 5 min / §  Ask students to list all the mathematics they used to complete the tasks
§  Set homework / D
H/w / Opportunity for everyone to ask Qs / Q&As
Resources used: tick the appropriate resources used
OHP / Realia / CD ROM
SMART board / P / Past exam papers / IT equipment / P
Worksheets / P / White board / P / SfL materials
DVD / Audio equipment / Embedded SfL materials
TV visual equipment / Handout / P / Other
Evaluation: Consider the session and list as required below
Strengths / Areas of development / What went well? / What would you differently?
Variety of learning activities supported by h/outs & exercises to practise at home / Student directed activities / Peer support was present throughout the session. Timing was good - completed all intended learning activities / Cover basic conversions between units of length as a brainteaser as X, Y, Z struggled using the same units in ratio Qs
Comments: N found the lesson quite hard – 1-2-1 next session to build up her confidence
Ratio, Proportion and Scales
Teaching Methods Abbreviations
L= Lecture / GW= Group Work / IW= individual work / PW= Pair work / D= discussion / SR= research / PEER= Peer assessment
Q&A= Question & Answer / 1:1= one to one / DEM= demonstration / PA= practical activity / FLs Fast learners / SLs= Slow learners