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LGBT Health Summit: Passing the Baton

2012 Summit Handover & Legacy Subgroup





How will your application be assessed?


Getting help with your Application

Submitting your Application

What support does the Host get?


Lead Organisation/Group Details

Partners/Consortia Members


Location and Venue


Budget & Income Generation

Viability & Sustainability


Your Vision




The LGBT Health Summit was founded in 2006 to provide a safe, supportive, free and exciting space for individuals, organisations and activists to come together to discuss, debate and challenge thinking and practice on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) health issues in the UK.

There have been sevenSummits so far.

The inaugural Summit was in London in 2006, followed by Manchester in 2007, Bristol in 2008, Newcastle/Gateshead in 2009, Hatfield, Hertfordshire in 2010 and most recently Cardiff in 2011. The seventh Summit was held in Canterbury on 13 and 14 September 2012.

This document is to encourage and explain how you can host the next LGBT Health Summit in 2014. This is also the application form.

How will your application be assessed?

Applications to host the LGBT Health Summit 2014will be assessed by a Handover and Legacy Panel. This Panel is made up of representatives of national LGBT organisations, the Department of Health, a trans specific voice and the current hosts (or lead organisation if a consortia is hosting). This year’s Panel will be:

  • Greg Ussher, Chair of LGBT Consortium and Acting CEO of The Metro Centre
  • James Taylor, Head of Policy at Stonewall
  • Paul Roberts, Chief Executive at LGBT Consortium
  • Helen Belcher, Trans Media Watch
  • Justin Varney, Consultant in Public Health Medicine at Public Health England and one of the original founders

Your application will be scored from your answers to the questions on this application form. The Panel’s guiding principles are for a viable, inclusive and impactful summit.

Aspect / Description / Maximum Score
Viable / The application shows that the Summit will go ahead and will be successful. This will consider:
  • Capacity of host(s)
  • Financial security of host(s)
  • Soundness of budget
  • Strength of fundraising proposed
  • Suitability of location and venue
/ 10
Inclusive / The application shows that the theme, venue and promotion of the event will be inclusive;accessible to delegates, speakers and facilitators, both physically and in topics to be covered. Ways of reaching traditionally under-represented groups will increase scoring for this aspect. These groups include, among others, trans communities, young people, older people and BME communities. / 10
Impactful / The application has well informed theme(s) and explains how this will deliver impact for LGBT health in the UK. The Panel will also be looking at how you will ensure there is a legacy left by your Summit. / 10


In order to progress things as quickly as possible, we are implementing a fairly short turnaround time for applications to be received. The schedule will be as follows:

  • Wednesday 19thFebruary– Applications open
  • Friday 7th March – Applications close
  • Thursday 13thMarch– Initial Assessment completed
  • Friday 14th March– Successful Applicant notified
  • Monday 17th March– Hosts for LGBT Health Summit 2014 announced

Getting help with your Application

If you would like support in working through your application or have any questions, please feel free to contact the following organisations:

  • LGBT Consortium, Paul Roberts, 0207 064 6501,
  • The Metro Centre, Dr Greg Ussher,

Submitting your Application

Applications must be submitted via email to Greg Ussher at The Metro Centre, , by5pm on Friday 7thMarch 2014.

What support does the Host get?

The selected host for 2014 will be supported by the Handover & Legacy Panel. There will be expertise available through key organisations and individuals that have been supporting the Summit for a number of years. The Panel will facilitate your introduction to these supporters. An information pack will include:

  • Branding resources (original artwork for this year’s logos and graphics)
  • Website details for
  • Contacts for people that registered their interest and those that registered to attend the 2012 Summit
  • Monitoring questions and analysis of the attendees for this year, plus any previous monitoring
  • Summit Report 2012, and any previous Summit reports or evaluations
  • Contacts for the Panel and key supporters of the Summit and previous funders/sponsors

Please note, there is no financial assistance provided to the successful host. It is the host’s responsibility to raise necessary funds to put on the Health Summit.


Below are the sections of the document that you need to complete to apply to host the LGBT Health Summit 2014. If you are applying as a group or consortia to host the Summit you will need to select a lead organisation. We understand that it might be difficult to have all details in place to complete your application, but please try to complete with as much detail as possible, or describe the process you plan to follow to put your plans in place.

Lead Organisation/Group Details

Organisation/Group Name
Contact Name
Contact Email
Contact Telephone Number(s)
What is the aim of your organisation/group?

Partners/Consortia Members

Please enter the Name, Contact Name and Contact Email of each of your application Partners or Consortia Members.
(If you are applying on your own you do not need to complete this section. Note that if you are a small organisation or group, having partners is a good way to increase the viability of your application)

Have you discussed your application with the organisations/groups above and gained their support in principle?

Yes we have their support

No we have not approached them yet

We have approached some of them: (please list)


When do you plan to hold the Summit? Click here to enter a date.

Location and Venue

In this section we want to know where in the UK you plan to hold the Summit and the venue(s) you are considering.

(The more detailed your plans are the better you are likely to score in this section)


What theme(s) do you have planned and what is the desired impact for each of these?

Theme Title and Description / Impact

Budget & Income Generation

In this section we want to know about how much you plan to spend on the Summit and how you plan to raise the necessary funds. The format is the same for all applications, but you can add 2 additional lines if you need to.

(Again if you can give us more detail, especially around how you are going to raise the funds, you will score more highly in this section. If you have funds agreed in principle for any areas please indicate this in the table below.)although it depends on the number of registrations, if there are between 300and 400 people attending it is estimated that the Summit may cost between £50,000 and £70,000.)

Budget Area / Your Estimated Cost / Source
Venue & Catering / £
Filming / £
Communications & Marketing / £
Bursaries (Delegate travel) / £
Delegate Packs / £
Entertainment & Social Events / £
Speaker expenses / £
Access / £
Website Hosting / £
Contingency / £
Staffing (Planning & Delivery) / £
Other: / £
Other: / £
TOTAL / £ / -

Please let us know if you are proposing any major changes to the format of the Summit and why.

(For example reducing the capacity or duration of the event, charging,or delivering virtually.In 2012, the capacity was 300, running for 2 days)

Viability & Sustainability

How will you ensure that the Summit goes ahead if you are selected as the host(s)?

How will you encourage organisations to host the LGBT Health Summit 2015?


How will you ensure that the LGBT Health Summit 2014 will be inclusive in terms of delegates attending, workshop topics, facilitators and speakers?

Your Vision

Why would your organisation(s) make excellent hosts, including anything innovative you are proposing for 2014?


Please supply 2 referees that are happy to support your application

(This can include partners from your application)

Referee 1
Email Address
Telephone Number
Referee 2
Email Address
Telephone Number


On behalf of our organisation(s) I submit this application to host the LGBT Health Summit 2014. If we are selected we will do our very best to facilitate a successful, impactful and inclusive Summit. We will encourage organisations to host the 2015 Summit and agree to support and sit on the Handover & Legacy Panel to select the 2015 hosts. We will help handover to the next hosts.

LGBT Health Summit 2012 / -1 of 10-