The Pote Post

Room 107

October 2, 2015 612-926-0001 x24

10/5 / Tuesday
10/6 / Wednesday
10/7 / Thursday
10/8 / Friday
*Spanish Day
*Gym Day / *Music Day
*Spanish Day
*Picture Day
*Prayer Service 10:15 / *Gym Day / *Library Day / *Gym Day
*Music Day
*Day of Service
*Marathon Fun Day


This week we worked in our series. Our essential question this week was “What clues tell you how a character feels?” We spent a lot of time this week looking for words and actions that gave us clues to help us understand the characters in our stories. Our story this week is a story titled The Storm. This was a fictional story about a boy and his grandpa who took care of him when it stormed. Next week we will read a selection out of a science textbook about different kinds of storms and how storms are measured. This fit in perfectly with our weather unit in science we will start next week. Our phonics focus this week is the short /i/ sound you hear at the beginning of if. We practiced many short /i/ words on our spelling list. This week our words to know are: for, he, what, look, have, and too. Please practice these words with your child at home. In grammar, we learned that words for places and things are called nouns. In writing we worked with using captions to give more detail to our writing.


This week we finished Unit 1. We worked on finding partners for 10. We also worked on switching the equation. We worked with odd and even numbers and we also worked on visualizing numbers 6-10 as a group of 5 and extra ones. Today we took our first math test. Judging by the practice test, I think the children all did very well!


This week we worked on Chapter Two in our Religion series titled: God’s Gifts. In this chapter we learned the world is God’s gift to people and that everything good is a gift from God. We talked about gifts we have and the different ways people use God’s gifts.


This week we finished our unit on apples. This week we did an experiment to find out which secret ingredient would keep our apple slices from turning brown. We made our predictions and dipped an apple slice in each of the following: water, grape juice, lemon juice, and nothing (air). We looked at our results at the end of the day. Ask your child to tell you the results and why!

*Other News and Announcements

This week I sent home conference confirmation times. Please let me know ASAP if your conference time does not work. Next week I will send home a pre-conference for you to fill out and bring to your conference.

Please mark your calendars for some upcoming events . . .

10/6 Picture Day

10/6 Marathon Collection Day

10/9 Day of Service/Marathon Family Night of Fun

10/12-10/14 Conferences

10/14 No School Conferences

10/15-10/16 No School MEA

10/29 Halloween Celebration

10/30 No School- Teacher Inservice