SeptemberSES PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Date: September 16, 2016Time: 8:00amLocation SES Conference Room

  1. Meeting called to order at 8:10am.
  2. Meeting attended by Ellen Jung, Stephanie Grover, Laura Wissinger, Rebecca Khalik, Renee Kuzcka, Kimberly Minnery, Brian Clubb, Mrs. Foreman and Mr. Raska.
  3. Motion to approve the August meeting minutes by Stephanie and second by Rebecca.
  4. July Treasure Report approved by Renee, second by Stephanie.
  5. August Treasure Report approved by Laura, second by Renee.
  6. New Business
  7. Allocation follow up –
  8. Art Dept– used their $1000 allocation money.
  9. Water Stations – engineer came and clarified what we needed. Single dispenser will be put in the front of the school; double dispenser will be put in by the PE room. $2371 total (which is below budget). Should arrive next week and will be installed shortly after. Motion to purchase water absorbent mats for under the water filling stations. Motion approved by Laura, second by Stephanie.
  10. Picnic Tables and Buddy Benches – delivered Thursday. Work order in progress for assembly and installation. $180 discount due to delivery being delayed.
  11. Staff/Teacher T-shirts and stickers – arrived and invoice has been paid
  12. Gift Cards for Teachers – given out at luncheon
  13. Assembly – Rebecca will contact IMAX Dome Theater Company to get rates.
  14. Spirit Wear –Sold well at open school and new student orientation. Online store is open until 9/23. Will then be 1 – 2 weeks until delivery. Will put remaining inventory out at Bingo night. Already made our money back. Will order additional inventory for Family Fun Night and Pancake Breakfast.
  15. Spirit Nights – First one was yesterday at Jersey Mikes. Next Tuesday 9/20 is Chick Filet. Will have a table for membership there from 5-8pm. Sweet Frog on 9/26.
  16. Kindergarten/New Student Social – 38 new PTA members. Cookies were a hit and much easier than ice cream.
  17. Back to School Luncheon/Team Building – everyone enjoyed it. 25 gift baskets and 20 gift cards given away.
  18. Open House – went well! Free water bottles given with PTA membership wasawesome!
  19. Membership – 155 total members as of today. 3 way tie right now for the class with most members. 3rd grade in first place to win Karaoke party. Final winners will be determined after PTA General Meeting/Book Bingo.
  20. Final Review of Budget – Added line “school enhancement/signage” for $200. Laura approved, Renee second. Approval of final budget by Laura, second by Renee. Budget stands and will be presented to membership on 9/29.
  21. Audit – completed. Motion to approve by Laura, second by Kimberly. Passed.
  22. Marquis fund – BB&T offered 3 suggestions – 11 month CD - .25% interest. 3 year CD - .4% with early withdrawal fee of $25. Regular savings account - .02%. Kimberly motioned, Brian second to go with the 11 month CD.
  23. New Business
  24. Yard Sale – Saturday 9/24. 3 sign ups right now. Kimberly will put a blurb on FB about it and PTA will send another flyer home with students. Ellen will send email to membership as well.
  25. General PTA Meeting/Book Bingo – 9/29 – 6:00 is meeting, 6:30 is Bingo. Barnes and Nobles donated 3 books. All VA reader books have been ordered and arrived. Laura will check supplies in the shed after meeting this morning.
  26. Trunk or Treat/Fall Dance – Libby Lafferty is chair. Stephanie and Renee are board contacts.
  27. Boosterthon – need to start soliciting for shirt donations.
  28. By-Law committee – 1 volunteer to help Brian. Ellen and Rebecca will also help.
  29. Principal’s Report – Thank you for all your support with the beginning of the year. New county website is now up and running. Mrs. Foreman asked we set guidelines for school Facebook page and change passwords for FB and google drives. Spirit week is the last week of September. Field Day is Friday 9/30. Back to school night this year will be “Stong Minds, Strong Bodies” Family Night on 10/20 from 6-7:30pm. Each teacher/classroomwill have a game/challenge. Will be set up as stations. Jennifer Dill held Fall Beautification and did a fantastic job. GirlSmarts will begin in November and held again in February for 4th and 5th grade girls. Mrs. Foreman asked we consider some scholarship donations. Superintendent did a school wide open house for the county. Ellen is on the superintendent’s parent advisory committee and attended. DARE has begun.
  30. Vice President’s Report – Was a wonderful start to the school year. Thank you!
  31. Meeting adjourned at 10:21am.