Subject / Subject

New items are shown in bold.


/ Francis Combe School, Garston – Outline business case for funding of new academy building /


/ Hornbeams Day Centre, Welwyn Garden City – commercial terms
for the sale and reprovision of


/ Revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme /


/ Traffic Regulation Orders - various (see attached Schedule appendix 1)


/ Approval to consult on:
1. Proposed admission arrangements for 2010 for community and voluntary controlled schools
2. the proposed Schemes of Co-ordination for all schools in Hertfordshire. /


/ Porter’s Lodge, Ware - acceptance of commercial terms for the disposal of


/ Hertfordshire Drugs Strategy - Council endorsement of multi-agency strategy /


/ Land and buildings at 14-16 New Road, Bengeo, Hertford – to consider the future of


/ Building Schools for the Future: revised expression of interest for BSF projects /


/ Contract for provision of vehicle maintenance and workshops


/ New Economic Development Partnership for Herts /


/ To procure an Adults Care Services case management and finance system as a replacement to IRIS. This will exceed £500K


/ Closure of Francis Combe School
(only required if objections to statutory notices are received) /


/ Contract for the provision of an Electronic Document Records Management System for the County Council



Revenue and Capital Budget Monitor



/ Fletcher Way, Hemel Hempstead: to consider the future of land in


/ Lending Policy
(monthly report) /


/ Award Contract to East & North and West Herts PCT’s for the provision of Speech and Language Therapy.


/ Holywell Primary School, Watford –(a) to consider the future of the Partially Hearing Unit, (b) increase the published admission number form 45 to 60 /


/ Herts Waste Procurement Project – appointment of legal advisors


/ Local Area Agreements 1 and 2 performance /


/ Herts Waste Procurement Project – appointment of financial and procurement advisors


/ County Council response (as Section 4.4 authority) to the Regional Spatial Strategy Review /


/ Design and build contract for a select number of highway schemes


/ Investing in Communities 2008/09 performance /


/ Contract for provision of a courier service


/ Relocation of Primary Support Base from Berrygrove to Highwood Primary School
(only required if objections to statutory notices are received) /


/ School Funding Arrangements 2009/10 and amendments to the Scheme for Financing Schools /


/ Introduction of Formula Funding Arrangements for Early Years Settings /


/ Draft Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals /


/ Criteria for the allocation of extended services in primary schools capital 2008/11 /


/ The Council’s Key Risk Process 2008/09 /


/ Medium Term Financial Strategy including the revenue and capital budget /


/ School Admission arrangements for 2010, including Schemes of Co-ordination /

PART A: CABINET DECISIONS Note: New items and amendments are shown in bold. (HCC meetings are shown in italics for information)

Ref. No.


Issue for Decision


Date decision to be made

/ Organisations proposed to be consulted /

Means of consultation

/ How to make representations/ by when / Documents to be considered /


/ Francis Combe School, Garston – Outline business case for funding of new academy building / 15/12/08 (was 19/11/08) / / Andy Cunningham
01992 555740 / Report of Director of Children, Schools and Families


/ Revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme /


/ Planning & External Relations Cabinet Panel 09/12/08
Herts Infrastructure & Planning Partnership / Sue Davidson
/ Report of the Director of Environment


/ Approval to consult on:
1. Proposed admission arrangements for 2010 for community and voluntary controlled schools
2. the proposed Schemes of Co-ordination for all schools in Hertfordshire. / 15/12/08 / Stakeholders including Hertfordshire schools, Hertfordshire District/Borough Councils, the Admission Forum, Faith Representatives, the Hertfordshire Learning And Skills Council, Neighbouring Local Education Authorities, Hertfordshire and Local Members /

Publication and distribution of consultation document in hard-copy format and via hertsdirect website and meetings as required.

/ Feedback should be provided by completing the consultation response form available both in hardcopy format and via hertsdirect website.
Responses to the consultation should be addressed to Central Admissions, Room 134, County Hall.
Email: admissions. / Report of the Director of Children, Schools and Families


/ Hertfordshire Drugs Strategy - Council endorsement of multi-agency strategy / 15/12/08 / Community Safety Panel (11/12/08)
Wide range of partners inc. Crime Partnerships, Health service, Police, Probation Service /

Conferences, meetings and workshops

/ Philip Winter
01438 843642 / Report of the Director of Adult Care Services


/ Building Schools for the Future: revised expression of interest for BSF projects / 15/12/08 / Education Cabinet Panel
Schools and Voluntary Aided bodies /


/ Pauline Davis
/ Report of the Director of Children, Schools and Families


/ New Economic Development Partnership for Herts / 15/12/08 / Planning & External Relations Cabinet Panel 09/12/08
Policy & Resources Cabinet Panel 11/12/08
Herts Leaders 01/12/08
Herts Forward 09/12/08
Herts Infrastructure & Planning Partnership 09/12/08 /


/ Jan Hayes-Griffin
/ Report of the Director of Environment


/ Closure of Francis Combe School
(only required if objections to statutory notices are received) / 15/12/08 / / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.



Revenue and Capital Budget Monitor




Policy and Resources Cabinet Panel 11/12/08

/ /

Lorraine Allen

01992 555313


Report of the Director of Finance, Information and Commercial Services


/ Lending Policy
(monthly report) / 15/12/08 / / Nicola Webb

01992 555148

/ Report of the Director of Finance, Information and Commercial Services


/ Holywell Primary School, Watford –(a) to consider the future of the Partially Hearing Unit, (b) increase the published admission number form 45 to 60 / 19/01/09 / Consultation with stakeholders
Education Cabinet Panel 08/01/09 /

Letter consultation Oct/Nov 2008 and pupil consultation via School Council

/ Janet Rees
01992 555813 / Report of the Director of Children, Schools and Families


/ Local Area Agreements 1 and 2 performance / 19/01/09 (was 15/12/08) / Herts Forward
County-wide Partnerships /

Report to Herts Forward

/ Keith Shephard
/ Report of the Director of Environment


/ County Council response (as Section 4.4 authority) to the Regional Spatial Strategy Review / 19/01/09 / Planning & External Relations Cabinet Panel 13/01/09
Herts Infrastructure & Planning Partnership 09/12/08 / / Jonathan Tiley
/ Report of the Director of Environment


/ Investing in Communities 2008/09 performance / 19/01/09 / Policy and Resources Cabinet Panel 15/01/09 /


/ Jan Hayes-Griffin
/ Report of the Director of Environment


/ Relocation of Primary Support Base from Berrygrove to Highwood Primary School
(only required if objections to statutory notices are received) / 19/01/09 / / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.


/ School Funding Arrangements 2009/10 and amendments to the Scheme for Financing Schools / 02/02/09 / Education Panel, Schools Forum, Schools, Governors, Councillors & members of Scrutiny Committee, Directors & senior officers of CSF, School Development Advisers, Union representatives. Public by means of web site and library branches. /

Formal Consultation Document published as a booklet in mid November 2008.

/ Formal response form to be returned (paper or email) by end of December 2008. / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.


/ Introduction of Formula Funding Arrangements for Early Years Settings / 02/02/09 / Education Panel, Schools Forum, Schools, Governors, Councillors & members of Scrutiny Committee, Directors & senior officers of CSF, Early Years Advisers, Union representatives. Public by means of web site and library branches. /

Formal Consultation Document published as a booklet in mid November 2008.

/ Formal response form to be returned (paper or email) by end of December 2008. / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.


/ Draft Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals / 02/02/09 / All service Cabinet Panels, Policy and Resources Cabinet Panel,
Overview & Scrutiny Committee / / Andrew Nightingale
01992 555331 / Report of the Director of Finance, Information and Commercial Services


/ Criteria for the allocation of extended services in primary schools capital 2008/11 / 16/02/09 / Schools Forum, Extended Schools, Heads of Hubs, Children’s Services and Corporate Parenting Panel 06/02/09 / / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.


/ The Council’s Key Risk Process 2008/09 / 16/02/09 / / Paul Dudley
01992 555532 / Report of the Director of Finance, Information and Commercial Services


/ Medium Term Financial Strategy including the revenue and capital budget / Cabinet
County Council
24/02/09 / All service Cabinet Panels, Policy and Resources Cabinet Panel,
Overview & Scrutiny Committee / / Andrew Nightingale
01992 555331 / Report of the Director of Finance, Information and Commercial Services


/ School Admission arrangements for 2010, including Schemes of Co-ordination / Cabinet
County Council
31/03/09 / Stakeholders including Hertfordshire schools, Hertfordshire District/Borough Councils, the Admission Forum, Faith Representatives, the Hertfordshire Learning And Skills Council, Neighbouring Local Education Authorities, Hertfordshire and Local Members /

Publication and distribution of consultation document in hard-copy format and via hertsdirect website and meetings as required.

/ Feedback should be provided by completing the consultation response form available both in hardcopy format and via hertsdirect website.
Responses to the consultation should be addressed to Central Admissions, Room 134, County Hall.
Email: admissions. / Report of the Director of Children, Schools & Families.

Membership of Cabinet

Derrick Ashley / Planning, External Relations and Waste / Stuart Pile / Highways, Transport and Rural Affairs
Keith Emsall / Education and Culture / Jane Pitman / Children's Services
Robert Gordon / Leader of the Council / Richard Roberts / Corporate Strategy and Partnerships
David Lloyd / Deputy Leader/ Performance and Resources / Richard Smith / Community Safety
Sally Newton / Adult Care and Health

PART B: CHIEF OFFICER DECISIONS Note: New items and amendments are shown in bold.

Ref. No.


Issue for Decision

/ Name and Title of Decision Maker /

Date decision to be made

/ Organisations proposed to be consulted /

Means of consultation

/ How to make representations/by when / Documents to be considered /


/ Hornbeams Day Centre, Welwyn Garden City – commercial terms
for the sale and reprovision of / Colin Cooper, Principal Estates Officer / During the period of this Forward Plan /


/ n/a / Report and recommendation of the County Council’s property consultant (which will contain exempt information and so will not be available for public inspection)


/ Traffic Regulation Orders - various (see attached Schedule appendix 1) /

John Wood, Director of Environment


During the period of this Forward Plan

/ local residents /

newspapers adverts and mailshots

/ contact Rob Smith
01992 556118 / Reports from Lead Officers


/ Porter’s Lodge, Ware - acceptance of commercial terms for the disposal of /

Colin Cooper, Principal Estates Officer


By end March 2008

/ / Not applicable / Report and recommendation of the County Council’s property consultant (which will contain exempt information and so will not be available for public inspection)


/ Land and buildings at 14-16 New Road, Bengeo, Hertford – to consider the future of /

Ken McMaster, Senior Estates Officer


December 2008

/ / Not applicable / Officer property policy report (which will contain exempt information and so will not be available for public inspection)


/ Contract for provision of vehicle maintenance and workshops /

Dave Golledge, Head of Herts Business Services




/ / Alan Smith
01707 281860 / See Note 2 below


/ To procure an Adults Care Services case management and finance system as a replacement
to IRIS. This will exceed £500K /

Sarah Pickup

Director of Adult Care Services /

December 2008

/ Policy and Resources Panel
Cabinet /

Reports and presentations

/ Ian Armitage
01992 588006 / See Note 2 below


/ Contract for the provision of an Electronic Document Records Management System for the County Council / Chris Sweeney, Finance, Information and Commercial Services Director / December 2008 / Ian Armitage
01992 588006 / See Note 2 below


/ Fletcher Way, Hemel Hempstead: to consider the future of land in / Dick Bowler, Head of Corporate Estates / By 31 December 2008 / n/a / n/a / n/a / Report and recommendation of the County Council’s property consultant (which will contain exempt information and so will not be available for public inspection)


/ Award Contract to East & North and West Herts PCT’s for the provision of Speech and Language Therapy. / Gary Heathcote
Head of Strategic Commissioning / By February 2009 / PCT / Contract review meetings / Via email / See Note 2 below


/ Herts Waste Procurement Project – appointment of legal advisors / Peter Davidson, HWPP Programme Director / December 2008 / Bryony Rothwell
01992 588350 / See Note 2 below


/ Herts Waste Procurement Project – appointment of financial and procurement advisors / Peter Davidson, HWPP Programme Director / December 2008 / Bryony Rothwell
01992 588350 / See Note 2 below


/ Design and build contract for a select number of highway schemes / Rob Smith, Assistant Director (Transport Management) / March 2009 / Steve Minton
01707 356553 / See Note 2 below


/ Contract for provision of a courier service / Tony Comer, County Property Officer / February 2009 / Chris Hinge
01992 556282 / See Note 2 below


1. CBC contract = on behalf of 17 local authority members of the Central Buying Consortium

2. Quality and price evaluation derived from tenderers' submissions (which may contain exempt information and if so will not be available for public inspection)

If you have any general enquiries about this Forward Plan - contact David Roberts, Head of Democratic Services and Cabinet Secretary, 01992 555562