Wells Science / / Ms. Dickey

It is going to be an exciting year and I am looking forward to working with you. Seventh grade science promises to be an exciting year as we study life science. The objectives of this course are to meet the California State Science Standards and develop a positive attitude concerning science while practicing laboratory safety and manipulative skills. Students will study selected topics such as: investigation and experimentation, cell biology, genetics, earth and life history, structure and function of living things, and physical principles of systems. Here are a few things to help you be successful in our class.


  1. Maintain a courteous relationship with your teacher and all of your classmates.
  2. Respect the equipment and furnishings in room H-5.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. Ms. Dickey’s class is a learning zone. All students will enter quietly.
  5. Students will not approach Ms. Dickey at the beginning of class for any reason unless of a 911 emergency. Ms. Dickey will ask, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns in which, you may ask questions and approach Ms. Dickey only after the meet and greet session which includes going over the Daily Agenda Board.
  6. All students must listen when the teacher is speaking
  7. NO HORSEPLAY in the classroom or in lab activities is allowed.
  8. All backpacks must be kept under your desk when not in use.
  9. Students are not allowed out of the classroom 15 min after and 15 min before the bell rings.
  10. No students are allowed out of their seats or the class for any reason without my (Ms. Dickey) permission.
  11. Focus on the lesson
  12. Obey all school rules.


Grades are based on individual and group projects/assignments, labs, quizzes, notebooks, tests and class participation. Each assignment or project will have a differing point value. Although many activities will be completed as a result of team interaction, you will be held accountable for your share of the work. Your grade will reflect achievement on given assignments.

Letter grades will be based on the following:

A+ - A-……….90-100% C+ - C-……………..70- 79%

B+ - B- ……….80-89 % D+ - D-……………..60-69% F…………below 60%.

Cheating on any tests, quizzes, or other assignments will result to being assigned

SaturdaySchool for anyone involved. No excuses will be accepted.


All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. All assignments must be turned in a day before the Unit Test for a maximum of ½ (50%) credit. If the late work is not received within this timeframe, then those assignments will be given a zero. Furthermore, long-term projects, (meaning, you are granted a week or more to work on project) will not be granted additional time to work on from the assigned due date.


  1. Students MUST keep a science notebook in a 2-3 inch/ 3 ringed binder.
  2. All papers in the notebook MUST have your name, date, period, and assignment number.
  3. Each assignment will be given a completion stamp or grade.
  4. The notebook will be collected and graded at the end of each chapter as well as one to two weeks before the end of each quarter and given a grade based on:

  • Assignments are in number order 1, 2, 3, 4…….;
  • A heading is found on each assignment.
  • Completion of each assignment.
  • Free of ruffled edges.
  • No scratch outs on any assignments will be allowed/accepted. This includes darken lettering.
  • Each assignment must be written in all blue ink, all black ink, all pencil or all typed. Any assignment, which consists of a combination of the above, will be given a zero.


All homework, long-term assignments, and notification of up and coming tests will be placed on new.schoolnotes.com and specified on my voicemail daily: (925) 828-6227 ext. 6140. Students are also required to record the daily agenda and homework in their science notebook/binder in order to receive a notebook grade at the end of each quarter All class/homework must be completed in blue/black ink, typed/pencil only, or you will receive zero credit! During 1st Q only, students that are missing HW must call home to notify their parent/guardian.


  1. The Student Activity Contract will be offered upon request for the first 3 quarters, for possible points of extra credit. Students must make this request known prior to two weeks before the ending of each progress report and quarter.

2. Other opportunities for extra credit may become available during lunch and/or after school as the quarter progresses.


  1. You must be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.
  2. Students who are late to class will be given a ten minute detention to be served at lunch. After three tardies or failing to show up for detention, the student will be assigned a 45 minute school detention.


  1. Students are responsible to ask for and make up missed work immediately upon their return after an absence. Students are granted the same amount of days that they were absent, to make up the work. If the student fails to request the absent work the day he/she returns, then the number of days and/or credit to make the work up will start to decline.
  2. If a test date was scheduled prior to your absence, it is your responsibility to make that test up the day you return unless I specify otherwise.
  3. Consult the homework hotline, new.schoolnotes.com or a study buddy. The teacher’s assistant will place assignments in the handout file for that day
  4. Most lab activities cannot be made up; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for a make-up assignment.
  5. Tests or work missed due to tardiness or school disciplinary actions must be made-up the same day, next day, or the day you return during lunch.


Textbooks, directed reading books and laboratory materials are furnished for student use. The science department asks for a $10 donation to help cover part of the cost of lab supplies and the directed reading materials. Students will be given a copy of the textbook to be kept and used at home. Students must pay for replacement books or materials due to loss, carelessness, or reckless behavior. The replacement cost of a lost book is $65 and directed reading books are $10. The textbook can also be found online at You will be notified of both your username and the password at a later date.

I look forward to a great year of science!

Ms. Dickey,

Email: one: (925) 828-6227 ext. 6140