Minutes of the Old Elthamians Cricket Club

Annual General Meeting

Held at Foxbury on Thursday 3rd November 2011

Present: Russ Palumbo (Chair), Paul Daniels (Junior Chair), Nick Byers (Secretary),

Paul Bell (Treasurer), Phil Alger, Peter Mapstone, Charlie Matthews, Sam Lockwood, Mark Coles, Charlie Robson, Jeff Brown, James Doyle, Jon Doyle, Bob Draycott, Hashan Khan, Ollie Powell, Andy Littlechild, Andy Hammond, Graham Nash, Graham Howie, Paul Glenny, Andrew Cochrane, Blaine Carey, Sean, Calum Nash, Graham Alger,

Apologies received from: John Nicholls, James Worf, Paul G Davies

The meeting opened at 2000h

Minutes of the last AGM held in November 2011 had been circulated in advance and were taken as read.

Officers Reports


Russ confirmed his decision to stand down as Chairman, having been Secretary for 10 years and Chair for 6 – this due to increasing work commitments overseas.

His first task was to congratulate Paul Daniels on winning an OSCA (Outstanding Service to Cricket Award) in the Building Partnerships category. Paul is pictured at the Lord’s awards ceremony with former England captain, Mike Gatting.

The 2012 season’s cricket was a good one. Charlie Matthews’ leadership of the 1sts was exemplary and Paul Bell led the 2nds to promotion. The 3’s came up against a tough league and the 4’s only missed promotion due to the weather.

Russ recalled several highlights of his tenure starting with the Granby merger, a number of whose players have become stalwarts of OECC and the start of the Junior Section that now flourishes under the remarkable stewardship of Paul Daniels and Andy Littlechild. The Academy and Young Leaders programmes are an example both locally and nationally. The 1st XI gained successive promotions from Div 5 to Div 3, many juniors are now playing senior cricket, the 4th XI have become established as a regular league side and the playing surfaces have become best in class. We have also had significant overseas contributions from the redoubtable Ken Vowles and more recently Dylan De Beer who have left their mark personally as well as on the field.

Sadly, the financial reality is that we cannot invite Dylan back for a further season and must rely on talent closer to home. Russ has discussed this with Dylan whose golf career is in any case starting to take off, which has long been his ambition. With Olly Powell now installed as Director of Coaching we have both continuity and fresh impetus to move us forward. Russ highlighted the unity that has developed within the Club, with all teams supporting each other.

Looking forward, securing the future of cricket at Foxbury is a priority and the appointment of Sue Doyle as Club Manager is a key step in re-vitalising OE’s home ground. There’s much optimism that Olly’s role will provide a co-ordination across coaching committee and selection, advising on junior development and our youngsters’ readiness for senior cricket.

Finally, Russ thanked all the committees over the years, but particularly Paul Daniels, Nick Byers and Jeff Brown for their constant support.

A vote of thanks was proposed and unanimously supported for Russ’s contribution to OECC.

Junior Chairman

Paul Daniels advised that earlier in the evening he had been re-elected as Junior Chair. His review started with the loss of so much cricket to the weather and his grateful thanks to Paul Balkwill for preparing wickets that saved so many games. Paul echoed Russ’s acknowledgement of the Club’s success, not only on the field but locally and nationally through the KCB and ECB as our Welfare, Outreach coaching in 6 schools, Academy and Disabled achieve wider recognition.

As OESC Chair, Paul advised that a new Sports Council is being formed with a number of volunteers stepping forward and delighted in the appointment of Sue Doyle, whose presence is already being positively felt.

A vote of thanks to Paul for his herculean efforts for the Cricket section and the wider club’s behalf was roundly supported.


Paul Bell advised that Senior Club finances are not healthy and the bank balance is only just positive. Several members were named as owing their £30 Club fees which Cricket owes to OESC. Overseas players cannot be considered with this state of affairs but would only take 3-4 socials each year to change. Paul led a review of income and outgoings. It’s up to us.

Club Captain (1st XI)

P18 W9 L4 D2 Aban 3 4th of 10 in KCL Div 3

Charlie Matthews congratulated all captains across the Club on the 2012 season. The 1st XI finished 4th in the 3rd Division which was a huge step forward over last year. It was a tough task taking over from Edd Thorogood, but Dylan’s performances and Olly Powell’s presence brought a more professional edge to match day proceedings. In a season of two halves, there were only 2 wins early on, but that included Addington’s only defeat of the season. The last 7 games featured 4 wins and only 1 defeat.

Player highlights included Sam Lockwood (327 runs at 25 average) and James Pearce (299 at 27 inc 3 successive ducks) make solid contributions, but it was Dylan with 784 runs (4 x 50’s and 2 x 100’s) that bore witness to the asset he’s been over the last few years.

One bowler shone through - Hash Khan took 31 wickets at fewer than 10 runs apiece, Olly taking 19, Harrish and Edd too contributed with the ball. Special mention was made of Fred Foster playing in advance of his years with 20 wickets and a great prospect, one of several juniors coming through.

There remains much to do with more integration of juniors overseen by Olly and training with an increased emphasis on fielding (poor across the whole club).

Charlie called for more socials and better attendance after matches, both of which will be more attractive with new Foxbury management in place, but overall the future looks bright.

There was a special mention to the volunteers, especially Jon Doyle, Phil Alger and James Doyle; Russ and Nick; Paul Balkwill’s superb wickets and Peter Mapstone for umpiring. Charlie finished by praising Paul Daniels’ achievements in putting OE’s on the map with his OSCA achievements, involvement with KCB and ECB and his work with CRY.

Here’s to next season.

2nd XI:

P18 W9 L3 D3 Aban 3 2nd of 10 in KCL Div 4 (II’s) PROMOTED

Paul Bell spoke of his pleasure in captaining the team who all contributed to the promotion effort. James Doyle made the stand-out performances with the ball, backed by Scott Appleyard, Will Foster and the overall attitude of the Academy players. Calum made great strides making the No.5 position his own and only failing when Dad Graham came to watch – a potentially great player when he puts his mind to it. James Fowle was the unluckiest bowler, Cosmo found an extra yard of pace, Blaine was as reliable as ever and Johnny Nicholls bowled well, though the number of spin options perhaps limited the use of Arun.

The one negative was defeat to OD Cuaco, but the call for effort was rewarded by 3 straight wins including the old enemy of Chislehurst.

Andy Hammond was batsman of the season (100 at Chislehurst), Joe Sparrowhawk overcame back problems to bowl wicket-taking spells and David Hollingsworth is a great prospect.

The 2’s are aiming for promotion again in 2013.

3rd XI:

P16 W3 L9 Aban 4 9th of 9 in KRCL Div 1B Metropolitan (Relegated)

After last year’s report when Mark Coles modestly described his season in charge of the most successful team in the Club, the team unexpectedly gained promotion due to a league reshuffle. This year was not so happily reviewed, with poor standards and performances. Jon Doyle was a notable exception in an otherwise disappointing year.

4th XI:

P16 W9 L1 Aban / NR 6 3rd of 9 in Div 2C South Thames

In James Worf’s absence (he was widely praised for his captaincy throughout the year), Jon Doyle reported on a superb season with consistently good performances from messrs Howie, Palumbo, Hunter and Williams. Bill O’Rourke’s 150 was the high score and the team only just missed promotion, having dominated all year due to the weather affecting important games.

Sunday XI’s:

Aero: P8 W2 L4 Aban / NR 2 4th of 8 in Aero Div 3

In standing down after several years captain, Sam Lockwood described a lacklustre year with patchy enthusiasm and poor results. Sam had led some young teams well, but with little senior support this can’t continue.

Note: A debate on the subject of Sunday cricket was passed to the new committee for urgent review. The general feeling was that the Aero League was not right for OECC, nor 40 over cricket following Saturday League games. Friendlies or a late pm T20 format will be debated further.


On behalf of Helena, Paul advised that OECC Welfare Policy has been updated. No instances of bullying had been reported during the year, though a few accidents known to have happened had not been reported. While the Junior section were almost fully compliant, the Seniors appreciation of Welfare requirements remains ‘lamentable’ with captains for 2013 reminded to carry first aid kits and details of all juniors in their sides to all fixtures. Should an accident or incident occur, due process needs to be proven to have been followed. All CRB checks carried out have proven ‘negative’ and all captains will need to be first aid trained for 2013.

Kent League Matters:

Peter had attended the KCL meeting where discussion had taken place concerning a win / lose format trialled by the Premier Division for half the season. Jeff was to attend the KRCL meeting soon

Election of Officers:

Position / Appointed / Proposed / Seconded
Chairman / Andy Littlechild / Russ Palumbo / Phil Alger
Secretary / Nick Byers / Jeff Brown / Bob Draycott
Asst Secretary / Bob Draycott / Nick Byers / Paul Daniels
Treasurer / Paul Bell / Russ Palumbo / Mark Coles
Club / 1st XI Captain / Charlie Matthews / Unanimous
Captain 2nd XI / Paul Bell / Russ Palumbo / James Doyle
Captain 3rd XI / Jon Doyle / Unanimous
Captain 4th XI / Graham Alger / Jon Doyle / Sam Lockwood
Captain Sunday
(if T20) / Blaine Carey / James Doyle / All
Fixtures Secretary / (Peter Mapstone subject to outcome of Sunday discussions)
Membership Secretary / Jeff Brown / Unopposed
Team Selection Secretary / Jon Doyle / Unanimous
Welfare Officer (& Juniors) / Helena Daniels / Unopposed
Social / Sponsorship Secretary / Mark Coles & James Doyle / Unopposed
OESC Representatives / Andy Littlechild plus one tba
T20 Midweek League / Olly Powell / Unopposed
Cricket Week
Co-ordinator / Mark Coles & James Doyle / Volunteered
Kent League Representative (1 & 2) / Peter Mapstone / Unopposed
Kent Feeder League Representative (3 & 4) / Jeff Brown / Unopposed
Website Administrator / Jeff Brown / Unopposed
Cricket Force
Co-ordinator / Committee with Club Manager


·  Pitch hire to other clubs will be considered when the debate on OECC Sunday cricket is concluded

·  Jeff suggested the 1st XI scoreboard needs refurbishment

·  The state of the nets were discussed. Paul Balkwill to be asked what short term repairs or improvements might be achieved.

·  Further discussion took place on Finance. The Senior Club must develop ways to raise money or will struggle to pay its way for even basic outlay. Funding replacements for overseas players is not feasible until much more funding is generated.

·  The Christmas Quiz will be on Friday 28th December (Nick Byers organising).

·  The Club Dinner will be on March 1st 2013 (Paul Daniels organising).

Finally, a new position of OECC President was proposed, elected by the membership for a three year period on a one term per person basis. The position would be intended for a senior member with a ceremonial / consultative / special representative role. Russ Palumbo was proposed and unanimously appointed to this position.

There being no other business, a well-attended meeting closed around 10.45pm..

Nick Byers


11th November 2012

Appendix 1

Junior Chairman's report notes

Wet season! Many matches cancelled.

Thanks to Paul Balkwell for pitch prep. Very difficult task.

Clubmark - self assessment, passed.

OECC successful club. Seen as exemplary in by KCB and ECB. We mustn't judge our success by success on pitch alone but by quality of what we do: child welfare, coaching, outreach, young leaders, academy, disabled cricket, managing, number of volunteers etc etc

Cricket as a sport for all whatever ones ability continues at OECC.

Financially juniors are sound but senior finances are not ...

but we are one club and should support. Eg juniors have paid for square restoration at £2,200. Snrs owe juniors £1,100 50% contribution.

Seniors lack if funds - not enough social has impact in other areas.

£12k in bank balance - to be transferred to community fund for new nets 2014 season.

Kalibazar kit renegotiated for another 3 years . Great service. Very good quality. Commission in form of sponsorship which is sports matched.

Thank you to the committee, managers and coaching team. 30 active volunteers. Never seems enough and some take on board more than they should! Thank you to those that do.