May 3, 2017

Minutes of Missouri state Panhellenic

The general council meeting was called to order by president Lanie Ellis at 4:00 pm in the Parliamentary room. the roll was called by vice president of administration kalysa santos.


1.Roll call: AXΩ (yes), AΔΠ (yes), AOii (yes), AΣA (yes), ΔZ (yes), ΓΦB (yes), ΣK (yes), ΣΣΣ (yes), ΞOI (yes)


3.Previous minutes

A.Lanie entertains a motion to approve the previous minutes. It is motioned by Alpha Sigma Alpha and seconded by Delta Zeta. forum

5.Officer Reports

A.President: Lanie Ellis ()

i.Apology statement

ii.Have a great week, good luck on finals!

B.VP of Community Relations: Joy Sharp ()

i.Our philanthropy roundtable went really well! For the Dream Center- your philanthropy chairs set fundraising goals for next semester, came up with some ideas for fundraisers they can do together, and helped me brainstorm some ideas that I could implement for the whole community.

ii.You have a little under two weeks to complete your service hours! Here are some opportunities coming up (register on givepulse):

iii.Dream Center needs help with their food pantry on Wednesdays, there are multiple shifts on givepulse, so find whatever time works best for you! They also need help with their community dinners on wednesday nights from 5pm-7:30pm.

iv.This Saturday, the 6th, from 11am-1pm the Dream Center is distributing fliers again for their May block party!

v.The Weller Community Garden needs volunteers for this Saturday from 9am-11am.

C.VP of Membership Development: Molly Kate Adelmann ()

i.Rain rain go away…

ii.Panhellenic in the park will be Next Wednesday, May 10th after General Council

D.VP of Recruitment: Amy Brown ()

i.We will be voting on the amendment to the recruitment rules and the recruitment schedule today!

E.VP of Academics: Taylor Christopher ()

i.Start preparing for your finals now if you haven't started yet! Fill out study guides, make flashcards, etc. so that on Study Day all you material is already organized and all you have to do is study!

ii.Senior recognition

1.Elizabeth (Liz) Lersh, Xi Omicron Iota, Liz has done so much for Xi Om since I have been a member. She has been VP, Homecoming co-chair and Greek Week co-chair and the amount of hardwork and motivation this woman has is beyond amazing. She is one to take a challenge but still knows how to take help from her sisters. She is definitely going to be missed but she will do great things.
2.Megan Bradley, Xi Omicron Iota, Megan dedicated a lot of time, work, and her creativity to Xi Om. She is a leader and has helped us win many wins during Homecoming and Greek Week. Megan is someone who would stay up all hours of the night if she knew it would help the sisterhood. Her love and passion is something that is hard to imitate.
3.Hannah Longust, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Hannah has showed constant dedication to her chapter and her future. She has had a 4.0 almost every semester of her college career and has held many positions within her chapter. She is always pushing herself and encouraging other women to be the best they can be. She is a huge role model to me and many others.
4.Carli Hays, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Carli Hayes is one of the most sincere people on this planet. Carli is smart, beautiful, friendly, and a go-getter. She is going to do great things when she graduates! Carli is one of the main reasons I am in the chapter that I am. Without Carli, FSL would not be the same for me. Carli always puts a smile on my face and puts things into perspective for me.

iii.If you want a senior to be recognized, next week is our last PHA of the semester so nominations need to be in by next Monday, May 8th

F.VP of Administration: Kalysa Santos ()

i.No report

G.Director of New Member Education: Olivia Pahic ()

i.Congratulations to the 11 members who were initiated into Phi Sigma Upsilon on Monday night!

ii.Keep working hard these next few weeks!! You can do it! 

H.Director of Marketing and PR: Daphne Meine ()

i.We will be proposing on 100% of chapter members purchasing the ALL FSL shirt today in New Business.

ii.If your PR chair hasn’t already sent me a picture for the trifold I need one by the end of today or I will choose some from the pictures they have sent me previously.

iii.If you are not connected on social media please do so for information in the future:

iv.Twitter: @mostatefsl

v.Instagram: @mostatefsl

vi.Facebook: Missouri State University Fraternity and Sorority Life and Missouri State Panhellenic Association

I.Director of Panhellenic Counselors: Ashley Kasten ()

i.No report

J.Director of Social Awareness: Rachel Frisch ()

i.The presidents have been discussing a co-programming event with all the chapters. I think we could have one over internalized misogyny and heteronormativity and how that can harm out attempts to develop strong inter-chapter and Panhellenic sisterhood. I would love to get feedback from every chapter and get a few women from every chapter onto a committee to plan it.

K.Chief Justice: Carlye Genisio ()

i.Keep working hard you have basically 2 weeks left then over 12 off!

L.Associate Chief Justice: Tobi Ponnle ()

i.The April’s Standard Star is…

1.Honorable mention to Mayson Reiboldt, Danielle Beeler, Bailey Vassalli, Andi Sparks, Kassidy Schlippp, and Alyssa Mueller!

M.Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life: Kate Roessler

i.Yard Show Monday May 8th-doors open at 6 pm

6.unfinsihed business

A.Amy entertains a motion to open discussion on the recruitment rules. It is motioned by Sigma Kappa and seconded by Sigma Sigma Sigma.

B.Amy entertains a motion to close discussion. It is motioned by Alpha Chi Omega and seconded by Delta Zeta.

C.Amy entertains a motion to vote. It is motioned by Gamma Phi Beta and seconded by Alpha Delta Pi.

D.The vote was unanimous. Motion passes.

E.Amy entertains a motion to open discussion on the recruitment schedule. It is motioned by Alpha Omicron Pi and seconded by Alpha Chi Omega.

F.Alpha Delta Pi: Explains why 15 minutes instead of 20 minutes.

G.Amy explains the reasoning behind adding 5 minutes of time.

H.Molly Kate: explains why recruitment could be more enjoyable.

I.Ashley: explains why it would be better for Pi Chi’s.

J.Alpha Delta Pi motions to amend travel time from 20 minutes to 15 minutes for Day 1 A and B. There was not a second.

K.Motion fails.

L.Amy entertains a motion to close discussion. It is motioned by Sigma Kappa and seconded by Gamma Phi Beta.

M.Amy motioned to amend Continuous Open Bidding Policies, Section 6a. It currently states: any woman enrolled at MSU and in good standing with the University is eligible for continuous open bidding as long as she has not signed a Membership Recruitment Binding Agreement or a Continuous Open Bidding Acceptance Binding Agreement since the last primary recruitment period. She would like it to read: any woman enrolled at MSU and in good standing with the University is eligible for continuous open bidding as long as she has not signed a Membership Recruitment Binding Agreement or a Continuous Open Bidding Acceptance Binding Agreement during or following the last primary recruitment period.

N.All those in favor were Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Gamma Pi Beta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sigma Kappa.

O.All opposed was Alpha Delta Pi.

P.Abstentions: Xi Omicron Iota.

Q.Motion passes. business

A.Daphne entertains a motion to propose that 100% of each chapter purchases the all FSL shirt. It is motioned by Alpha Sigma Alpha and seconded by Alpha Chi Omega.

B.Daphne entertains a motion to close discussion. It is motionedby Sigma Sigma Sigma and seconded by Alpha Omicron Pi.

C.We will be voting next week.


A.Alpha Chi Omega

i.We had an awesome time at our spring formal this weekend! This week is our senior week where we get to celebrate all of our memories and accomplishments our wonderful seniors have made. So pumped for ice cream, videos, an exchange with Pike and lots of gifts to wish them off!!

B.Alpha Delta Pi

i.We our getting so anxious for the end of the school year. We are having our sisterhood week currently which is helping us relax with ice cream, jimmy johns, and a paint fight scheduled for tonight. We are also starting our senior send-off activities which is bitter sweet and filled with many emotions of having them leave. We hope everyone can find some relaxation while we all start cramming for finals. Good luck!

C.Alpha Omicron Pi

i.We initiated our Spring New Members this past Sunday and a huge thanks to everyone who came out to our Bowling Tournament this past Saturday. Our mom’s day is this coming Saturday. We will be going to Springfield Brewing Company and playing the Newly-Wed game with our moms. Also, our mental health panel with Active Minds is tonight in the PSU theater from 5-7. We hope to see some of you there!

D.Alpha Sigma Alpha

i.Unfortunately, our Kickball Philanthropy event on May 5th has been canceled- delegates please relay this back to your chapters! We are in the midst of our Senior Week, and although we're so sad to see the seniors go, we are excited for them to continue their journey outside of Missouri State! ASA had so much fun dancing the night away with our sisters at Spring Formal last Friday! We're looking forward to the GOTR 5k this Saturday where we will be cheering on all the beautiful girls participating! Have a great week!

E.Delta Zeta

i.Hey everyone! We are so happy that it's our senior week, this week! Its so fun showing our seniors how much we appreciate and love them for everything they have done for this chapter over the past four years. We are going to miss them so much! Last weekend we had a very successful Vegas themed formal! Yesterday we had such a fun time tabling in the PSU selling puppy chow/pretzels and informing people all about heart for hearing! Also yesterday we had such a successful wing fling philanthropy dinner raising money for the Starkey Hearing Foundation! We were glad to see some of you there! Have a great rest of the week. Stay positive! ?May 10th-balloon release for mental health awareness

F.Gamma Phi Beta

i.This week is a super exciting week for us! This week is our senior week so although we're sad to see them go, we're having a great time celebrating our seniors who are going alum and everything they've done for our chapter! This week is also our "Building Strong Girls Week" and we're having a great time and getting so so excited for the Girls on the Run 5K we're sponsoring on Saturday morning! We'd love to have you guys come cheer on the girls as the run around campus. We've also been tabling yesterday and today and we'll be out again tomorrow so check our table out! Have a great week! We're almost there!

G.Sigma Kappa

i.It is our Senior Week this week and we have been honoring all of our sisters going alum/transferring! We are so proud of all of them and so sad to see them go! Thanks to everyone who came to our Movie Night on the Lawn, hope you had so much fun!!

H.Sigma Sigma Sigma

i.Tonight is our Taco and Chacos Philanthropy Night from 6pm-9pm at out house. Its $5 for 2 tacos, chips, salsa, and a drink. Hope to see everyone there! This week is also our Senior Week so we are having a great time honoring the women before the leave. We are also having our annual Tri Dye sisterhood next Monday! There is a little less than 2 weeks y'all we can do this!!

I.Xi Omicron Iota

i.We initiated 11 new members on Sunday into the Alpha Eta class. We are so excited to welcome them to our sisterhood and excited for their future in Xi Om. We are also excited for our Golden Koi Formal this Friday! We hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

9.liason reports





