Technology? / Vendor(s) / Purchase Date / Supplier(s) / Price
Switches / Extreme / N/A / IP Integration Ltd / N/A
Routers / N/A
Wireless / Colubris / Jun ‘07 / Vietec Ltd / £1000
Consultancy / Supplied by? / Purchase
Date? / Contract
Length? / Price?
General IT Networking
Consultancy / N/A
Training / Supplied by? / Purchase Date? / Price?
Formal offsite IT security and
or Networks training (for
certification etc.) / Extreme / Jan ‘09 / Free
Informal knowledge & skills
transfer / N/A / N/A
Specific technology training / Without specific requirements we can provide no specific data.
Support Services / Supplied by? / Purchase
Date? / Contract
Length? / Price?
3rd Party IT or Network
Support Contracts / IP Integration / Aug ‘12 / 1 year / £11000
3rd Party IT or Network
Managed Service Contracts / N/A
IT Headcount / 2011/ 2012 / 2012/2013
Numbers / 19 / 18
Costs / 713,500 Budgeted Salary costs / 668000 Budgeted Salary costs
Budgets / 2011/ 2012 / 2012/2013
Network Infrastructure (Core) / Our budgets are not calculated in a manor which would enable us to provide a breakdown as requested.
Total overall budget (minus Salary costs)
£272,600.00 / Our budgets are not calculated in a manor which would enable us to provide a breakdown as requested.
Total overall budget (minus Salary costs)
Network Infrastructure
IT Security
Key Contacts / Name / Email Address
Director of IT (or equivalent) / Simon Jackson
Strategic Director of Corporate Services /
IT Manager (or equivalent) / David Platts
Head of Revenues Benefits Customer Services /
Security Manager / N/A
Service Delivery Manager / Aymen Khan
IT Service Delivery Manager /
Network Manager / Paul Bargewell
IT Technical Service Manager /

Can you also please confirm if the organisation has knowingly lost any sensitive data over the last 12 months? If so, please describe what data was lost and how