US History 1

Chapter 3, Section 3 Group Activity (3 or less in the group). Everyone is expected to work in the group)

Your task: You’ve come to a new land with 100 other people. You need to set up a colony (with a

drawing/blueprint for of what it would look like: houses, fencing, fields, buildings, town square, stockade, stocks), set up a government (who will be in charge, what will your government look like), set up law (should be 10 or less laws and a scale of punishment for each offense), set up how you will get food (will you depend on agriculture, make sure it’s on your drawing/map of your colony,? Hunting? Trade?), figure out who will do jobs and how you will deal with the Native Americans already here.

Your people:

100 people

50 men/50 women (30 are couples and married with children)

40 men are 35 and older (20 are carpenters, 10 farmers, 5 blacksmiths, 2 no job, 1 teacher and 1


40 women are 25 and older (30 are wives and 10 are widows)

10 boys are 15 or younger

10 girls are 15 or younger

Your tools:

20 shovels

10 hoes

20 axes

10 guns

100 lbs of black powder

50 lbs of lead

Project is worth 50 points and you will present it in class. You can put it on Google Presentation, under the Google Drive, and use it like Powerpoint. Try Google Drawing, also under the Google Drive under the Create button, for the drawing/blueprint of your colony, or use another program or piece of paper to draw it out (poster board or something like that). You will receive points for the following:

10 points for participating in the group and working together

10 points for your drawing/blueprint

10 for your government and laws/punishment

10 for your jobs and how you’ll get food

10 for how you’ll interact with the Native Americans

There is no right or wrong answers but you will need to justify why you do certain things. Be able to explain the choices you made.