Present -:

Cllrs. A MacCreadie (Chairman) (AM), R Toms (RT), E Green (EG), H Farmer (HF), D Laud (DL), M Harvey (MH), T Odgers (TO), P Harris (PH) & C Tankard (CT)

Also attending -:

Mrs K Rees (Clerk), Cllr. Gorman & 6 members of the public

108/15 / Public Safety Announcement:
109/15 / Apologies:
Cllrs. G Bone & Mrs C Vaughan
110/15 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda:
There were two recordable crimes in August – Theft from a Vehicle & Theft by Finding
TO declared a non-registered interest in agenda item 8, Planning Application PA15/06766
112/15 / Village Clean-Up Group:
Glenn Dawson gave an overview of the group’s work. There are five members who each have an area of responsibility for collecting litter in the village. The main problem is the bin by the Skatepark. It is overflowing. A static bin is required, perhaps separating recycling and other rubbish. The ragwort and general state of the village were also discussed.
RESOLVED: To bring agenda item 11 (c) Village Clean-Up Group incl. Schedule of Work for the Probation Service forward.
AM thanked the Clean-Up Group for all their hard work in trying to keep the village litter free and it was discussed how the Parish Council could support them further. Following discussions it was RESOLVED to investigate the costs of installing a dual purpose bin in the Recreation Ground. EG to purchase black sacks for the group to use and be reimbursed for the cost. Probation Service to be asked to tidy the area around the Village Hall, the tennis courts & playing fields and to remove the ragwort. Clerk to ask grasscutting contractor for quote to spray weed killer on the pavements in the centre of the village.
113/15 / Public Session:
Jason Symonds spoke in support of St. Newlyn East Cricket Club’s grant application for a mower & cricket net. A youth section has now been set up which has been very successful but the older children need a facility to be able to play hard ball cricket, hence the need for the net. The Club will remain open so that the net will be available for use by the local community, not just the Cricket Club.
114/15 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 10th August 2015, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman.
115/15 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
LG thanked AM for his help with the Nancemere Farm planning application while the Clerk was on holiday and advised the following:
·  The Cubert Crossroad Design Team is on schedule to have the four designs ready for consultation this Autumn. Support will be required once the preferred design is chosen to lobby for funding.
·  LG is unable to attend the opening of the Carland View development on 15th September due to a Full Council Meeting.
·  LG organised a meeting with Viv Bidgood (Cormac) on 11th September which the Clerk attended to discuss Highway Issues in the Parish.LG was asked to find out Cornwall Council’s stance on parking on pavements and whether developers are paying Council Tax on new houses once they are ready to be occupied but are empty.
116/15 / Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions
PA15/06766 / Cargoll Farm / SUPPORT / (TO abstained)
PA15/07752 / Little Lovely / - / Council to comment that they are disappointed that the Certificate of Lawfulness was granted despite objections and are therefore powerless to do anything about this application.
PA15/06474 / 10 Halt Road / SUPPORT / Application is supported providing that the vehicles are parked off the road and do not obstruct the public highway
PA15/07381 / The Old Vicarage / SUPPORT
PA15/08036 / 5 Trerice / SUPPORT / (RT abstained)
The decisions were read out. A pre-application has been submitted for the conversion of Fiddlers Green Barn into a dwelling.
117/15 / Matters Arising
a)  Purchase of the Methodist Chapel: No progress. NOTED.
b)  Highway Issues: TO requested that the ditch along Cargoll Road by filled in because it is dangerous. There is a drain on the road between SNE & Mitchell which is dangerous & needs some work. The road by the back entrance to Carland Cross is once again covered by loose chippings and gravel. RESOLVED: Issues to be reported to Highways. HF has been contacted by a local resident about the quality of the hedge cutting on the road beyond Lappa Valley. RESOLVED: Clerk to investigate who cut this. EG has carried out considerable research into parking on pavements and it is illegal. A discussion took place. See item 115/15 above. The hedge by the railings at the back of the Church needs cutting. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to land owner. The Clerk reported back from her meeting with Highways. A grant is available from the Council to cut the Highway verges four times p.a. but an appropriate qualified contractor must be used. RESOLVED: Leave arrangement as it is but Clerk to investigate for future.
c)  Defibrillator Training: Several local people had expressed an interest in carrying out the training. RESOLVED: Clerk to organise further training course in November when the Oxnam Room is open.
d)  Grasscutting in the Parish: It has been reported by a local resident that several of the gold footpaths are impassable and don’t seem to have been cut as per the schedule. It is the contractor’s responsibility to cut the ground but the landowners to cut the sides and many of the sides have now grown in. RESOLVED: The Parish Council needs to be proactive in ensuring that the footpaths are usable. Clerk to clarify with the contractor which cutting has been done and ask him to carry out the second cut ASAP if not already done so (DL abstained)
e)  Tree in Mitchell Play Area: The Clerk has received a quote from TMS to carry out the work. RESOLVED: Clerk to accept quote & ensure that the appropriate permission is granted before the work starts.
f)  Post Office Provision in St. Newlyn East: Following the advert placed in the Village News, two volunteers have expressed an interest in helping set up an outreach service. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact Colin Pound to ask him to follow-up.
g)  ‘Welcome to St. Newlyn East Signage’: Designs are ready but have not been received by the Clerk. NOTED.
h)  Update – Cornwall Community Waste Programme: RT has received 10 volunteers to help with the scheme. An initial committee meeting will be held at the end of September. NOTED.
i)  Metha Wood Footpath: The fallen trees have still not been cleared and the path is dangerous. In addition, the path is littered with dog mess and it was discussed whether dog bins could be installed at either end. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact the Footpaths Officer regarding the trees. Dog bins agenda item for next month.
118/15 / Business Matters:
(a)  Speeding in Mitchell: Speeding is a continual problem in Mitchell particularly with vehicles coming of the A30. RESOLVED: Clerk to request speed survey.
(b)  Trevilson Educational Fund Update: CV not in attendance. NOTED.
(c)  Village Clean-Up Group: Dealt with under item 112/125
(d)  Recreation Ground Risk Assessment Reports: Risk Assessments for both playgrounds have been carried out. There were two ‘medium’ risk items in SNE playground – the swing & the skateboard ramp and one in Mitchell playground – the slide. It was discussed that the skateboard has now reached the end of its shelf life and should now be removed. RESOLVED: HF to look at the swings & slide. Skateboard ramp to be offered to the Plume of Feathers for Bonfire Night and removed at the end of October.
(e)  Water Quality in Mitchell: CT is concerned about the water quality in Mitchell and showed some samples. However, no other complaints have been received and it may be a domestic issue. NOTED.
119/15 / Correspondence:
Cornwall Council / Street Trading Review / Noted
Oxnam Room / Invitation to opening on 25th September / Several Councillors will be able to attend this event.
Cornwall For Change / Update / Noted
Sarah Newton MP / Information regarding ADI Access Roomate for disabled toilets / Noted
Cornwall Council / Localism Summit on / Noted
Lanner Parish Council / Paperless Planning / Noted
Cornwall Council / Invitation to Planning Conference / RESOLVED: Am & EG to attend
Cornwall Council / Criminal Record Check / Following discussions it was RESOLVED that it was not a necessary requirement for SNE Parish Council
Anonymous letter in the Village News / RESOLVED: Clerk to place response in the Village News
120/15 / Reports from Outside Bodies::
RT attended the Community Network AGM. Items on the agenda included mixed plastic recycling trial, Waste Incentive Scheme, fly posting & the upgrade of the A30.
121/15 / Finance:.
a.  Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £21712.86 were approved for payment (appendix 1).
b.  Urgent Financial Matters: None.
c.  Carland Cross Community Fund Applications: Three applications had been received. One from the Cricket Club, one from the Mitchell Christmas Lights Committee & one from the Mitchell Village Association. The two applications from Mitchell were discussed and it was RESOLVED to request more information so that a decision can be made at October’s meeting. It was discussed that there may be Section 106 Open Spaces Money that the Cricket Club could use to help fund the nets and the Carland Cross Grant should be used as an enabling grant to allow the Club to apply for other grants. RESOLVED: Parish Council awards £10,000 in principle so that other grant applications may be submitted. Clerk to investigate Section 106 money.
d.  Annual Audit Return 2014/2015: RESOLVED: The Annual Return 2014/15 was accepted as a true record.
106/15 / Items for the October 2015 Agenda
·  Community Waste Scheme
·  Water Quality in Mitchell – Report following CT’s investigation
·  St. Newlyn East Xmas Lights
·  Footpaths – Update & Path Behind Halt Road Development
107/15 / Closure:
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 12th October 2015 at 7.00pm in the Primary Room, St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel. The meeting closed at 22.30pm