Reflections on Human Pavlovian Decelerative
Heart-rate Conditioning with Negative Tilt as US:
Alternative Approaches
John J. Furedy University of Toronto
Abstract—The negative-tilt preparation that has been reported since the late seventies is a specific form of Pavlovian conditioning that is of scientific interest and has potential applications. In this paper I reflect on the usefulness, to the development of this preparation, of two approaches to Pavlovian conditioning. One approach is the older S-R learning, stimulus-substitution paradigm exemplified by learning texts of the sixties. The other is the modern, Tolman-like view, according to which the phenomenon of Pavlovian conditioning is "now described as the learning of relations among events so as to allow the organism to represent its environment." The three assumptions encapsulated by this approach are: (a) that only CS-US contingency relations are learned; (b) that teleological modes of explanations are adequate; (c) that the representational theory of knowledge is sound.
Concerning Pavlovian conditioning in general, questions been raised in the literature for all three assumptions; they have not been adequately answered. Regarding the specific problem of developing the human Pavlovian heart-rate decelerative conditioning with negative tilt as the US, I suggest that the cognitive approach has been much less helpful than the older, S-R, stimulus-substitution paradigm. Nevertheless, other literature clearly indicates that the cognitive, S-S approach has generated considerable interest and research, especially in preparations like the conditioned emotional response (CER), which are CS-IR ones in the sense that the effects on the CR are assessed indirectly through measuring an indicator or instrumental response (IR). Finally, even in CS-CR preparations like human GSR conditioning, it is important to study the cognitive, S-S learning process through using such dependent variables as continuously assessed subjective CS-US contingency.
Pavlovian conditioning has both scientific and applied significance. In scientific terms it is a phenomenon of considerable interest as the simplest form of learning, even though we have long rejected the Watsonian notion of it as underlying all behavior. There are potential applications of this form of learning to such practical problems as psychotherapy, behavioral medicine, and even psychoneuroimmunology.
For some time (e.g., Furedy, 1977) I have been interested in a specific form of Pavlovian conditioning, where the unconditional stimulus (US) is a negative body tilt that produces large-magnitude heart-rate (HR) deceleration as the unconditional response (UR) in human subjects. The scientific significance of this conditioning phenomenon is that, in contrast to
Address for correspondence: John J. Furedy, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A1, Ontario, Canada.
Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science. October-December, 1992, Vol. 27, No. 4, 347-355.
other human preparations using shock and loud noise as the US, the topography of the obtained conditional response (CR) is relatively clear (a uniphasic deceleration), and the UR also shows a lack of any habituation, in contrast to shock-and loud-noise-elicited URs (see Furedy & Poulos, 1976). Especially because an "imagination^" form of the preparation (Furedy & Klajner, 1978) appears to yield CRs of some 10 beats per minute (bpm), the preparation also has potential applied significance in providing a method for teaching individuals to produce medically desirable HR decelerations when faced with an acceleration-inducing psychological challenge. In contrast, biofeedback-based (i.e., instrumental conditioning) methods have been unpromising, yielding changes of the order of only one or two bpm (see Blanchard Young, 1973 for review).
Because the negative-tilt preparation is an instance of the general Pavlovian conditioning phenomenon, it is relevant to consider the influence of the cognitive "paradigm shift" (see, e.g., Segal & Lachman, 1972) that psychology underwent in the sixties. Paradigms are notoriously difficult to specify with precision, but as applied to Pavlovian conditioning, the earlier, "precognitive" paradigm viewed the phenomenon as one of stimulus substitution wherein a conditionable component of the unconditional response (UR) was transferred, through CS-US pairings, to the conditional stimulus (CS) as the conditional response (CR). The CS, in this view, was considered to "substitute" for the US in eliciting the CR. In terms of the central question that preoccupied learning theorists of the Hull/Tolman era (i.e., "What is learned?"), the stimulus-substitution paradigm is an S-R position, and almost all preparations based on it are CS-CR preparations in Gormezano and Kehoe's (1975) sense of that expression. In such preparations the effect of the CS on the CR is observed by directly measuring the CR itself: eyelid, GSR, and salivary conditioning procedures are all instances of CS-CR preparations.
In the post-cognitive, "modern view," the "contemporary notion" is that "the function of classical conditioning is to help an organism prepare itself for an important, upcoming event" (Kohn Kalat, 1992). Even though the term "cognitive" may not explicitly be employed, this is a cognitive, S-S position because the learning involves that of the sign-significate relation between the CS and US as events. What is learned is cognitive or propositional in the sense that the true/false category is sensibly applicable. So, although most S-S learning is true (e.g.,, where CS1 is always followed by the US and CS2 is not), one can arrange conditions where the S-S learning is false. For example, an arrangement where CS 1 is more often followed by the US than is CS2, but where CS2 is more semantically related to the US than is CS 1, may result in the learning of ^ht false sign-significate relation or proposition that CS2 is a better predictor of the US than is CS 1.
Such "illusory"cognitive learning may also occur in cases where the significate is not US presence but US absence. In a human tone-shock classical conditioning experiment (Schiffmann & Furedy, 1977), one of two tones (CS2) had at least a 30-second "safety," no-shock period following it, whereas the 1-second shock USs themselves were delivered in a quasi-random sequence without any such relatively long minimum no-shock periods following each shock. Yet a measure of shock expectancy or subjective contingency showed that subjects (falsely) judged the occurrence of a shock to be a better predictor of shock absence within the next few moments than they did the CS2 with its 30-second minimum period of shock absence (Schiffmann & Furedy, 1977, Fig. 1). Alongside this false S-S learning, there was also evidence of the more common true S-S learning, namely that CS1, which was always followed by shock at a 5-second CS-US interval, was judged to be a better predictor of shock presence than the CS2, and CS3, where CS3 predicted neither shock presence nor absence. Finally, in contrast to the earlier, "precognitive" preparations, these cognitive preparations are typically based on what Gormezano and Kehoe (1975) have
labelled CS-IR arrangements. In such arrangements, the effect of the CS on the CR is observed indirectly by assessing some other indicator or instrumental response (IR). In the Schiffmann and Furedy (1977) example the IR was at the position of a rotary lever whereby (human) subjects indicated their moment-to-moment changes in belief that the shock was or was not going to occur. In the (animal) "conditioned emotional response" (CER) preparation, the IR is the suppression in food-reinforced lever pressing in the presence of a CS that has been associated with a (shock) US.
The influence of the cognitive paradigm shift on interpretations of Pavlovian conditioning is also evident in a recent account, according to which the phenomenon is "now described as the learning of relations among events so as to allow the organism to represent its environment" (Rescorla, 1988, p. 151; my emphasis). This "description" is contrasted with the older stimulus-substitution view, which is stated "in fact [to] capture almost nothing of modern data and theory in Pavlovian conditioning" (Rescorla, 1988, p. 152).
This position contains three basic assumptions of the current cognitive paradigm. The first of these assumptions is that what is learned in Pavlovian conditioning is only sign-significate contingencies between CS and US (i.e., "relations between events"). The second assumption is that explanations of behavior need to be teleological (i.e., "so as to allow," which is a purposivist form of construct).l The third encapsulated assumption is the acceptance of the representational theory of knowledge, that rather than knowing propositions (about what is the case) directly, we know only representations (i.e.* "the organism to represent its environment").
Detailed analysis of the three assumptions is beyond the scope of the paper, but it can be indicated that there have been questions raised concerning each assumptions in the literature, which at least suggests that none should be accepted as axiomatic principles. The third, representational-theory-of-knowledge assumption is contrary to realist epistemology (e.g., Anderson, 1962; Mitchell, 1988). Perhaps the most cogent of the realist objections to representational epistemology is that in denying the possibility of direct knowledge of events, it appears to be inconsistent to assert that it is possible to have direct knowledge of representations of those events.
The second, teleological assumption has also been criticized mainly on philosophical grounds (see, e.g., Furedy & Riley, 1984; Maze, 1953, 1983) as being inconsistent with the scientific explanatory principle of determinism. In addition, many contemporary students of Pavlovian conditioning, perhaps taking their cue from Pavlov himself who declared that "It seems obvious that the whole activity of the organism should conform to definite laws" (Pavlov, 1920, p. 7), have opposed teleological forms of explaining the phenomenon (e.g., Furedy, 1989; Gormezano Coleman, 1973; Malmo & Furedy, 1992). A recent account of Pavlovian conditioning in general has suggested that conditioning theory is not well served by "those that force teleological interpretations on plastic behavior" (Turkkan, 1989, p. 124). Again, in concluding a paper that reported on an experimental test of an instrumental interpretation of the classically conditioned human GSR, I suggested that the results served to caution "against attributing to the classically conditioned GSR instrumental properties that it apparently does not possess" (Furedy, 1970, p. 306).
'Likewise, the explanation of instrumental bar-press conditioning in terms of the rat learning to press the bar "so as to** get food is the Skinnerian version of teleological explanation (see, e.g., Furedy & Riley, 1984). It is also the case that Tolmanian theory was both cognitive/propositional as well as teleological. However, as has been detailed elsewhere (see Furedy & Riley, 1987; Maze, 1983), it is important to recognize that the link between cognitive and teleological formulations is historical rather than logical.
Concerning the first, contingency-learning assumption, there have been both recent (e.g., Papini & Bitterman, 1990; Wasserman, 1989) and previous (e.g., Gormezano Kehoe, 1975) criticisms about its applicability to Pavlovian conditioning in general. As to the assumption's applicability to human Pavlovian autonomic conditioning, I have recently summarized two main lines of evidence that contradict the claim that only (contingency) relations are learned in the human autonomic preparation (Furedy, 1990). These two lines of evidence (reported mostly in the early seventies) are: (a) the repeated failure of the contingency-based prediction to be confirmed that there be a difference between the "truly random" and "explicitly unpaired" CSs, and (b) the findings of nonsignificant and close-to-zero correlations between extent of autonomic conditioning and awareness of the CS-US relations. On the latter point, it is important to recognize that although high correlations do not imply causality, a causal explanation is refuted by the failure to observe the relevant correlations (see also Furedy, 1990, p. 124).
As the title of the present paper suggests, my purpose here is to focus on a specific form of human Pavlovian conditioning, and to indicate that, for developing this preparation, the modern cognitive approach has not been helpful, especially as regards the relevance and viability of the contingency-learning assumption. So the cognitive approach would have suggested focussing on the teaching of S-S, CS-US relations, but with HR deceleration as the target response, the stimulus-substitution, "remember-the-response" (Furedy, 1979) approach suggested that we first focus on the UR in the search for helping people learn to produce the medically desirable HR decelerations. As detailed elsewhere (Furedy & Poulos, 1976, Exp. I), a rapid (1.2-s duration) negative-tilt US produced URs of over 30 bpm. These large-magnitude URs, moreover, were fast-recruiting (with over 70% of the change occurring within 2 beats), and showed no tendency to habituate over trials.
I should add that these large-magnitude, nonhabituating, HR-decelerative responses do not occur if one simply puts subjects onto the tilt table, just as in the Pavlovian animal salivary preparation, naive dogs put into the harness do not salivate to the food, but continue to produce competing struggling behavior. The adaptation period for the human subject to the tilt US, however, is much briefer than the proverbial three months for the dog in the Pavlovian harness. In fact, our human subjects are (cognitively) instructed to relax during the tilt and to avoid grabbing onto the table (behavior that produces HR acceleration), and for most subjects, these instructions coupled with two or three preliminary tilt trials (which serve both to indicate to the subject and experimenter whether, through the former tensing up, HR accelerations occur during the tilt, and to allow the subject to learn the proposition that the tilt does not lead to injury) are sufficient to allow the decelerative UR to emerge reliably. So cognitions do play a part in the preparation, but they do so to ensure that the desired UR occurs, rather than involving the S-S "learning of relations between events*9 (Rescorla, 1988, p. 152).
Having obtained an effective US, we then moved to see if it was possible to condition a significant component of the decelerative UR to a CS, and in our initial experiment we used a conventional weak tone stimulus as the CS. The experimental group was presented with 12 tone-tilt (CS-US) trials with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of one second between CS and US onsets, interspersed with three CS-alone test trials to allow assessment of conditioning. The control group had 12 tilt-tone trials in a long-backward US-CS arrangement with an ISI of 16 seconds between US and CS onsets. As detailed elsewhere (Furedy Poulos, 1976, Exp. II), we obtained significantly greater deceleration in the experimental group, and CR magnitude was of the order of 4-5 beats per minute, which is significantly greater than the 1-2 beats per minute reported in biofeedback (Blanchard Young, 1973), though far smaller than the
decelerative tilt-induced UR. It beats emphasis that the focus in this preparation was not on teaching the subjects the "relations between [the tone and tilt] events*' considered critical by modern cognitive S-S learning approach, but on the older S-R stimulus-substitution approach of transferring a component of the US-elicited response that CS with the US in close, temporal proximity.
In the modern cognitive view, this temporal short-ISI aspect of the conditioning preparation is of negligible importance. Prior to the cognitive paradigm shift, textbooks of learning like that of Kimble (1961) assigned a primary role to the ISI as a factor in determining the strength of conditioning, but it is clear that in a sign-significate, S-S, contingency-learning view, it is not this temporal relation but such factors as the semantic relation between CS and US that should matter. So in Rescorla's initial papers (Rescorla, 1967, 1969), the ISI is not referred to, and in the well-known Rescorla-Wagner (1972) model, the ISI does not appear as a parameter. However, this total abandonment of the ISI is simply contrary to what used to be known about Pavlovian conditioning by most first-year graduate students two decades ago—that in, say, a preparation like the human eyelid one, the ISI is so critical that if it is as long as merely 2 seconds, no conditioning at all is obtained.2 This fact used to be over-interpreted by some precognitive, S-R-oriented theorists to claim that the ISI was the only important factor, and that the "short-half-second" optimal ISI was true for all Pavlovian conditioning preparations. In a politically parallel fashion the work of Garcia and his associates (e.g., Garcia & Koelling, 1966), which showed that in some preparations ISIs as long as several days produced evidence for conditioning, has been overinterpreted by some current cognitive, theorists to derive the doctrine that the ISI is irrelevant for Pavlovian conditioning (for an account of this political shift, see Furedy Riley, 1987, pp. 7-9).
In human autonomic (mostly GSR) conditioning, most workers from the sixties on abandoned the short ISI in favour of one of at least 5 seconds, which allowed the (anticipatory) CR to be observed during acquisition without the use of CS-alone test trials. The main methodological objection to using CS-alone test trials was that in the paired arrangement these CS-alone test trials constituted a change from paired CS-US trials in a way that was not present in the unpaired (control) condition. Because the pre-paired CS is not "neutral" in autonomic conditioning (i.e., the CS does elicit some responding without pairing, in contrast to, say, the salivary CS, which elicits little or no salivation before conditioning), the greater responding to the CS-alone test trials in the paired (experimental) condition may be due to orienting response reinstatement (ORR) rather than "true" conditioning. We have elsewhere examined this ORR confound (Furedy & Poulos, 1977), and have argued that it has no empirical import (although see Siddle Remington, 1978 versus Furedy Poulos, 1978 on this issue), but for present purposes what is most relevant to note is that the ORR confound argument is also cognitively based. As detailed elsewhere (Furedy, 1989, p. 200), it rests on Sokolov's (1963) theory that change produces an ORR through disconfirmation of the neuronal model, while repetition produces a decrease in responding through confirmation of the neuronal model. These processes are cognitive or propositional, involving expectations of the form "This stimulus will be followed by the same stimulus," which can be confirmed or disconfirmed, since such expressions have truth value.
Because the negative-tilt HR-decelerative preparation was an autonomic one, we decided in one experiment to extend the ISI to 5 seconds, as a way of logically avoiding the ORR
2Accordingly, in that preparation, the 2-second ISI was even used as a control for conditioning.
confound problem. In this arrangement, then, the (5-second) CS was always followed by the US, and anticipatory HR deceleration could be observed on all acquisition trials. Also, because in the HR biofeedback literature, failure to produce effects has sometimes been attributed to providing an insufficient number of training trials, we presented subjects with eight sessions of 15 paired CS-US trials during each session, but ran only four subjects for obvious reasons of economy. Finally, three subjects were also run for eight sessions at a half-second ISI, with three CS-alone test trials interspersed among the twelve paired CS-US trials. Figure 1 summarizes the results. In the half-second ISI, the usual (e.g., Furedy & Poulos, 1976, Exp. I) 4-5 beats-per-minute deceleration emerged as significant, p < 0.05, whereas the (much smaller) HR change under the 5-second-ISI condition was not significant.