6 White Newsletter
September 19, 2012
Greetings Families,
Just a couple of quick updates! (Some are repeats from expectations night for families that couldn’t make it!)
“Mrs. B…My iPad is at 30%, can I plug it in?”
We’ve been having some trouble remembering to bring iPads to school fully charged. We remind students to find a charging routine, and ask families to plug them in next to their cell phone if they need support. Any support is greatly appreciated. Reminder: If a student leaves an iPad at home, the family may bring it, but does not have to. If you decide not to drop it off, they will still have all the work they need to learn. Let’s just keep the doors of communication open on these challenges!
On Homework and Email Usage
Homework completion remains a bit of a problem on team. We are working with students to make sure they are properly prepared before they leave, but are asking for your support at home as well. Some students when forgetting work have been emailing teachers after school to advocate for help. We have spoken to them about appropriate vs inappropriate times to email a teacher (Ask 3 Before Me). We are still having some challenges. From now on, if a student emails a teacher after school hours, we will always cc the family on the response email. Hopefully this will ensure a strong home school connection, and transparency around student-teacher emails. We would love you to support us by conversations about appropriate use of email after school hours (Work only!).
iPad Successes Overall
All in all, the use of iPads is going very well. Students have used Keynote (similar to Powerpoint) to make very professional Summer Reading Projects. They have been making archaeology videos in ShowMe, and have submitted to many classroom polls to prove their understanding of content. It’s a slow adaptation, but we’re proud of the progress students are making with this academic device.
Mock Dig, a Word of THANKS
Thank you so much to all our families who volunteered and/or attended the Mock Dig. It was a great success! We will soon be uploading photos to our team wiki for your viewing. Remember, our team wiki also has daily homework posted. http://sherwood6white.wikispaces.com
Christa McAuliffe field trip
We will be heading to Framingham on October 4th to visit the Christa McAuliffe Challenger Learning Center. The permission slip will be sent out soon and I believe the cost is $23. More information to come…
Beginning of Year Reading Assessment
Scores will be available very soon. If you would like to know your child’s score, please email Mrs. Bielunis at
Calling all Volunteers!
We are always looking for support in the classroom. If you have time to dedicate, please let us know. We’d be happy to put you to work with a small group, photocopying, helping on a field trip, etc! Thank you in advance!
I believe I have handed out 55 styluses to date! I have instructed students that they are tools to be used gently on iPads, and only to be used for writing/drawing. Unfortunately I cannot be replacing lost/broken styluses, except for in certain extreme circumstances. Mine has lasted 6+ months, so it is possible! If you have any questions, please let me know. I will have another order in on Wednesday for any other students who are interested.
Heads on Desks
We have noticed this year that our class is very tired in the afternoon. We’ve been reminding students that it is a long day, and a big transition from summer schedules. Please check in with your student to see if they are one of the students who is frequently asked to pick their heads up off their desks in the afternoons! Perhaps an earlier bedtime is in order!
Staying After School
As we really ramp up our schedule academically, Mr. M and Mrs. B will be staying after for retakes and extra support for curriculum materials. We should begin by October, and will notify you of our availability.
The 6 White team