A Skills Workshop for Physical Therapists
April 8 - 11, 2013
To gain basic knowledge and clinical skills in the assessment and management of 3 common rheumatic diseases.
· Overview of rheumatic diseases, basic immunology, pathophysiology, & clinical presentation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) & osteoarthritis (OA)
· Medical management of arthritis including the latest biological drug therapy
· Physical therapy assessment & management in RA, AS & OA
· Non-pharmacological interventions for pain management
· Patient education & self management
· Surgical management & rehabilitation after total hip & knee arthroplasty
· Joint protection & energy conservation strategies
· Exercise prescription & equipment recommendations
· Outcome measurement in arthritis
· The Arthritis Society’s Learning Centre & community resources
· Interdisciplinary case study
· Round table discussion (bring your clinical questions!)
A limited number of the Clinical Care in the Rheumatic Diseases, 3rd Edition, American College of Rheumatology, 2006 are available to purchase with course registration for an additional $25 fee. Please indicate on registration form if you would like a copy.
Sessions run from 8 am to 4:30 pm each day and take place at the Mary Pack Arthritis Centre and Vancouver General Hospital. Registration begins at 7:45 am on Day 1.
FEE: $500 (no text) or $525 (includes Clinical Care in the Rheumatic Diseases, 3rd ed. 2006)
Cheque payable to: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Please send cheque to: Paul Adam, ACE Program Coordinator
Mary Pack Arthritis Centre
895 West 10th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L7
Registration is limited. Registration deadline is Friday, March 8, 2013. A cheque must accompany your registration form. Your registration will be confirmed by March 15, 2013.
Cancellation Policy
Payment, less a $50.00 cancellation fee, will be refunded provided notice of withdrawal is received prior to March 22, 2013. In case of workshop cancellation, course fees will be refunded in full. Additional costs incurred by registrants, such as airline or hotel penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.
Tell us a bit about yourself to help us better meet your learning needs!
Year graduated in PT:______University:______
Amount of rheumatology instruction in undergrad program: ______hours
Continuing Education in Rheumatology:
Date: ______Hours: ______Location: ______
Date: ______Hours: ______Location: ______
% of arthritis in my clinical caseload: □ <25% □ 25-50% □ >50%
The main diagnoses I see are (check as many as apply): □ Osteoarthritis □ RA/inflammatory arthritis
□ AS/spondylitis □ Hip/knee arthroplasty □ Other: ______
Name: ______Place of Work: ______
Work Mailing Address: ______
Phone: (W) ______(H) ______(Fax) ______
E mail: (W)______(H)______
□ I have enclosed the additional $25 for the Clinical Care Text, 2006 edition.
Sponsored and Conducted by:
Physical Therapy Department - Mary Pack Arthritis Program
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority