Welcome to Abnormal Psychology

Mrs. Hollon’s Class

Course Description:This course will introduce you to a wide variety of psychological disorders and theoretical concepts

that underlie them. You will learn the presenting symptoms, criteria, possible causes and treatments

for each disorder discussed. By the end of this course, you are expected to have learned

important information related to the study of abnormal behavior and you should be able to think

critically about the topic. This course is designed in a stimulating way to increase your knowledge

about how clinical psychologists approach work in their field and how abnormal psychology

guides our understanding of mental processes that may disrupt lives.

Units of Study: Listed below are the units of study we will complete through the trimester-

  • Definitions basic concepts of abnormal behavior.
  • Developmental and organic abnormalities
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mood or affective disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Personality disorders

Required Materials:

  • Students will need a three ring binder to keep all assignments in.


  • Assessments: Students will take a unit test at the end of every unit covered. Each assessment will have multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and essay.
  • Homework/Classwork: Students are expected to complete all assignments. This is a way for those who do not perform well on tests to bring up their grade.
  • Daily Quizzes: Students will be expected to take daily quizzes to check for understanding.
  • Class Participation: Students will receive class participation grades on a daily basis. This means students are paying attention, taking notes, and NOT PLAYING ON CELL PHONES.

Late work: I do not accept any late work for full credit. If you have an excused absence we will follow ACHS policy regarding getting your late work in to me. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of any missing assignments or late work. It is essential to turn in your work. If you choose to turn in late work, please keep in mind you can only receive up to half of the original score for the assignment.

Cheating will not be tolerated! Cheating includes the obvious, such as plagiarism, copying, looking onto another’s test, doing half a worksheet and swapping with someone for the other half, using cheat notes, but it also includes giving information to others for tests. Cheating earns you a zero.

Behavior Syllabus

Procedures and Expectations

Guidelines to be Successful in this Class:

1) Be responsible.

2) Always try.

3) Do your best.

Class Rules:

1) Be to class on time with all of your materials.

2) Keep your hands, feet, objects, and objectionable comments to yourself.

3) Work during all times.

4) Follow directions immediately.

Classroom Behavior:

  • I expect your best behavior in this class. I will not tolerate any sleeping, inappropriate talking, inappropriate comments, foul language, horse-playing, other behavior that causes disruptions to the learning process of others in the class.
  • If you do not meet these expectations, then I will do the following:
  • First Offense: I will give you a warning and I expect the behavior to be corrected.
  • Second Offense: I will call or email parents and the administration about your behavior.
  • Third Offense: Further corrective action will be required which may include a referral to the office. If the behavior persists beyond a telephone call home or it is a major infraction, I will send you to an administrator.

Cell Phones?

  • Not while I am teaching. This is rude and disrespectful!!!
  • You may use it to listen to music WHILE working independently. You may not listen to music while I am teaching.

End of class?


Seating Arrangements?

  • You will have assigned seats. This is not negotiable.

Food, drinks, and gum?

  • They are fine but do not leave trash in the room. If you make a mess, clean it up!!


  • You are to watch the videos, NOT SLEEP or PLAY ON YOUR PHONE, and answer the questions which go along with the video.

Extra credit?

  • Don’t even ask!!! If you do all of your work and turn it in you should pass the class.


  • You can download the IC app on your phone or you can ask me after class. Do not ask during class because the answer will be no!!

Miss a day of school?

  • If you miss a day, the work will be in the folder as you walk into the room. If for some reason it is not, please ask.

Graded assignments?

  • Please give me at least one week to get assignments graded. I will return assignments to you asap.


  • I would like to have most of the work completed in the classroom. If the class does not utilize their time appropriately, you will find that less time will be given to complete work in class and more to homework. Group work?
  • For group work opportunities, I expect everyone to be working and following the expectations for group work. Each person will have an assigned task and it will be their duty to see that it gets done. Students choosing not to work will see this reflected in their grade and may receive an alternative assignment.

Sub for the class?

  • I take behavior when I am gone very seriously. Do NOT misbehave for a sub—plain and simple. I expect your

behavior to be superior and whatever the assignment is that I leave for you to be done.

I will be posting announcements on my webpage which is on the school webpage.

Check Below:

______I approve for Mrs. Hollon to communicate with me via email concerning the grades and behavior of my


______I do not approve Mrs. Hollon to communicate with me via email concerning the grades and behavior of my


Email address: ______


(Student’s Signature)(Parent/Guardian’s Signature)