Heightening the Imagination

OMAthrough Frankie Z Avery

Imagination is the ordination of reality. Imagination is the seed of all life. Without imagination life is merely one of existence. Imagination is textures, colors, ceremonies, and places beyond the stars, the depth of the oceans, and the embers that kindle desire to find Divine Source within and outside of self. Imagination…heart that strokes beauty…wand that orchestrates rhythms of the universe

So OMA* will speak to you of imagination. We shall speak of imagination that is born of the Divine Heart, the new chakra opening in humankind.. If it is of a goodness to you, we will give you exercises. The exercises will not only expand the capacity of your imagination but also expand the capacity of your interpretation of your imagination, of how to apply it for your everyday significant aliveness

So take your head off your shoulders! Place it firmly under your arm. Do not let it scamper back on top of your shoulders. And listen to your heart! Listen to your heart, not the prevarications of your emotions. Emotions will always lie to you. Your heart is the generator of all that is true in your biological experience. Your heart sets your feet on a true path. Your emotions will always lie to you. And your head will randomly choose which to follow. And as always, if OMA's words do not fall lightly upon your heart, cast them out as you would any other philosophy that is questionable to you.

It is not only important that you have an imagination but that you can use your imagination. Most people are not even aware until adulthood that one exists. Or if they do, people are wont to ask what is wrong with them. The truth is that whether you are conscious of it or not, you are always alive in your imagination. But do not confuse perception with imagination.

The nature of imagination is always expanding. The nature of perception by its very nature is one of boundary, one of limitation, and one of condensation. OMA will say to you that inside your capacity for imagination rests the best of you, the verybest of you. Invest in your imagination. It is your ability to unleash energies of imagination that will determine the magnificence of your future.

If you will take these lessons to heart, and use the techniques we share with you, you will expand the state of being you arguably refer to as freedom.. You will expand your capacity for receiving the glorious joys, benefits, and fruits of a material world. You will also, if you do these techniques with some order and discipline, expand your ability to move to and through other dimensions, both of time and of space. Is this good? Yes.

It is all a matter of various exercises. This is something that you can study all you care to, and nothing will change. Unless you put these exercises into a working order for yourself and do them, you will see no change. Yet the exercises that we give you are without a doubt the most life-altering and expanding exercises that we have ever given you. And so we highly recommend that you do these.

Exercises to Heighten Imagination

  1. Open the Body – 4 Claps 3 times

Rise to your feet.

Hold your hands at shoulder height, palms out.

Breathe. Hold and breathe.

Clap your hands purposefully four times.

Then hold them open and breathe.

Repeat for a series of three times

(With this striking four times in a series of three you bring to attention your physical world. You tell it at that moment to release all other tensions and all other focus. Your shoulders relax and your neck lengthens. You expand from chin to stomach. You are opening these energy centers. You are in truth opening your physical body. Imagination rests within your physical body.)

  1. Water Circle – Um Pa Day (Have a container of water nearby.)
  • Sit. Rest your non-dominant hand palm up, thumb to middle two fingers.

Dip the two middle fingers of your dominant hand in water.

  • Breathe and trace a circle to the left (clockwise) around the center

of your forehead with the two wet fingers, other fingers out.

Circle until fingers begin to drag.

  • Then hold dominant hand up about even with your ear. Breathe.

(Feel your eyelids adjusting. Your arm will self-adjust to the place where lungs can most expand. A wave of tingle may move down your torso as your body settles.)

  • Cup hands, rest on knees with palms up.

Chant (about 9x)UM PA DAY

(Yum Pad Dhe These ancient tones invoke peace on the planet as well.)

  • Place hands on heart, dominant on top. Breathe.

Hold palms up to receive, at shoulder height. Breathe.

Return to lap, breathe.

  • Finish by wiggling, like an animal shaking off water.

(Imagination is movement. This expands the capacity for imagery and perception of beauty. Sounds may seem more distinct.)

  1. Remove any Block - Remember the Light
  • Sit up straight in chair
  • With non-dominant ankle crossed over dominant ankle.

Sitting straight, draw your legs well back.

(Feel a slight vertigo. Being blocked is a stillness, non-mobility.

You move to open up waves of energy.)

Place palms on thighs. Breathe.

(Be aware of awkwardness in your beating heart.)

  • Hold arms out, cross dominant arm over so palms clasp, fingers interlace.

(Keep your outside framework still so your inside will rock.

You may feel the momentum in your collarbone.

As you continue breathing the momentum will cease.)

Keep arms clasped. Uncross your legs. Breathe awhile.

  • Then cross dominant ankle over other ankle. Breathe.

Rest hands on thighs, palms up.

  • Hold arms out, cross non-dominant arm over dominant,

clasp palms, lace fingers. Breathe. (Any stress will self-correct.)

Open hands, palms up, rest on legs.

Place feet flat on floor.

  • Chant: (~14x)Remember the Light.
  • After the chant, lower head.

Breathe while body regains its new self.

(You have awakened the fires of creation.)

  • Stand up and shimmy.
  1. Anti-Impossibility, Anti-Chaos Stomp - Awaken the Dreamer
  • Stand (or sit)

Bring arms out in front, palms together, thumbs out.

  • Stomp your right foot with authority.

Then stomp your left foot.

Continue deliberately, slowly.

(Focus on the sound of each foot as you keep pace.

Listen for the differences. Sense your chest.)

  • Lower your hands to your side and stop stomping.

Place dominant hand over heart, other hand on top.

Keep your thumbs pointing skyward.

Breathe. Sense heart.

(As your exhale, move your awareness down into your heart.

You may feel thirst and droopiness in your shoulders. Loosen your neck.)

  • Hold hands out, palms skyward, thumbs out.

Chant many times (~12x): Awaken the dream.

Raise hands to shoulder height.

Change to chant: Awaken the dreamer.

Awaken the dreamer….

Place dominant hand over heart, other hand on top.

Chant again:

Awaken the dream.

Awaken the dream….

  • Open hands palms up about waist high.

Close with prayer:It is in blessed gratitude that I am Here!

*Who, what is Oma? OMA is a group of spirits who say they have never been in body. They seem to have extra-ordinary powers of observation to retrieve answers to balance body and soul. Their inspirations are scribed in ancient places in Tibet, Egypt and Gaza. It is their service to the Divine to help people complement their daily lives. Psychic and astrologer Frankie Z Avery has trance channeled this information vortex for over 20 years. Print outs of sound frequency readings on Frankie and OMA (through Frankie in trance) are distinctly different.

© OMA Group 6 June 2003

The OMA Group

5201 Asheville Hwy

Knoxville TN 37914

(865) 368-6828, 688-0110

article submitted 12 April 2004 to

Devra, Eastern Spirit Publishing Inc.
Mystic Pop Magazine
224 Hillsdale Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28403