Special Olympics is committed to the highest ideals of sport and expects all athletes to honor sports and Special Olympics. All Special Olympics athletes and Unified Partners agree to the following code:


  1. I will practice good sportsmanship.
  2. I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my coaches, my team, and Special Olympics.
  3. I will not swear or use bad language.
  4. I will not insult other persons.
  5. I will not fight with other athletes, coaches, volunteers or staff.


  1. I will train regularly.
  2. I will attend practices and competitions as scheduled, arriving on time and ready to actively participate.
  3. I will learn and follow the rules of my sport.
  4. I will listen to my coaches and the officials, and ask questions when I do not understand.
  5. I will always try my best during training, divisioning and competitions.
  6. I will not “hold” back in preliminaries just to get into an easier final heat.


  1. I will take personal responsibility for my hygiene.
  2. I will not make inappropriate or unwanted physical, verbal or sexual advances on others.
  3. I will not drink alcohol, use marijuana, or take illegal drugs while representing Special Olympics at any events; including training sessions, competition, during Games, or other Special Olympics-sponsored events. I will refrain from using tobacco or electronic cigarettes in restricted areas.
  4. I will not take drugs for the purpose of improving my performance.
  5. I will obey all laws and Special Olympics rules.

I understand that if I violate the Code of Conduct, I will be subject to a range of consequences, up to and including being prohibited from participating in Special Olympics.


Signature of athlete Date

ature of athlete Date
l Olympics at training sessions, competition or d______

Printed name of athlete