Oversight and Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2009


President Sarah Collins, of Dominion, opened the March 25, 2009 teleconference meeting of the Executive Committee at 10:00AM. Also connected on the call were Vice President Robin Divers, Secretary Charlene Vallandingham, and Oversight Committee members John Causey and Randy Shilling.

1.  Approval of minutes from February 24, 2009 meeting – Sarah Collins made a motion to accept the minutes, John Causey seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted unanimously.

2.  Finances

A.  Current Financial Report by Treasurer – Cathy Flinn provided the February 2009 Balance Sheet and Income Statement via email. The reports are listed following the minutes. The only expense listed was for the website.

B.  Audit status:

1)  2006 & 2007 – George Love was emailed but did not respond. It is possible that George contacted Cathy Flinn but she was unable to attend this meeting.

2)  2008 – Janet Summerville’s return to Virginia has been delayed until early April 2009 and Sarah will contact her then to discuss a new timeline.

3.  Status of 2009 renewals – To date, 54 members have renewed and John is now receiving new registrations as PDF files from Cathy. John still needs copies of early renewals and will request these from Cathy. John will also receive a list of email addresses from Steve Stump to make updates where necessary.

4.  First User Group meeting will be on April 21, 2009 (2:30PM).

A.  Kim Taylor, Chesterfield County Schools has volunteered to give a 2 hour presentation on functions. This will be an Intermediate to Advanced class on functions and converting fields.

B.  Survey results were requested by March 20, 2009 and 23 members responded. Kim has targeted her presentation based on the survey results.

C.  Capital One has volunteered to host the meeting at the Westcreek Campus. Sarah will email Kim and Charlene to determine how Kim will access ACL at Capital One (local copy or internet required). Charlene will also need a list of attendees in advance for Security.

D.  Sarah will send an email to Steve Stump for distribution containing the class information and a reminder for renewals.

5.  Training proposal for 2009

A.  Beginner’s class in late spring – Greg Thomas was contacted but no prices were made available. Sarah will call him again and this class may have to be moved to early summer.

B.  Intermediate class early fall – No discussion.

6.  Ideas for quarterly meeting topics:

A.  Discussed possibility of half day training class with Greg. Quote is still to be provided.

B.  Benford’s – Need to contact Gary Martin to determine who provided training on Benford’s a few years ago. Since Charley was not on the call and there was no further discussion on this topic.

7.  Web updates – The 2006 documents have been deleted and the 2009 minutes will be loaded. John and Randy will work together on the website changes. The fee paid in February was to retain the domain name for three years. This is a separate issue from using EarthLink. John has had some problems using this web hosting provider and there was discussion about other providers available. Space is not an issue currently but questions remained about the existence of a contract and the possibility of incurring a termination fee. Robin will check on pricing and specifications for another provider, Blue Voda, and comparing this information to EarthLink.

8.  Feedback on By-law modifications – Sarah continues to work on the modifications and this item was postponed to the next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectively submitted, Approved on ______:

Charlene Vallandingham, Secretary ______

February 2009 Balance Sheet


Acct Balance


Cash and Bank Accounts

Checking 23,233.57

TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts 23,233.57

Other Assets

Prepaid Expenses 0.00

TOTAL Other Assets 0.00

TOTAL ASSETS 23,233.57



Other Liabilities

Accounts Payable 782.00

Prepaid Application Fee 0.00

Prepaid Dues 0.00

Prepaid Registration 0.00

TOTAL Other Liabilities 782.00


EQUITY 22,451.57


February 2009 Income Statement


Category Description 2/28/09


Web Site 39.90