Cell Manual for the week ofMay 8th 2016

(Based on Sermon by Pastor Kwame Yeboah)


Scripture Text:1Kings 3:9-16&18-26


One of the most important things a man can do for his children is to love their mother. The origin of mother’s day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans; however in our current dayAnna Jarvis tirelessly championed the caused that all mothers whether dead or alive must be honored.

Points of Discussion

Why do we honour our mothers?

We honour our mothers because we are commanded to do so- Exodus 20:12

For the sacrifices they’ve made, or are making

For the unconditional love they show us

For praying for us in season and out of season

For their compassion

For loving us when we are sometimes unlovable

For believing in us when no one else does

For never giving up on us

Let us examine a few examples in the bible where the mothers reacted in ways that mothers of today react.

1 Kings 3:9-16-King Solomon’s first test in judgement. The mothers were bold to come before the king regarding the issue of the living child. The mother of the living child showed compassion and was willing to give him to the other mother to spare his life. Lesson: Don’t get too caught up in only what pertains to your children, motherhood is not limited to your own children. The woman of the dead child said cut the child in two, she lacked compassion because the child wasn’t hers.

Ex 2v2-6- is the story of Moses mother- Lesson: Moses’ mother was a brave woman .She saw something in her son even from a young age, so by faith she took the risk to save him, she showed a lot of courage.

Matthew 15:21-28- this Canaanite mother cried out to Jesus for help for her demon possessed daughter. This mother showed great faith. Lesson: no matter who we are God honours our faith.

Matthew 20:20-24 the mother of Zebedee’s sons, showed great boldness. It’s good to show boldnessLesson:we must be careful that we don’t push our children into things that God did not ordain for them. Instead ask God to let His will be done for our children.

What we need to know…

Honour your mother, whether or not they deserve to be honoured.

Whatever you sow whether good or bad you will reap

 Extend compassion beyond your own children and family

 The honour you bestow on others is the same honour that will be bestowed on you

Wives do not stop your husbands from honouring their mother

Before a woman becomes a mother, she is first a woman. Therefore, to be a mother one doesn’t have to bear children. In fact,the woman who startedthe mother’s day celebration was not a mother. This mother’s day we celebrate all women for all the wonderful things they do to make our lives better.