Jobs Action Network campaigning meeting

7th February, 2011

People at the meeting:

John Rylance and Janine Sewell (Wokingham)

Nicholas Anthony (Eton)-Windsor and Maidenhead

Norma Machray (Ways into Work)-Windsor and Maidenhead Peter Jost (Slough)

Dave Morris (Slough)

Pat Chandler (Slough)

Joel Taylor (Slough)

Angela Cassidy (Slough)

Deborah (Portsmouth)

Chris (Portsmouth)

Sam (Portsmouth)

Steven Chapman, Laura Maude and Peter Bland

Which areas where there?

Kent, Reading, Portsmouth, Wokingham, Windsor, Maidenhead and Slough

Everyone looked through the last minutes.

What are you doing in your area?

People spoke about what they have been doing in their area:

Joel (Slough)-Works in ASDA on a Wednesday and Friday, this is paid work.

David (Slough)-Works for Speedwell and is paid 3 days per week.

Pat (Slough)-Works for Speedwell and is a volunteer 5 days per week.

Janine (Wokingham)-Works as a receptionist at Acorn Centre, this is for 2 days per week. Janine also works as a volunteer for Growing Places.

Sam (Portsmouth) - Works as a volunteer in a Community Café called Enham, but this is closing down on 18th February as it has no more funding. Sam also goes to Portsmouth Advocacy Group.

Deborah (Portsmouth)-Works as a volunteer for Portsmouth Advocacy Group.

Chris (Portsmouth) - Is at college and is learning about independent living skills, Chris would like to have a job and work with boats.

Nicholas (Maidenhead)-Works at the town hall cleaning and taking orders on a Friday 9am-2.30pm. Nicholas also works for Eton School and Lego Land. This is all paid work.

What campaigning/speaking up type work have you done in your area?

From notes collected at the meeting:

·  Talking about people getting paid work.

·  Lack of support for benefits and choices of employment.

·  Protests in London.

·  Making links with local charities and employers.

·  Trying to make more opportunities within the councils.

·  Disability awareness day.

·  Pelican crossing near Speedwell.

·  Text service for taxis, for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

·  Sickness policy for people that are disabled, within the council, the council need to be aware of people’s needs.

·  Disability Forum within the councils.

Our Future plans and campaign

We looked at what people had discussed last time and decided to concentrate on campaigning to the Job Centre Plus. These are the problems that people are facing:

·  People think that the Disability Employment Advisors need training as they do not seem to understand people’s needs.

·  The Job Centre is an unfriendly place to go.

·  The jobs that people are offered are not right for people’s specific needs.

·  People feel that they are just there to tick boxes!

·  People are confused about changes in benefits.

·  People feel that there is bad communication at the Job Centre, this includes when trying to contact the Job Centre on the phone, this is not accessible.

What next?

From notes collected at the meeting:

People decided that they wanted to campaign about the Job Centre Plus and how they think it should be better. These are the things that people are going to do:

·  Get in contact with the Government, to let them know how we are feeling.

·  Take this issue to people’s local Speaking Up Groups/Advocacy Groups.

·  Talk to your local Partnership Boards.

·  At the next campaigning group meeting, invite someone from the Job Centre.

·  Write and send a letter about the issues that people are facing at the Job Centre and everyone to e-mail this out in your local area.

·  Send information to local newsletters.

·  Arrange a meeting with the person that over see’s the Job Centre in the South East.

·  Feedback to the DWP.

·  Find ways to educate and train the Disability Employment Advisors.


Everyone watched the Ways into Work (Windsor and Maidenhead) D.V.D.

Social Media

People also looked at the Facebook page.

Facebook Page:!/pages/Jobs-Action-Network-Campaigning-Group

People added:

“People need to think about what you are able to do and not what you can’t do”

For More information please contact:

Steven Chapman: 07903 534634

Laura Maude: 07921 040027

Date of next meeting:

Monday, May 23rd, 2011 in Reading (Venue to be confirmed)
