Sample Company Physical Activity Policy

Sample Company encourages all employees to engage in regular physical activity during their work day.* Employees are supported through the following:

[Below are various policies]

  1. Active Meeting Policy: Long (full shift) meetings will include a set amount of time (15 minutes minimum) for physical activity breaks that include stretching, walking, or calisthenics. All meetings will include short breaks of standing or calisthenics (for 2 to 3 minutes in duration) after each 30 minutes of sitting.
  2. Flexible Working Hours Policy: To accommodate individual preferences and needs for participating in physical activity, employees of Sample Company will be permitted to flex their work day within the following times: start: between 6:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.; finish: between 3:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Employees are also permitted to extend their lunch hour to 1.5 hours to participate in physical activity, if the time is made up during the day. Employees must establish their flexed start, finish and lunch time schedules with their immediate supervisors.
  3. Dedicated Physical Activity Time Policy: Employees are allowed 90 minutes per week to engage in physical activity during paid time while assuring all primary job duties are accomplished. The usage of this benefit must be approved by supervisors in advance to allow for work scheduling.
  4. Active Transportation Policy: Employees are encouraged to participate in active transportation to and from work. Participating employees who meet the criteria will receive the Bicycle Commuter Tax Benefit for each month that they participate. Employees may receive up to $20 per month for reasonable expenses incurred in conjunction with biking to work.

Education and Implementation

1. The Sample Company physical activity policy will be posted in employee break rooms, promoted through multiple communication channels, and presented at new employee orientations to inform all employees.

2. Employees interested in engaging in physical activity may seek additional information from (human resources, worksite wellness coordinator or wellness champion) or access this policy at (insert website or location).

Consequences for Noncompliance

All employees of Sample Company are expected to comply with this policy and obtain supervisor approval. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.Compliance does not mean all employees are forced to be active; however, the listed policies are only intended for those who utilize the time to be active.

Supervisors/managers who do not allow employees to take part in policy will face disciplinary action.

*If an employee sustains an injury while engaging in physical activity related to above stated policies, it will not be considered workers compensation.