Required fields are in bold.
Please mark your Boston College status:
()BC graduate student()BC employee()Other affiliation with BC
Birth date [mm-dd-yyyy]:
Cellphone number:
Home AddressStreet number and name:
Zip code:
How did youlearn aboutthe Arrupe program?
Have you everappliedto serve as an Arrupe Mentor?
If so, during which academic year did you apply?
Have you everparticipatedas a staff leader/mentor/chaperone for any other international faith/service/immersiontrip while at Boston College or elsewhere?
If yes: to which country(ies) did you travel; with which sponsoring organization did you travel; very briefly, how would you describe the nature of this trip(s)(i.e. accompanying an undergrad students group, a parish teen group, etc;community service-focused, etc.)?

What degree of proficiency do you have with Spanish?
()No Spanish()Basic knowledge( )Proficient reading ability, some conversation()Some fluency()Native ability fluency
Please list any relevant experience you have had, separated by commas, as related to the following categories:

  • Leadership and mentorship experience (especially with undergraduate students at BC or elsewhere)
  • International, cross-cultural and faith/service/education immersion experience
  • Experience with any faith- or spirituality-based programs and activities (including retreats and faith-sharing groups)
  • Social justice-related programs and activities, or community service-related programs and activities
  • Relevant courses taken and/or training received, etc.

Please rank your first three preference(s) – if you have any – from among the following Arrupe-sponsored trips. As you rank the options, please know that while we try to honor each applicant’s stated preference(s), we may not be able to do so for everyone.
NOTE:In matching an Arrupe Mentor Candidate with a particular program, and with the program’s Student Leaders and co-Arrupe Mentor, it’s helpful for the Selection Committee if Candidates are ultimately “open to any program,” so that we can match Leadership Team members with each other based on perceived chemistry, unique gifts, skills and experience, etc.
NOTE:There may be additional Arrupe trip destinations which are not listed below, and some of those listed may not end up being a destination.
Trip preference #1
()Belize()Chile()Dominican Republic()Ecuador()US/Mexico border()Guatemala()Morelos, Mexico()Puebla, Mexico()Nicaragua
Trip preference #2
()Belize()Chile()Dominican Republic()Ecuador()US/Mexico border()Guatemala()Morelos, Mexico()Nicaragua()Puebla, Mexico
Trip preference #3
()Belize()Chile()Dominican Republic()Ecuador()US/Mexico border()Guatemala()Morelos, Mexico()Nicaragua()Puebla, Mexico
If you are NOT open to participating in a particular trip, please indicate which trip here. :

COMMITMENTNOTE: You must be physically at Boston College during both the FALL 2018 and SPRING 2019 semesters in order to serve as an Arrupe Mentor.
Serving as an Arrupe Mentor for an Arrupe international immersion program involves about a year-long commitment (with little happening June-August) which includes preparation for and follow up after an Arrupe winter break trip.

Part of this commitment includes:

  • Participating in aspects of theParticipant selection processbetween the last week of March and the end of the spring semester, including a 2-3 hour training in March
  • Selecting and interviewing Participant candidates, selecting Participants, and getting to know one's leadership team, etc.
  • Participating in an Arrupe Mentor Orientation/Retreatat some point during the week before Labor Day/the fall semester
  • Periodic Mentor Luncheons
  • Weekly Leadership Team Meetingswith the 2 Student Leaders and 2 Mentors for the particular Arrupe program (1 hour & 15 min. per week, time determined by the leadership team)
  • Weekly Small Community Meetingsfor the particular Arrupe program (2 hours per week, time determined by leadership team during the Participant selection process)
  • Weekly one-on-one “Emmaus Walks” with a different Participanteach week, for the particular Arrupe program (1 hour per week, time determined by the 2 people)
  • Pre-Trip Weekend Retreat(during a BC non-home football game weekend in September)
  • Post-Trip Retreat(during a weekend in Jan./Feb.)
  • A few otherArrupe Events(Commissioning Mass, Solidarity Project, Teach-in day, etc.).

Expect the total commitment to be about 5-6 hours per week (not including the 7-9 day trip at the end of winter break, Pre-Trip Retreat, and Post-Trip Retreat).
Before applying to an Arrupe program, you and your family need to be aware that there are several health and safety risks associated with traveling to the destinations visited through this program.Please check theU.S. Department of State’s assessmentof traveling to these destinations, theCenters for Disease Control’s assessmentof traveling to these destinations, and consider your own physical and psychological/mental/emotional health before applying. Should you choose to participate in a program, you will need to continue to check these websites for updates, as these assessments may change before a trip departs.
During a trip, participants are expected to embrace “living simply.”Part of what this means is eating food that may not be familiar or plentiful, sleeping in beds or other places that are less comfortable than what might be accustomed to, getting dirty, bathing rarely, experiencing limited personal space, and possibly getting sick. Participants also may find themselves in situations that could instigate allergies, or not be able to accommodate dietary preferences, etc. Another aspect of the notion of “living simply” involves exploring our society’s and each of our own consumerist tendencies, and what this means regarding living a life with and for others.
Prayer, reflection, journaling, and sharing with each other are core aspects of this experience before, during, and after the trip.While Arrupe programs are open to people of any faith tradition, they are influenced by the Catholic tradition, and Catholic liturgies are a part of the experience. Each participant is expected to participate in this aspect of the experience, share about her/his faith, in all of its joys and struggles and questions, and to explore how faith, and the gifts they have been given connect to living in solidarity with all people, especially those who experience marginalization.

In order to be fully present to the experience, an Arrupe Mentor needs to be in adequate physical and mental health.
Do you have any health or medical conditions, or mental, psychological, or emotional health issues, which you believe might prevent you from being able to fully serve as an Arrupe Mentor?
If yes, please provide a brief and general explanation: Note: Responding to this question positively does not mean that you are not eligible to serve as an Arrupe Mentor. Your comments will remain confidential among selection committee members.

Please provide the name, title, relation, phone number(s) and e-mail address(es) of 2 references who you believe know you well and would be willing and able to speak to us about
1) your personal character and integrity,
2) your ‘readiness’ to serve as an Arrupe Mentor for the BC undergraduate students of an Arrupe program, and
3) your ability to fulfill the required commitment.
Reference #1 Name:
Reference #1 Title:
Reference #1 Relation to You:
Reference #1 Phone Number:
Reference #1 Email Address:
Reference #2 Name:
Reference #2 Title:
Reference #2 Relation to You:
Reference #2 Phone Number:
Reference #2 Email Address:
ESSAY *please note that you will be uploading the essay as an attachment. Please save the file as a Word document with the file named exactly in this format:Lastname_Firstname_MentorApp
Please keep the total of your responses to the questions to no more than 3 double-spaced pages. In your responses, please help us to get to know you: Reveal a little of who you are, why you are seeking this experience, and why you feel you are ready for it. Tell us a little of your story, use anecdotes and examples if possible. Thank you!

  • What motivates you to want to serve as an Arrupe Mentor?
  • What are some gifts that you believe you would bring to the role? What personal challenges do you foresee in serving in this capacity?
  • What does it mean to live "a faith that does justice"? In what ways are you attempting to do this?
  • The Mentor role involves a relatively small but significant time commitment - an average of 5-6 hours per week. How do you imagine yourself being able to dedicate the time it takes to effectively support and challenge the program's Student Leaders?