DHL Express Logistic Platform v2.0

DHL Express Logistic Platform v2.0

User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. Getting Started 3

3. Home 5

4. My ELP 6

4.1 Create Booking (Customer Service) 6

4.2 How ELP Booking Works - Overview 7

4.3 Create Booking / Collect (Customer Service) 8

A: Collect / Shipper information 8

B: Collect / Collection address (For “Delivery Supply Collect “shipments, this section is called: Other Collect Address Leg 2) 10

C: Collect / Repair Vendor / For “Medical Express” shipments, this section is called: Laboratory 10

E: Collect / Dangerous goods 11

F: Collect / Shipping Services 12

H: Collection date 15

4.4 Create Booking / Return (Customer Service) 16

4.5 Create Booking / Delivery of Packaging; Collect and Return 16

A: Supplier address 16

B: Delivery address 17

4.6 Create Booking / Delivery Supply, Collect - NEW 17

4.7 Search Booking (Customer Service) 18

4.8 Search Booking 18

4.9 Shipment Details 20

4.9.1 Shipment Details 21

4.9.2 Cancel 21

4.9.3 Modify 21

4.9.4 Rebook 21

4.9.5 Booking Collect 22

4.10 Packaging Supplier (3 leg return type) 22

4.11 Supplier 23

4.12 Repair Vendor 23

4.13 Pre Print Label 26

5. Logout 27

1.  Introduction

The target for the implementation of the Express Logistic Platform (ELP) application is to provide a new framework for the communication with DHL and its customers in the area of reverse logistics. This user documentation has been prepared in order to enable smooth training and support for the main user groups, describing the functionality of the user interface. A general introduction into the ELP application and the purpose of the system is not included.

2.  Getting Started

This is the login page. Enter your username and the password and click on the button "Login". The password should be at least 8 characters long using numbers and characters and contain at least 1 capital letter. When logging in for the first time you will be asked to change your password.

After the login the main menu of ELP will be loaded. In the menu (Menu) bar you can see items, which are public, or were assigned to you. If you need access to other pages, please contact your DHL system administrator. Each party can access and see different menu points depending on what role is assigned to that login by the administrator.

Menu: The menu bar is the central gate to the services of the program and the program functions. The menu will vary per user. It will depend on the rights of the user. Please, contact your DHL system administrator if single menu items that you need do not exist for you.

In ELP you can access the following menus:

Home: the direct link to the homepage of ELP.

My ELP: contains the menu items Create Booking, Search Booking, Customer Service, Operations, Repair vendor, Packaging Supplier, Supplier and Preprint Label.

Admin Setup: Only for DHL System Administrators

ELP Reporting: The menu option is only available for the person who has been set up with the appropriate access right. If you need to access the overall reports, and cannot see the option here, please contact your DHL system administrator.

Logout: logs off the user. After clicking on this menu item the login page is displayed.

3.  Home

Once successfully logged in the main window of the ELP opens. You can see the menu options you have been granted access to. In case any of the menu items you wish to use is missing, kindly contact your DHL System Administrator.

Please note: You’ll only see the buttons that you need:

Create Booking: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Create Booking.

Search Booking: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Search Booking

Customer Service: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Customer Service

Operations: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Operations

Repair Vendor / Laboratory: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Repair Vendor

Packaging Supplier: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Packaging Supplier

Supplier: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Supplier

Preprint Label: you will be redirected to the page My ELP > Preprint Label

4.  My ELP

4.1  Create Booking (Customer Service)

The menu item My ELP > Create Booking leads to the booking functions in the ELP. Here you will be able to perform a new booking.

At the top of the page the company customer program is displayed if this has been previously set up on customer level. Under the name there are three drop downs: Customer, Customer Program and Return type. The drop down menu item is displayed only if there are multiple selections available. If you have only one available Customer, Customer program, or Return Type, the software will skip that step, and begin with the booking creation immediately.

Customer Program: the list of the customer programs, which are accessible for the currently logged user.

Return type: The list shows possible return types depending on the customer program. The menu is only displayed if more than one return type is availble. This is set by the administrator.

Return type choices:

The Create Booking screen is divided into several sections. The sections shown are dependent on which return type was selected in the choice list "Return type". One to maximum three other sections are displayed: Supply, Collect and Return.

4.2  How ELP Booking Works - Overview

1.  The Supply leg is only displayed in case there is a special (packaging) supplier who will deliver the packaging material for the end-consumer prior to the collect leg.

2.  The Collect leg needs to be filled with the end-consumer information, and additional settings if needed.

3.  The Return leg usually holds the same information as the Collect leg, only backwards, thus this section needs editing only in case the Return information differs.

-  The software will do a validation every time a new booking is made. ELP will check if the ZIP codes ares valid and what service is available for the chosen origin – destination selection.

-  ELP will also check the earliest available date when the pickup can be performed. This is same day (no packaging or paperwork delivery by DHL for same day bookings) or any future date, excluding national holidays and weekends.

-  The following information is being verified by ELP: Country, Postal code and City.

-  Furthermore it is required to enter valid products and valid shipment pieces for the booked legs.

-  A capability check will run automatically once allmandatory fields are filled in and a pickup date is chosen (see section Collect / Collection date).

-  The error message displayed below means that the booking cannot be performed, because the service, the date, or the ZIP code / city / country combination is not valid. If you need assistance in this case, please contact your DHL representative for quick help.

The color of the input fields on the screen has the following meaning:

Red – the mandatory field, which is not filled out, or filled out incorrectly

White – the field is filled out, or not mandatory.

4.3  Create Booking / Collect (Customer Service)

-  To perform a new booking, you will have to type in the shipper’s address for the Collect part. The section is split on several areas, which can be opened with a mouse click.

-  Sections that have fields that need mandatory information input, will be automatically dropped down.

A: Collect / Shipper information

Address books can be uploaded to ELP . To save an address you typed into the shipper information section, simply press the button, and the address will be saved to the address book. Please note that the administrator needs to assign the right to change address book entries to a user.

To load an address, simply start typing the customer’s name: ELP will search for that name in the database, and in case a matching entry has been found, auto populate all address fields,.

ELP validates the correctness of addresses as the user types the information in the fields.

-  Please note, that the validation here is only a recommendation, and bookings can be completed despite the fact that in some cases, the validation may fail. When all information is given, the address check will run:

o  The mark means a successful validation.

o  The status messages provide advice to recheck certain part of the address:

o  If you are sure that the given address is correct, you can skip the advice boxes, and make the booking.

o  In some cases, unusual formats and ZIP codes can occur which cannot be validated via this service. This is why we suggest you to take the Address Status field as a suggestion only.

o  In case the Shipper country (and/or the repair vendor) is a country without a ZIP code system (eg. Ireland), the city qualifier field is displayed instead of the zip code to give the appropriate city for pickup and/or delivery.

-  The RMA / Shipper Reference field holds the reference number that will link the various transport legs in a multi leg process together. Customers will be able to track the shipment process across multiple legs via this number. This field is mandatory in ELP.

-  The Email, Cell Phone or Fax fields become mandatory if you choose to send out a booking confirmation to the end customer via email or text message. Email is also mandatory for same day bookings.

-  In case of email, ELP also sends transport label and additional paperwork (where needed) to the shipper.
Please note: it is not mandatory for the end-consumer (shipper) to print out the documents, as the DHL courier arriving to the customer will have the pre-printed label and the needed packaging with him, if required. (In case DHL packaging is used). Only in case of Same Day Pick up will the shipper need to print the paperwork himself.

-  In case of text messages (SMS) or Fax, the end-user will be notified that there will be a pickup at his place on a given day.

-  Based on the chosen Pick Up country ELP will choose the country’s language as default. This defines which language is chosen for the shipper work instructions sent with the paperwork. The language can be changed via the dropdown menu.

Cell phone numbers have to be in the international +XXX format and at least 8 digits long!

-  Tick Residential if necessary.

B: Collect / Collection address (For “Delivery Supply Collect “shipments, this section is called: Other Collect Address Leg 2)

-  If shipper address and the collection address differ, it can be defined here. This address is by default the same as the address in the section Shipper information. If the shipment should be picked up from another address (e.g., at the workplace), you can enter it here. Please, activate the checkbox “Differs from shipper address”. After the activation some input fields will be visible, where the new address can be entered.

-  All the fields here are exactly the same as on the Shipper information screen (please refer to the section above).

C: Collect / Repair Vendor / For “Medical Express” shipments, this section is called: Laboratory

1.  The Repair Vendor / Laboratory address will be pre-set by the DHL System Administrator at the time of the program set up . If more Repair Vendor addresses are available use the drop-down menu to choose the repair provider from the list.

If you are missing your Repair Vendor / Laboratory from the list, or if the address seems to be incorrect, please contact your DHL system administrator, who can correct the settings.

Collect and Return:

Medical Express:

E: Collect / Dangerous goods

In case the shipment belongs to any Dangerous Goods classification, this section needs to be ticked.

If all shipments within the customer program contain Dangerous Goods, than the DHL system administrator can pre-fill this section.

1.  In case all shipments are DG (Dangerous Goods), and this section is filled out, you can move to the next section.

2.  In case all shipments are DG, and this section is not filled out, please contact the DHL system administrator.

3.  In case only some of the shipments are DG, you will have to fill this section when performing a booking.

o  In this case, please tick the Declare Dangerous Goods menu item.

o  ELP v 2.0 can handle Lithium Batteries and Life Science specific Dangerous Good types

o  Declare the Classification of the goods.

o  You can give a Contact Name and Contact telephone that can be contacted in case of emergency.

Collect and Return:

Medical Express:

F: Collect / Shipping Services

In this section, you can set the Insurance and the shipping service. You can also see the DHL account numbers displayed for import and export.

DHL Product: Once you’ve chosen the desired Pick Up date you can choose the DHL product you would like to use for the specified shipment move.

All available DHL products allowed for the specific return program will be shown. Your main shipping product should appear here by default. If the default product is not available you have to choose another product from the drop down list.

-  If you need different DHL Products or Services for your shipments, please contact the DHL system administrator.

-  Optional Services: You can see here the different optional services available, for example Shipper’s Insurance or Delivery Duty Paid, etc..

-  Box Type: In addition to selecting different box types, for Medical Express shipments ELP can handle different dry ice types in this section.

-  Dry Ice Net Weight (Medical Express return type): The dry ice net weight has to be defined.

-  Other Supplies: You can select different optional supplies here such as pressure bags or absorbent sleeves for medical express shipments.